162 research outputs found

    Diversity Analysis of Bit-Interleaved Coded Multiple Beamforming with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    For broadband wireless communication systems, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been combined with Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) techniques. Bit-Interleaved Coded Multiple Beamforming (BICMB) can achieve both spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing for flat fading MIMO channels. For frequency selective fading MIMO channels, BICMB with OFDM (BICMB-OFDM) can be applied to achieve both spatial diversity and multipath diversity, making it an important technique. However, analyzing the diversity of BICMB-OFDM is a challenging problem. In this paper, the diversity analysis of BICMB-OFDM is carried out. First, the maximum achievable diversity is derived and a full diversity condition RcSL <= 1 is proved, where Rc, S, and L are the code rate, the number of parallel steams transmitted at each subcarrier, and the number of channel taps, respectively. Then, the performance degradation due to the correlation among subcarriers is investigated. Finally, the subcarrier grouping technique is employed to combat the performance degradation and provide multi-user compatibility.Comment: accepted to journa

    Space-time-frequency block codes for MIMO-OFDM in next generation wireless systems

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    In this thesis the use of space-frequency block codes (SFBC) and space-time-frequency block codes (STFBC) in wireless systems are investigated. A variety of SFBC and STFBC schemes are proposed for particular propagation scenarios and system settings where each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The objective is to pro-pose coding strategies with improved flexibility, feasibility and spectral efficiency,and reduce the decoding complexity in an MIMO-OFDM system. Firstly an efficient SFBC with improved system performance is proposed for MIMO-OFDM systems. The proposed SFBC incorporates the concept of matched rotation precoding (MRP) to achieve full transmit diversity and optimal system performance foran arbitrary numberoftransmitantennas,subcarrierinterval andsubcarriergrouping. The MRP is proposed to exploit the inherent rotation and repetition properties of SFBC, arising from the channel power delay profile, in order to fully capture both space and frequency diversity of SFBC in a MIMO-OFDM system. It is able to relax restrictions on subcarrier interval and subcarrier grouping, making it ideal for adaptive/time-varying systems or multiuser systems. The SFBC without an optimization process is unstable in terms of achievable system performance and diversity order, and also risks diversity loss within a specific propagation scenario. Such loss or risk is prominent while wireless propagation channel has a limited number of dominant paths, e.g. relatively close to transmitters or relatively flat topography. Hence in orderto improve the feasibility of SFBC in dynamic scenarios, the lower bound of the coding gain for MRP is derived. The SFBC with MRP is proposed for more practical scenarios when only partial channel power delay profile information is known at the transmit end, for example the wireless channel has dominant propagation paths. The proposed rate one MRP has a relatively simple optimization process that can be transformed into an explicit diagram and hence an optimal result can be derived intuitively without calculations. Next, a multi-rate transmission strategy is proposed for both SFBCand STFBC to balance the system performance and transmission rate. A variety of rate adaptive coding matrices are obtained by a simple truncation of the coding matrix, or by parameter optimization for coding matrices for a given transmission rate and constellation. Pro-posed strategy can easily and gradually adjust the achievable diversity order. As a result it is capable of achieving a relatively smooth balance between system performance and transmission rate in both SFBC and STFBC, without a significant change of coding structure or constellation size. Such tradeoff would be useful to maintain stable Quality of Service (QoS) for users by providing more scalability of achievable performance in a time-varying channel. Finally the decoding procedure of space-time block code (STBC), SFBCand STFBC is discussed. The decoding of all existing STBC/SFBC/STFBC is unified at first, in order to show a concise procedure and make fair comparisons. Then maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) and arbitrary sphere decoding (SD) can be adopted. To reduce the complexity of decoding further, a novel decoding method called compensation de-coding (CD) is presented for a given space-time-frequency coding scheme. By taking advantage of the simplicity of zero-forcing decoding (ZFD) we are able to calculate a compensation vector for the output of ZFD. After modification by utilizing the com-pensation vector, the BER performance can be improved significantly. The decoding procedure is relatively simple and is independent of the constellation size. The per-formance of the proposed decoding method is close to maximum-likelihood decoding for low to medium SNR. A low complexity detection scheme, classifier based decoding (CBD), is further proposed for MIMO systems incorporating spatial multiplexing. The CBD is a hybrid of an equalizer-based technique and an algorithmic search stage. Based on an error matrix and its probability density functions for different classes of error, a particular search region is selected for the algorithmic stage. As the probability of occurrence of error classes with larger search regions is small, overall complexity of the proposed technique remains low, whilst providing a significant improvement in the bit error rate performance

