11,830 research outputs found

    Attitudes expressed in online comments about environmental factors in the tourism sector: an exploratory study

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    The object of this exploratory study is to identify the positive, neutral and negative environment factors that affect users who visit Spanish hotels in order to help the hotel managers decide how to improve the quality of the services provided. To carry out the research a Sentiment Analysis was initially performed, grouping the sample of tweets (n = 14459) according to the feelings shown and then a textual analysis was used to identify the key environment factors in these feelings using the qualitative analysis software Nvivo (QSR International, Melbourne, Australia). The results of the exploratory study present the key environment factors that affect the users experience when visiting hotels in Spain, such as actions that support local traditions and products, the maintenance of rural areas respecting the local environment and nature, or respecting air quality in the areas where hotels have facilities and offer services. The conclusions of the research can help hotels improve their services and the impact on the environment, as well as improving the visitors experience based on the positive, neutral and negative environment factors which the visitors themselves identified

    Breaking Down the Chain: A Guide to the Soft Drink Industry

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    Provides an overview of the soft drink industry's earnings, structure, markets, and determinants of demand; major players; supply chain; marketing strategies; and policy and legislative actions in response to the sugar-sweetened beverage tax

    Sugary Drink FACTS 2014: Some Progress but Much Room for Improvement in Marketing to Youth

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    This report updates a 2011 report on the same topic. Using the same methods as the last report, researchers examined changes in the nutritional content of sugar-sweetened drinks including sodas, fruit drinks, flavored waters, sports drinks, iced teas, as well as zero-calorie energy drinks and shots. They also analyzed marketing tactics for 23 companies that advertised these products, including amount spent to advertise in all media; child and teen exposure to advertising and brand appearances on TV and visits to beverage company websites, including differences for black and Hispanic youth; advertising on websites popular with children and teens; and marketing in newer media like mobile apps and social media. Researchers also examined changes in advertising of diet beverages, 100% juice, and water

    Análisis de los Tweets de los minoristas de alimentación que operan en España y UK. Cómo el análisis del contenido generado por los usuarios en Twitter puede ayudar a las cooperativas agroalimentarias a establecer mejores relaciones con sus clientes

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    Twitter is an outstanding social media platform that food firms are using to share information with consumers. This research aims to determine the behavior of different food retailers in Spain and the UK in relation to Twitter to shed light on their interests and similarities. This study collected and analyzed a total of 54,000 tweets from 17 food retailers from the social media platform Twitter. Analyzing food retailers’ generated content on Twitter by wordcount, content analysis and social network analysis, several characteristics were detected that could be relevant for suppliers of these food retailers. The output reveals differences among food retailers as well as groups with different strategies within each market and confirms the potential of Twitter data as an information source for conducting marketing studies. Similarly, we found that the adoption of Twitter data analytics by marketing managers of agrifood cooperatives could be very useful for advancing customer-centric strategies. Finally, this research presents its limitations and proposes new lines of future work.Twitter es una destacada plataforma de medios sociales utilizada ampliamente por las empresas alimentarias para compartir información con los consumidores. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar el comportamiento en Twitter de diferentes minoristas de alimentación que operan en España y el Reino Unido para arrojar luz sobre sus intereses y afinidades. El estudio recopiló y analizó un total de 54.000 tweets de las cuentas oficiales de Twitter de 17 minoristas de alimentación. Analizando el contenido generado por los minoristas de alimentación en Twitter con el recuento de palabras, el análisis de contenido generado por estos usuarios y el análisis de redes sociales, se detectaron algunas características que podrían ser relevantes para los proveedores de estos minoristas de alimentación. La identificación de las diferencias en la actividad y las comunicaciones en Twitter, así como también las afinidades entre algunos de ellos, confirman el potencial de los datos de Twitter como fuente de información para realizar estudios de marketing en general. Del mismo modo, descubrimos que la adopción de la analítica de datos de Twitter por los responsables de marketing de las cooperativas agroalimentarias podría ser muy útil para avanzar en las estrategias centradas en el cliente. Finalmente, la investigación presenta las limitaciones y propone nuevas líneas de trabajo futuro.Escuela de Estudios CooperativosFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    Analyzing the Language of Food on Social Media

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    We investigate the predictive power behind the language of food on social media. We collect a corpus of over three million food-related posts from Twitter and demonstrate that many latent population characteristics can be directly predicted from this data: overweight rate, diabetes rate, political leaning, and home geographical location of authors. For all tasks, our language-based models significantly outperform the majority-class baselines. Performance is further improved with more complex natural language processing, such as topic modeling. We analyze which textual features have most predictive power for these datasets, providing insight into the connections between the language of food, geographic locale, and community characteristics. Lastly, we design and implement an online system for real-time query and visualization of the dataset. Visualization tools, such as geo-referenced heatmaps, semantics-preserving wordclouds and temporal histograms, allow us to discover more complex, global patterns mirrored in the language of food.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper will appear in IEEE Big Data 201

