130 research outputs found

    Consortium for materials development in space

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    The status of the Consortium for Materials Development in Space (CMDS) is reviewed. Individual CMDS materials projects and flight opportunities on suborbital and orbital carriers are outlined. Projects include: surface coatings and catalyst production; non-linear optical organic materials; physical properties of immiscible polymers; nuclear track detectors; powdered metal sintering; iron-carbon solidification; high-temperature superconductors; physical vapor transport crystal growth; materials preparation and longevity in hyperthermal oxygen; foam formation; measurement of the microgravity environment; and commercial management of space fluids

    Model for the spatio-temporal intermittency of the energy dissipation in turbulent flows

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    Modeling the intermittent behavior of turbulent energy dissipation processes both in space and time is often a relevant problem when dealing with phenomena occurring in high Reynolds number flows, especially in astrophysical and space fluids. In this paper, a dynamical model is proposed to describe the spatio-temporal intermittency of energy dissipation rate in a turbulent system. This is done by using a shell model to simulate the turbulent cascade and introducing some heuristic rules, partly inspired by the well known pp-model, to construct a spatial structure of the energy dissipation rate. In order to validate the model and to study its spatially intermittency properties, a series of numerical simulations have been performed. These show that the level of spatial intermittency of the system can be simply tuned by varying a single parameter of the model and that scaling laws in agreement with those obtained from experiments on fully turbulent hydrodynamic flows can be recovered. It is finally suggested that the model could represent a useful tool to simulate the spatio-temporal intermittency of turbulent energy dissipation in those high Reynolds number astrophysical fluids where impulsive energy release processes can be associated to the dynamics of the turbulent cascade.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Liquid storage tank venting device for zero gravity environment Patent

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    Venting device for liquid propellant storage tank using magnetic field to separate liquid and gaseous phase

    Suppression of Shot-Noise in Quantum Cavities: Chaos vs. Disorder

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    We investigate the behavior of the shot-noise power through quantum mechanical cavities in the semiclassical limit of small electronic wavelength. In the absence of impurity scattering, the Fano factor FF, giving the noise to current ratio, was previously found to disappear as more and more classical, hence deterministic and noiseless transmission channels open up. We investigate the behavior of FF as diffractive impurities are added inside the cavity. We find that FF recovers its universal value provided (i) impurities cover the full cavity so that only a set of zero measure of classical trajectories may avoid them, and (ii) the impurity scattering rate exceeds the inverse dwell time through the cavity. If condition (i) is not satisfied, FF saturates below its universal value, even in the limit of strong scattering. Our results corroborate the validity of the two-phase fluid model according to which the electronic flow splits into two well separated components, a classical deterministic fluid and a stochastic quantum-mechanical fluid. Only the latter carries shot-noise.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the fourth conference on ``Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology and High Technology'

    On the dynamics of a self-gravitating medium with random and non-random initial conditions

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    The dynamics of a one-dimensional self-gravitating medium, with initial density almost uniform is studied. Numerical experiments are performed with ordered and with Gaussian random initial conditions. The phase space portraits are shown to be qualitatively similar to shock waves, in particular with initial conditions of Brownian type. The PDF of the mass distribution is investigated.Comment: Latex, figures in eps, 23 pages, 11 figures. Revised versio

    Limitations of the Standard Gravitational Perfect Fluid Paradigm

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    We show that the standard perfect fluid paradigm is not necessarily a valid description of a curved space steady state gravitational source. Simply by virtue of not being flat, curved space geometries have to possess intrinsic length scales, and such length scales can affect the fluid structure. For modes of wavelength of order or greater than such scales eikonalized geometrical optics cannot apply and rays are not geodesic. Covariantizing thus entails not only the replacing of flat space functions by covariant ones, but also the introduction of intrinsic scales that were absent in flat space. In principle it is thus unreliable to construct the curved space energy-momentum tensor as the covariant generalization of a geodesic-based flat spacetime energy-momentum tensor. By constructing the partition function as an incoherent average over a complete set of modes of a scalar field propagating in a curved space background, we show that for the specific case of a static, spherically symmetric geometry, the steady state energy-momentum tensor that ensues will in general be of the form Tμν=(ρ+p)UμUν+pgμν+πμνT_{\mu\nu}=(\rho+p)U_{\mu}U_{\nu}+pg_{\mu\nu}+\pi_{\mu\nu} where the anisotropic πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} is a symmetric, traceless rank two tensor which obeys Uμπμν=0U^{\mu}\pi_{\mu\nu}=0. Such a πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} type term is absent for an incoherently averaged steady state fluid in a spacetime where there are no intrinsic length scales, and in principle would thus be missed in a covariantizing of a flat spacetime TμνT_{\mu\nu}. While the significance of such πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} type terms would need to be evaluated on a case by case basis, through the use of kinetic theory we reassuringly find that the effect of such πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} type terms is small for weak gravity stars where perfect fluid sources are commonly used.Comment: Final version to appear in General Relativity and Gravitation (the final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.com). 29 pages, 1 figur