    I/Q imbalance mitigation for space-time block coded communication systems

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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) space-time block coded (STBC) wireless communication systems provide reliable data transmissions by exploiting the spatial diversity in fading channels. However, due to component imperfections, the in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) imbalance caused by the non-ideal matching between the relative amplitudes and phases of the I and Q branches always exists in the practical implementation of MIMO STBC communication systems. Such distortion results in a complex conjugate term of the intended signal in the time domain, hence a mirror-image term in the frequency domain, in the data structure. Consequently, I/Q imbalance increases the symbol error rate (SER) drastically in MIMO STBC or STBC MIMO orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communication systems, where both the signal and its complex conjugate are utilized for the information transmission, hence should be mitigated effectively. In this dissertation, the impact of I/Q imbalance in MIMO STBC systems over flat fading channels, the impact of I/Q imbalance in STBC MIMO-OFDM systems and in time- reversal STBC (TR-STBC) systems over frequency-selective fading channels are studied systematically. With regard to the MIMO STBC and the STBC MIMO-OFDM systems with I/Q imbalance, orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs), quasi-orthogonal STBCs (QOSTBCs) and rotated QOSTBCs (RQOSTBCs) are studied, respectively. By exploiting the special structure of the received signal, low-complexity solutions are provided to mitigate the distortion induced by I/Q imbalance successfully. In addition, to mitigate I/Q imbalance while at the same time to exploit the multipath diversity for STBC OFDM systems over frequency-selective fading channels, a new encoding/decoing scheme for the grouped linear constellation precoded (GLCP) OFDM systems with I/Q imbalance is studied. In Chapter 1, the objectives of the research are elaborated. In Chapter 2, the various I/Q imbalance models are introduced, and the model used in this dissertation is established. In Chapter 3, the performance degradation caused by I/Q imbalance of the transceivers in MIMO STBC wireless communication systems over flat fading channels and the solutions are studied. A 2 Tx Alamouti system, a 4 Tx quasi-orthogonal STBC (QOSTBC) system, and a 4 Tx rotated QOSTBC (RQOSTBC) system with I/Q imbalance are studied in detail. By exploiting the special structure of the received signal, low-complexity solutions are proposed to mitigate I/Q imbalance successfully. Since STBCs are developed for frequency-flat fading channels, to achieve the spatial diversity in frequency-selective fading channels, MIMO-OFDM arrangements have been suggested, where STBCs are used across different antennas in conjunction with OFDM. In Chapter 4, the performance degradation caused by I/Q imbalance in STBC MIMO-OFDM wireless systems over frequency-selective fading channels and the solutions are studied. Similarly, a 2 Tx Alamouti system, a 4 Tx quasi-orthogonal STBC (QOSTBC) system, and a 4 Tx rotated QOSTBC (RQOSTBC) system with I/Q imbalance are studied in detail, and low-complexity solutions are proposed to mitigate the distortion effectively. However, OFDM systems suffer from the loss of the multipath diversity by converting frequency-selective fading channels into parallel frequency-flat fading subchannels. To exploit the multipath diversity and reduce the decoding complexity, GLCP OFDM systems with I/Q imbalance are studied. By judiciously assigning the mirror-subcarrier pair into one group, a new encoding/decoding scheme with a low-complexity is proposed to mitigate I/Q imbalance for GLCP OFDM systems in Chapter 5. Since OFDM communication systems have high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem and are sensitive to carrier frequency offset (CFO), to achieve both the spatial and multipath diversity, time-reversal STBC (TR-STBC) communication systems are introduced. In Chapter 6, the I/Q imbalance mitigating solutions in TR-STBC systems, both in the time domain and in the frequency domain, are studied

