15 research outputs found

    On the Complexity and Approximation of Binary Evidence in Lifted Inference

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    Lifted inference algorithms exploit symmetries in probabilistic models to speed up inference. They show impressive performance when calculating unconditional probabilities in relational models, but often resort to non-lifted inference when computing conditional probabilities. The reason is that conditioning on evidence breaks many of the model's symmetries, which can preempt standard lifting techniques. Recent theoretical results show, for example, that conditioning on evidence which corresponds to binary relations is #P-hard, suggesting that no lifting is to be expected in the worst case. In this paper, we balance this negative result by identifying the Boolean rank of the evidence as a key parameter for characterizing the complexity of conditioning in lifted inference. In particular, we show that conditioning on binary evidence with bounded Boolean rank is efficient. This opens up the possibility of approximating evidence by a low-rank Boolean matrix factorization, which we investigate both theoretically and empirically.Comment: To appear in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26 (NIPS), Lake Tahoe, USA, December 201

    Clustering Boolean Tensors

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    Tensor factorizations are computationally hard problems, and in particular, are often significantly harder than their matrix counterparts. In case of Boolean tensor factorizations -- where the input tensor and all the factors are required to be binary and we use Boolean algebra -- much of that hardness comes from the possibility of overlapping components. Yet, in many applications we are perfectly happy to partition at least one of the modes. In this paper we investigate what consequences does this partitioning have on the computational complexity of the Boolean tensor factorizations and present a new algorithm for the resulting clustering problem. This algorithm can alternatively be seen as a particularly regularized clustering algorithm that can handle extremely high-dimensional observations. We analyse our algorithms with the goal of maximizing the similarity and argue that this is more meaningful than minimizing the dissimilarity. As a by-product we obtain a PTAS and an efficient 0.828-approximation algorithm for rank-1 binary factorizations. Our algorithm for Boolean tensor clustering achieves high scalability, high similarity, and good generalization to unseen data with both synthetic and real-world data sets

    Differentiable Pattern Set Mining

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    Label-Descriptive Patterns and their Application to Characterizing Classification Errors

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    State-of-the-art deep learning methods achieve human-like performance on many tasks, but make errors nevertheless. Characterizing these errors in easily interpretable terms gives insight into whether a model is prone to making systematic errors, but also gives a way to act and improve the model. In this paper we propose a method that allows us to do so for arbitrary classifiers by mining a small set of patterns that together succinctly describe the input data that is partitioned according to correctness of prediction. We show this is an instance of the more general label description problem, which we formulate in terms of the Minimum Description Length principle. To discover good pattern sets we propose the efficient and hyperparameter-free Premise algorithm, which through an extensive set of experiments we show on both synthetic and real-world data performs very well in practice; unlike existing solutions it ably recovers ground truth patterns, even on highly imbalanced data over many unique items, or where patterns are only weakly associated to labels. Through two real-world case studies we confirm that Premise gives clear and actionable insight into the systematic errors made by modern NLP classifiers

    Ghostbusters: A Parts-based NMF Algorithm

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    An exact nonnegative matrix decomposition algorithm is proposed. This is achieved by 1) Taking a nonlinear approximation of a sparse real-valued dataset at a given tolerance-to-error constraint, e; 2) Choosing an arbitrary lectic ordering on the rows or column entries; And, then 3) systematically applying a closure operator, so that all closures are selected. Assuming a nonnegative hierarchical closure structure (a Galois lattice) ensures the data has a unique ordered overcomplete dictionary representation. Parts-based constraints on these closures can then be used to specify and supervise the form of the solution. We illustrate that this approach outperforms NMF on two standard NMF datasets: it exhibits the properties described above; It is correct and exact

    Clustering {Boolean} Tensors

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    Tensor factorizations are computationally hard problems, and in particular, are often significantly harder than their matrix counterparts. In case of Boolean tensor factorizations -- where the input tensor and all the factors are required to be binary and we use Boolean algebra -- much of that hardness comes from the possibility of overlapping components. Yet, in many applications we are perfectly happy to partition at least one of the modes. In this paper we investigate what consequences does this partitioning have on the computational complexity of the Boolean tensor factorizations and present a new algorithm for the resulting clustering problem. This algorithm can alternatively be seen as a particularly regularized clustering algorithm that can handle extremely high-dimensional observations. We analyse our algorithms with the goal of maximizing the similarity and argue that this is more meaningful than minimizing the dissimilarity. As a by-product we obtain a PTAS and an efficient 0.828-approximation algorithm for rank-1 binary factorizations. Our algorithm for Boolean tensor clustering achieves high scalability, high similarity, and good generalization to unseen data with both synthetic and real-world data sets

