42 research outputs found

    Encodings of Range Maximum-Sum Segment Queries and Applications

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    Given an array A containing arbitrary (positive and negative) numbers, we consider the problem of supporting range maximum-sum segment queries on A: i.e., given an arbitrary range [i,j], return the subrange [i' ,j' ] \subseteq [i,j] such that the sum of the numbers in A[i'..j'] is maximized. Chen and Chao [Disc. App. Math. 2007] presented a data structure for this problem that occupies {\Theta}(n) words, can be constructed in {\Theta}(n) time, and supports queries in {\Theta}(1) time. Our first result is that if only the indices [i',j'] are desired (rather than the maximum sum achieved in that subrange), then it is possible to reduce the space to {\Theta}(n) bits, regardless the numbers stored in A, while retaining the same construction and query time. We also improve the best known space lower bound for any data structure that supports range maximum-sum segment queries from n bits to 1.89113n - {\Theta}(lg n) bits, for sufficiently large values of n. Finally, we provide a new application of this data structure which simplifies a previously known linear time algorithm for finding k-covers: i.e., given an array A of n numbers and a number k, find k disjoint subranges [i_1 ,j_1 ],...,[i_k ,j_k ], such that the total sum of all the numbers in the subranges is maximized.Comment: 19 pages + 2 page appendix, 4 figures. A shortened version of this paper will appear in CPM 201

    Encodings of Range Maximum-Sum Segment Queries and Applications

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    Given an array A containing arbitrary (positive and negative) numbers, we consider the problem of supporting range maximum-sum segment queries on A: i.e., given an arbitrary range [i,j], return the subrange [i' ,j' ] \subseteq [i,j] such that the sum of the numbers in A[i'..j'] is maximized. Chen and Chao [Disc. App. Math. 2007] presented a data structure for this problem that occupies {\Theta}(n) words, can be constructed in {\Theta}(n) time, and supports queries in {\Theta}(1) time. Our first result is that if only the indices [i',j'] are desired (rather than the maximum sum achieved in that subrange), then it is possible to reduce the space to {\Theta}(n) bits, regardless the numbers stored in A, while retaining the same construction and query time. We also improve the best known space lower bound for any data structure that supports range maximum-sum segment queries from n bits to 1.89113n - {\Theta}(lg n) bits, for sufficiently large values of n. Finally, we provide a new application of this data structure which simplifies a previously known linear time algorithm for finding k-covers: i.e., given an array A of n numbers and a number k, find k disjoint subranges [i_1 ,j_1 ],...,[i_k ,j_k ], such that the total sum of all the numbers in the subranges is maximized

    Succinct Dynamic One-Dimensional Point Reporting

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    In this paper we present a succinct data structure for the dynamic one-dimensional range reporting problem. Given an interval [a,b] for some a,b in [m], the range reporting query on an integer set S subseteq [m] asks for all points in S cap [a,b]. We describe a data structure that answers reporting queries in optimal O(k+1) time, where k is the number of points in the answer, and supports updates in O(lg^epsilon m) expected time. Our data structure uses B(n,m) + o(B(n,m)) bits where B(n,m) is the minimum number of bits required to represent a set of size n from a universe of m elements. This is the first dynamic data structure for this problem that uses succinct space and achieves optimal query time

    Succinct Color Searching in One Dimension

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    In this paper we study succinct data structures for one-dimensional color reporting and color counting problems. We are given a set of n points with integer coordinates in the range [1,m] and every point is assigned a color from the set {1,...sigma}. A color reporting query asks for the list of distinct colors that occur in a query interval [a,b] and a color counting query asks for the number of distinct colors in [a,b]. We describe a succinct data structure that answers approximate color counting queries in O(1) time and uses mathcal{B}(n,m) + O(n) + o(mathcal{B}(n,m)) bits, where mathcal{B}(n,m) is the minimum number of bits required to represent an arbitrary set of size n from a universe of m elements. Thus we show, somewhat counterintuitively, that it is not necessary to store colors of points in order to answer approximate color counting queries. In the special case when points are in the rank space (i.e., when n=m), our data structure needs only O(n) bits. Also, we show that Omega(n) bits are necessary in that case. Then we turn to succinct data structures for color reporting. We describe a data structure that uses mathcal{B}(n,m) + nH_d(S) + o(mathcal{B}(n,m)) + o(nlgsigma) bits and answers queries in O(k+1) time, where k is the number of colors in the answer, and nH_d(S) (d=log_sigma n) is the d-th order empirical entropy of the color sequence. Finally, we consider succinct color reporting under restricted updates. Our dynamic data structure uses nH_d(S)+o(nlgsigma) bits and supports queries in O(k+1) time

    String Indexing for Top-k Close Consecutive Occurrences

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    The classic string indexing problem is to preprocess a string S into a compact data structure that supports efficient subsequent pattern matching queries, that is, given a pattern string P, report all occurrences of P within S. In this paper, we study a basic and natural extension of string indexing called the string indexing for top-k close consecutive occurrences problem (Sitcco). Here, a consecutive occurrence is a pair (i,j), i < j, such that P occurs at positions i and j in S and there is no occurrence of P between i and j, and their distance is defined as j-i. Given a pattern P and a parameter k, the goal is to report the top-k consecutive occurrences of P in S of minimal distance. The challenge is to compactly represent S while supporting queries in time close to the length of P and k. We give two time-space trade-offs for the problem. Let n be the length of S, m the length of P, and ? ? (0,1]. Our first result achieves O(nlog n) space and optimal query time of O(m+k), and our second result achieves linear space and query time O(m+k^{1+?}). Along the way, we develop several techniques of independent interest, including a new translation of the problem into a line segment intersection problem and a new recursive clustering technique for trees

    Gapped Indexing for Consecutive Occurrences

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    The classic string indexing problem is to preprocess a string S into a compact data structure that supports efficient pattern matching queries. Typical queries include existential queries (decide if the pattern occurs in S), reporting queries (return all positions where the pattern occurs), and counting queries (return the number of occurrences of the pattern). In this paper we consider a variant of string indexing, where the goal is to compactly represent the string such that given two patterns P? and P? and a gap range [?, ?] we can quickly find the consecutive occurrences of P? and P? with distance in [?, ?], i.e., pairs of subsequent occurrences with distance within the range. We present data structures that use O?(n) space and query time O?(|P?|+|P?|+n^{2/3}) for existence and counting and O?(|P?|+|P?|+n^{2/3}occ^{1/3}) for reporting. We complement this with a conditional lower bound based on the set intersection problem showing that any solution using O?(n) space must use ??(|P?| + |P?| + ?n) query time. To obtain our results we develop new techniques and ideas of independent interest including a new suffix tree decomposition and hardness of a variant of the set intersection problem