    Improved Spatial Modulation Techniques for Wireless Communications

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    Transmission and reception methods with multiple antennas have been demonstrated to be very useful in providing high data rates and improving reliability in wireless communications. In particular, spatial modulation (SM) has recently emerged as an attractive transmission method for multiple-antennas systems due to its better energy efficiency and lower system complexity. This thesis is concerned with developing transmission techniques to improve the spectral efficiency of SM where antenna/subcarrier index involves in conveying information bits. In the first part of the thesis, new transmission techniques are developed for SM over frequency-flat fading channels. The first proposed scheme is based on a high-rate space-time block code instead of using the classical Alamouti STBC, which helps to increase the spectral efficiency and achieve a transmit diversity order of two. A simplified maximum likelihood detection is also developed for this proposed scheme. Analysis of coding gains and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms previously-proposed SM schemes at high data transmission rates. Then, a new space-shift keying (SSK) modulation scheme is proposed which requires a smaller number of transmit antennas than that required in the bi-space shift keying (BiSSK). Such a proposed SSK-based scheme is obtained by multiplexing two in-phase and quadrature generalized SSK streams and optimizing the carrier signals transmitted by the activated antennas. Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with other SSK-based schemes via minimum Euclidean distance analysis and computer simulation. The third scheme proposed in this part is an improved version of quadrature SM (QSM). The main feature of this proposed scheme is to send a second constellation symbol over the in-phase and quadrature antenna dimensions. A significant performance advantage of the proposed scheme is realized at the cost of a slight increase in the number of radio-frequency (RF) chains. Performance comparisons with the most recent SM schemes confirm the advantage of the proposed scheme. The last contribution of the first part is an optimal constellation design for QSM to minimize the average probability of error. It is shown that, the error performance of QSM not only depends on the Euclidean distances between the amplitude phase modulation (APM) symbols and the energies of APM symbols, but also on the in-phase and quadrature components of the QSM symbols. The analysis of the union bound of the average error probability reveals that at a very large number of transmit antennas, the optimal constellations for QSM converge to a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) constellation. Simulation results demonstrate the performance superiority of the obtained constellations over other modulation schemes. In the second part of the thesis, the applications of SM in frequency-selective fading channels are studied. First, a new transmission scheme that employs SM for each group of subcarriers in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission is investigated. Specifically, OFDM symbols in each group are passed through a precoder to maximize the diversity and coding gains, while SM is applied in each group to convey more information bits by antenna indices. Performance analysis and simulation results are carried out to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed scheme over a previously-proposed combination of SM and OFDM. Next, the performance of OFDM based on index modulation and a flexible version of OFDM, knows as OFDM with multiple constellations, is compared for both case of "no precoding'' and "with precoding'' of data symbols. It is shown that the precoded OFDM with multiple constellations outperforms precoded-IM based OFDM systems over frequency-selective fading channels. The last part of the thesis investigates a multiuser downlink transmission system based on in-phase and quadrature space-shift keying modulation and precoding to reduce the minimum number of transmit antennas while keeping the complexity of the receiver low. In addition to the maximum likelihood (ML) detection, the low complexity zero forcing (ZF) receiver is also studied. Theoretical upper bounds for the error probabilities of both ML and ZF receivers are obtained and corroborated with simulation results

    Exploiting diversity in wireless channels with bit-interleaved coded modulation and iterative decoding (BICM-ID)