    Geometric All-way Boolean Tensor Decomposition

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    Boolean tensor has been broadly utilized in representing high dimensional logical data collected on spatial, temporal and/or other relational domains. Boolean Tensor Decomposition (BTD) factorizes a binary tensor into the Boolean sum of multiple rank-1 tensors, which is an NP-hard problem. Existing BTD methods have been limited by their high computational cost, in applications to large scale or higher order tensors. In this work, we presented a computationally efficient BTD algorithm, namely Geometric Expansion for all-order Tensor Factorization (GETF), that sequentially identifies the rank-1 basis components for a tensor from a geometric perspective. We conducted rigorous theoretical analysis on the validity as well as algorithemic efficiency of GETF in decomposing all-order tensor. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrated that GETF has significantly improved performance in reconstruction accuracy, extraction of latent structures and it is an order of magnitude faster than other state-of-the-art methods

    {MDL4BMF}: Minimum Description Length for Boolean Matrix Factorization

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    Matrix factorizations—where a given data matrix is approximated by a prod- uct of two or more factor matrices—are powerful data mining tools. Among other tasks, matrix factorizations are often used to separate global structure from noise. This, however, requires solving the ‘model order selection problem’ of determining where fine-grained structure stops, and noise starts, i.e., what is the proper size of the factor matrices. Boolean matrix factorization (BMF)—where data, factors, and matrix product are Boolean—has received increased attention from the data mining community in recent years. The technique has desirable properties, such as high interpretability and natural sparsity. However, so far no method for selecting the correct model order for BMF has been available. In this paper we propose to use the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle for this task. Besides solving the problem, this well-founded approach has numerous benefits, e.g., it is automatic, does not require a likelihood function, is fast, and, as experiments show, is highly accurate. We formulate the description length function for BMF in general—making it applicable for any BMF algorithm. We discuss how to construct an appropriate encoding, starting from a simple and intuitive approach, we arrive at a highly efficient data-to-model based encoding for BMF. We extend an existing algorithm for BMF to use MDL to identify the best Boolean matrix factorization, analyze the complexity of the problem, and perform an extensive experimental evaluation to study its behavior

    Centrality measures and analyzing dot-product graphs

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    In this thesis we investigate two topics in data mining on graphs; in the first part we investigate the notion of centrality in graphs, in the second part we look at reconstructing graphs from aggregate information. In many graph related problems the goal is to rank nodes based on an importance score. This score is in general referred to as node centrality. In Part I. we start by giving a novel and more efficient algorithm for computing betweenness centrality. In many applications not an individual node but rather a set of nodes is chosen to perform some task. We generalize the notion of centrality to groups of nodes. While group centrality was first formally defined by Everett and Borgatti (1999), we are the first to pose it as a combinatorial optimization problem; find a group of k nodes with largest centrality. We give an algorithm for solving this optimization problem for a general notion of centrality that subsumes various instantiations of centrality that find paths in the graph. We prove that this problem is NP-hard for specific centrality definitions and we provide a universal algorithm for this problem that can be modified to optimize the specific measures. We also investigate the problem of increasing node centrality by adding or deleting edges in the graph. We conclude this part by solving the optimization problem for two specific applications; one for minimizing redundancy in information propagation networks and one for optimizing the expected number of interceptions of a group in a random navigational network. In the second part of the thesis we investigate what we can infer about a bipartite graph if only some aggregate information -- the number of common neighbors among each pair of nodes -- is given. First, we observe that the given data is equivalent to the dot-product of the adjacency vectors of each node. Based on this knowledge we develop an algorithm that is based on SVD-decomposition, that is capable of almost perfectly reconstructing graphs from such neighborhood data. We investigate two versions of this problem, in the versions the dot-product of nodes with themselves, e.g. the node degrees, are either known or hidden