    Blip10000: a social video dataset containing SPUG content for tagging and retrieval

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    The increasing amount of digital multimedia content available is inspiring potential new types of user interaction with video data. Users want to easilyfind the content by searching and browsing. For this reason, techniques are needed that allow automatic categorisation, searching the content and linking to related information. In this work, we present a dataset that contains comprehensive semi-professional user generated (SPUG) content, including audiovisual content, user-contributed metadata, automatic speech recognition transcripts, automatic shot boundary les, and social information for multiple `social levels'. We describe the principal characteristics of this dataset and present results that have been achieved on different tasks

    The evaluation of thermal hotels' online reviews

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    Th e main objective of this study was to evaluate the perceptions related to the online user reviews of thermal hotels. Specifi cally, it was investigated whether perceptions towards value (V), location (L), sleep quality (SQ), rooms (R), cleanliness (C), service (S) and factors infl uencing general evaluation depend on the star numbers of hotels, the location of the hotels and the nationalities of participants. In order to obtain data on perceptions of consumers towards thermal hotels in Turkey, the web site Trip Advisor (TA) was used. In total, 2,895 user reviews about thermal accommodations on TA were assessed by content analysis method. According to the study results, it was determined that the most important factor was the cleanliness of the hotels. It was followed by the location, sleep quality, rooms and service. Th e value factor was the last important. To analyse the eff ect of the nationality of the participants, domestic and foreign visitors, stars and the location of the accommodation on the perceptions towards value, location, sleep quality, rooms, cleanliness and service, t test and one-way ANOVA method were performed. It was found that the perceptions towards value, location, sleep quality, rooms, cleanliness and service diff ered between domestic and foreign visitors, nationalities, location and 4 or 5-star

    Twitter: Businesses Increasing Their Revenues 140 Characters at a Time

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    With the consumer market becoming more competitive by the day, businesses must find innovative yet cost effective means of reaching their target markets and steadily increasing their revenues. While businesses compete with one another to remain the best, they must have a strategic market plan that differentiates their products and/or services from their competitors. In an effort to do this, many businesses have begun using social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn as a means of reaching their target markets. Such sites have opened businesses to a new level of advertising where they reach consumers faster, have the ability to be more innovative, and spend less money than they would with conventional means of advertising. In addition to these social networking sites, Twitter has emerged, gaining interest from businesses looking to get their products and/or services out to consumers through a new medium. With the number of users increasing daily and the ease of passing information along from one user to the next, businesses have begun to see their new found means of advertising on Twitter as the way to increase their revenues 140 characters at a time. This project highlights how the understanding of the benefits of social media marketing is essential to businesses venturing into the use of Twitter. This understanding allows businesses to frame the use of Twitter to successfully fit their business strategies, while the Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) shows the connection between the use of social networking sites by businesses and how it relates to the manner in which consumers are receptive to the information such sites provide. Various studies conducted on the use of Twitter by companies along with a case study on FM Global, a mutual insurance company, highlight how Twitter can be used by businesses as a marketing tool for branding purposes and increasing revenues

    Impacts of WeChat on Millennials’ Perceptions and Consumption Behaviors in the Hotel Industry

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    Social media, known as interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications, has deeply changed and reformed interpersonal communication and business operation with the wide spread of Internet and the development of technology. In the past few years, since mobile apps are becoming more and more popular, the access of social media is not limited to tablet computers only, but is also available for almost all kinds of smart phone devices, such as iPhone, Android, Symbian and so on. The function of social media is not confined to real- time message transmission or information sharing any more. It has expanded to a widely range of features, such as online purchase and payment, e-commerce business, and service for different types of social events. Social media plays an increasingly important role in daily personal life as well as in business activities. People are not merely considered as social media users, but also the component of social media itself. As a result, it is very crucial for people to realize the importance and impacts of social media, especially for those business operators. WeChat (Weixin in Chinses, literally “micro message”) is a cross-platform instant text and voice messaging communication service for multiple mobile devices, developed by Tecent in China, first released in the January of 2011. It is claimed to provide “the new way to connect” and create “a way of life”. It is free to download, install and register, and support all kinds of smart phone platforms with multiple language versions, such as Chinese, English, Japanese, French, and Spanish. WeChat provides its users different ways to communicate and interact with friends innovatively through instant text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, group messaging, lively video sharing, location sharing, money transferring, and contact information sharing. Among all the WeChat users, Millennials is the majority. With the growing-up of Millennials, they are becoming more and more powerful and important to the society and will be the next target segmentation for most of the industries in the very near future. Especially for the hotel industry, the industry that urges to attract Millennials patrons for further substantial development, how to attract Millennials is becoming a critical issue for those hotel operators