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    This dissertation studies a state-of-the-art bandwidth-efficient coded modulation technique, known as bit interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID), together with various diversity techniques to dramatically improve the performance of digital communication systems over wireless channels. For BICM-ID over a single-antenna frequency non-selective fading channel, the problem of mapping over multiple symbols, i.e., multi-dimensional (multi-D) mapping, with 8-PSK constellation is investigated. An explicit algorithm to construct a good multi-D mapping of 8-PSK to improve the asymptotic performance of BICM-ID systems is introduced. By comparing the performance of the proposed mapping with an unachievable lower bound, it is conjectured that the proposed mapping is the global optimal mapping. The superiority of the proposed mapping over the best conventional (1-dimensional complex) mapping and the multi-D mapping found previously by computer search is thoroughly demonstrated. In addition to the mapping issue in single-antenna BICM-ID systems, the use of signal space diversity (SSD), also known as linear constellation precoding (LCP), is considered in BICM-ID over frequency non-selective fading channels. The performance analysis of BICM-ID and complex N-dimensional signal space diversity is carried out to study its performance limitation, the choice of the rotation matrix and the design of a low-complexity receiver. Based on the design criterion obtained from a tight error bound, the optimality of the rotation matrix is established. It is shown that using the class of optimal rotation matrices, the performance of BICM-ID systems over a frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading channel approaches that of the BICM-ID systems over an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel when the dimension of the signal constellation increases. Furthermore, by exploiting the sigma mapping for any M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellation, a very simple sub-optimal, yet effective iterative receiver structure suitable for signal constellations with large dimensions is proposed. Simulation results in various cases and conditions indicate that the proposed receiver can achieve the analytical performance bounds with low complexity. The application of BICM-ID with SSD is then extended to the case of cascaded Rayleigh fading, which is more suitable to model mobile-to-mobile communication channels. By deriving the error bound on the asymptotic performance, it is first illustrated that for a small modulation constellation, a cascaded Rayleigh fading causes a much more severe performance degradation than a conventional Rayleigh fading. However, BICM-ID employing SSD with a sufficiently large constellation can close the performance gap between the Rayleigh and cascaded Rayleigh fading channels, and their performance can closely approach that over an AWGN channel. In the next step, the use of SSD in BICM-ID over frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels employing a multi-carrier modulation technique known as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is studied. Under the assumption of correlated fading over subcarriers, a tight bound on the asymptotic error performance for the general case of applying SSD over all N subcarriers is derived and used to establish the best achievable asymptotic performance by SSD. It is then shown that precoding over subgroups of at least L subcarriers per group, where L is the number of channel taps, is sufficient to obtain this best asymptotic error performance, while significantly reducing the receiver complexity. The optimal joint subcarrier grouping and rotation matrix design is subsequently determined by solving the Vandermonde linear system. Illustrative examples show a good agreement between various analytical and simulation results. Further, by combining the ideas of multi-D mapping and subcarrier grouping, a novel power and bandwidth-efficient bit-interleaved coded modulation with OFDM and iterative decoding (BI-COFDM-ID) in which multi-D mapping is performed over a group of subcarriers for broadband transmission in a frequency selective fading environment is proposed. A tight bound on the asymptotic error performance is developed, which shows that subcarrier mapping and grouping have independent impacts on the overall error performance, and hence they can be independently optimized. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the optimal subcarrier mapping is similar to the optimal multi-D mapping for BICM-ID in frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading environment, whereas the optimal subcarrier grouping is the same with that of OFDM with SSD. Furthermore, analytical and simulation results show that the proposed system with the combined optimal subcarrier mapping and grouping can achieve the full channel diversity without using SSD and provide significant coding gains as compared to the previously studied BI-COFDM-ID with the same power, bandwidth and receiver complexity. Finally, the investigation is extended to the application of BICM-ID over a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system equipped with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver to exploit both time and spatial diversities, where neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the channel fading coefficients. The concentration is on the class of unitary constellation, due to its advantages in terms of both information-theoretic capacity and error probability. The tight error bound with respect to the asymptotic performance is also derived for any given unitary constellation and mapping rule. Design criteria regarding the choice of unitary constellation and mapping are then established. Furthermore, by using the unitary constellation obtained from orthogonal design with quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK or 4-PSK) and 8-PSK, two different mapping rules are proposed. The first mapping rule gives the most suitable mapping for systems that do not implement iterative processing, which is similar to a Gray mapping in coherent channels. The second mapping rule yields the best mapping for systems with iterative decoding. Analytical and simulation results show that with the proposed mappings of the unitary constellations obtained from orthogonal designs, the asymptotic error performance of the iterative systems can closely approach a lower bound which is applicable to any unitary constellation and mapping

