12,635 research outputs found

    Quantum Algorithms for Memoryless Search and Perfect Matching

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    In this thesis, we present two new quantum algorithms for graph problems. The first algorithm we give is a memoryless walk that can find a unique marked vertex on a two-dimensional grid. Our walk is based on a construction proposed by Falk, which tessellates the grid with squares of size 2 × 2. Our walk uses minimal memory, O(sqrt(N logN)) applications of the walk operator, and outputs the marked vertex with vanishing error probability. To accomplish this, we apply a selfloop to the marked vertex—a technique we adapt from interpolated walks. We prove that with our explicit choice of selfloop weight, this forces the action of the walk asymptotically into a single rotational space. We characterize this space and as a result, show that our memoryless walk produces the marked vertex with a success probability asymptotically approaching one. Our second algorithm decides whether a graph contains a perfect matching. This is the first quantum algorithm based on the algebraic characterization by Tutte, which reduces the problem of detecting perfect matchings to deciding whether a matrix has nonzero determinant. The key part of our algorithm is a new span program that can decide whether a matrix is singular. Our span program has a simple structure and its witness size matches that of a related span program by Belovs for matrix rank-finding, up to a constant factor. Using a transformation given by Reichardt, our span program can be compiled into a quantum algorithm, which we use as a subroutine in our algorithm to detect perfect matchings. We also show that there are families of graphs for which our perfect matching detection algorithm may have exponential query complexity. These graphs could be a useful tool in determining the tight quantum query complexity of the perfect matching detection problem, which remains an open problem

    Improved Quantum Query Upper Bounds Based on Classical Decision Trees

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    We consider the following question in query complexity: Given a classical query algorithm in the form of a decision tree, when does there exist a quantum query algorithm with a speed-up (i.e., that makes fewer queries) over the classical one? We provide a general construction based on the structure of the underlying decision tree, and prove that this can give us an up-to-quadratic quantum speed-up in the number of queries. In particular, our results give a bounded-error quantum query algorithm of cost O(?s) to compute a Boolean function (more generally, a relation) that can be computed by a classical (even randomized) decision tree of size s. This recovers an O(?n) algorithm for the Search problem, for example. Lin and Lin [Theory of Computing\u2716] and Beigi and Taghavi [Quantum\u2720] showed results of a similar flavor. Their upper bounds are in terms of a quantity which we call the "guessing complexity" of a decision tree. We identify that the guessing complexity of a decision tree equals its rank, a notion introduced by Ehrenfeucht and Haussler [Information and Computation\u2789] in the context of learning theory. This answers a question posed by Lin and Lin, who asked whether the guessing complexity of a decision tree is related to any measure studied in classical complexity theory. We also show a polynomial separation between rank and its natural randomized analog for the complete binary AND-OR tree. Beigi and Taghavi constructed span programs and dual adversary solutions for Boolean functions given classical decision trees computing them and an assignment of non-negative weights to edges of the tree. We explore the effect of changing these weights on the resulting span program complexity and objective value of the dual adversary bound, and capture the best possible weighting scheme by an optimization program. We exhibit a solution to this program and argue its optimality from first principles. We also exhibit decision trees for which our bounds are strictly stronger than those of Lin and Lin, and Beigi and Taghavi. This answers a question of Beigi and Taghavi, who asked whether different weighting schemes in their construction could yield better upper bounds

    Span Programs and Quantum Space Complexity

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    While quantum computers hold the promise of significant computational speedups, the limited size of early quantum machines motivates the study of space-bounded quantum computation. We relate the quantum space complexity of computing a function f with one-sided error to the logarithm of its span program size, a classical quantity that is well-studied in attempts to prove formula size lower bounds. In the more natural bounded error model, we show that the amount of space needed for a unitary quantum algorithm to compute f with bounded (two-sided) error is lower bounded by the logarithm of its approximate span program size. Approximate span programs were introduced in the field of quantum algorithms but not studied classically. However, the approximate span program size of a function is a natural generalization of its span program size. While no non-trivial lower bound is known on the span program size (or approximate span program size) of any concrete function, a number of lower bounds are known on the monotone span program size. We show that the approximate monotone span program size of f is a lower bound on the space needed by quantum algorithms of a particular form, called monotone phase estimation algorithms, to compute f. We then give the first non-trivial lower bound on the approximate span program size of an explicit function
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