4 research outputs found

    Partition models, Permutations of infinite sets without fixed points, and weak forms of AC

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    Abstract. In set theory without the Axiom of Choice (AC), we observe new relations of the following statements with weak choice forms. • There does not exist an infinite Hausdorff space X such that every infinite subset of X contains an infinite compact subset. • If a field has an algebraic closure then it is unique up to isomorphism. • For every set X there is a set A such that there exists a choice function on the collection [A] 2 of two-element subsets of A and satisfying |X| ≤ |2 [A] 2 |. • Van Douwen’s Choice Principle (Every family X = {(Xi, ≤i) : i ∈ I} of linearly ordered sets isomorphic with (Z, ≤) has a choice function, where ≤ is the usual ordering on Z). We also extend the research works of B.B. Bruce [4]. Moreover, we prove that the principle “Any infinite locally finite connected graph has a spanning m-bush for any even integer m ≥ 4” is equivalent to K˝onig’s Lemma in ZF (i.e., the Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory without AC). We also give a new combinatorial proof to show that any infinite locally finite connected graph has a chromatic number if and only if K˝onig’s Lemma holds

    Maximal independent sets, variants of chain/antichain principle and cofinal subsets without AC

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    In set theory without the Axiom of Choice (AC), we observe new relations of the following statements with weak choice principles. • Plf,c (Every locally finite connected graph has a maximal independent set). • Plc,c (Every locally countable connected graph has a maximal independent set). • CACאα (If in a partially ordered set all antichains are finite and all chains have size אα, then the set has size אα) if אα is regular. • CWF (Every partially ordered set has a cofinal well-founded subset). • If G = (VG, EG) is a connected locally finite chordal graph, then there is an ordering <of VG such that {w < v : {w, v} ∈ EG} is a clique for each v ∈ VG