    Two–Way Relaying Communications with OFDM and BICM/BICM-ID

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    Relay-aided communication methods have gained strong interests in academic community and been applied in various wireless communication scenarios. Among different techniques in relay-aided communication system, two-way relaying communication (TWRC) achieves the highest spectral efficiency due to its bi-directional transmission capability. Nevertheless, different from the conventional point-to-point communication system, TWRC suffers from detection quality degradation caused by the multiple-access interference (MAI). In addition, because of the propagation characteristics of wireless channels, fading and multipath dispersion also contribute strongly to detection errors. Therefore, this thesis is mainly concerned with designing transmission and detection schemes to provide good detection quality of TWRC while taking into account the negative impacts of fading, multipath dispersion and multiple-access interference. First, a TWRC system operating over multipath fading channels is considered and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is adopted to handle the inter-symbol interference (ISI) caused by the multipath dispersion. In particular, adaptive physical-layer network coding (PNC) is employed to address the MAI issue. By analyzing the detection error probability, various adaptive PNC schemes are discussed for using with OFDM and the scheme achieving the best trade-off among performance, overhead and complexity is suggested. In the second part of the thesis, the design of distributed precoding in TWRC using OFDM under multipath fading channels is studied. The objective is to design a distributed precoding scheme which can alleviate MAI and achieve multipath diversity to combat fading. Specifically, three types of errors are introduced when analyzing the error probability in the multiple access (MA) phase. Through analysis and simulation, the scheme that performs precoding in both time and frequency domains is demonstrated to achieve the maximum diversity gains under all types of errors. Finally, the last part of the thesis examines a communication system incorporating forward error correction (FEC) codes. Specifically, bit-interleaved code modulation (BICM) without and with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) are investigated in a TWRC system. Distributed linear constellation precoding (DLCP) is applied to handle MAI and the design of DLCP in a TWRC system using BICM/BICM-ID is discussed. Taking into account the multiple access channel from the terminal nodes to the relay node, decoding based on the quaternary code representation is introduced. Several error probability bounds are derived to aid in the design of DLCP. Based on these bounds, optimal parameters of DLCP are obtained through analysis and computer search. It is also found that, by combining XORbased network coding with successful iterative decoding, the MAI is eliminated and thus DLCP is not required in a BICM-ID system

    Power allocation and linear precoding for wireless communications with finite-alphabet inputs

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    This dissertation proposes a new approach to maximizing data rate/throughput of practical communication system/networks through linear precoding and power allocation. First, the mutual information or capacity region is derived for finite-alphabet inputs such as phase-shift keying (PSK), pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals. This approach, without the commonly used Gaussian input assumptions, complicates the mutual information analysis and precoder design but improves performance when the designed precoders are applied to practical systems and networks. Second, several numerical optimization methods are developed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiple access channels, dual-hop relay networks, and point-to-point MIMO systems. In MIMO multiple access channels, an iterative weighted sum rate maximization algorithm is proposed which utilizes an alternating optimization strategy and gradient descent update. In dual-hop relay networks, the structure of the optimal precoder is exploited to develop a two-step iterative algorithm based on convex optimization and optimization on the Stiefel manifold. The proposed algorithm is insensitive to initial point selection and able to achieve a near global optimal precoder solution. The gradient descent method is also used to obtain the optimal power allocation scheme which maximizes the mutual information between the source node and destination node in dual-hop relay networks. For point-to-point MIMO systems, a low complexity precoding design method is proposed, which maximizes the lower bound of the mutual information with discretized power allocation vector in a non-iterative fashion, thus reducing complexity. Finally, performances of the proposed power allocation and linear precoding schemes are evaluated in terms of both mutual information and bit error rate (BER). Numerical results show that at the same target mutual information or sum rate, the proposed approaches achieve 3-10dB gains compared to the existing methods in the medium signal-to-noise ratio region. Such significant gains are also indicated in the coded BER systems --Abstract, page iv-v
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