7 research outputs found

    Space and time optimal parallel sequence alignments

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    Parallel Smith-Waterman Algorithm for Gene Sequencing

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    Smith-Waterman Algorithm represents a highly robust and efficient parallel computing system development for biological gene sequence. The research work here gives a deep understanding and knowledge transfer about exiting approach for gene sequencing and alignment using Smith-waterman their strength and weaknesses. Smith-Waterman algorithm calculates the local alignment of two given sequences used to identify similar RNA, DNA and protein segments. To identify the enhanced local alignments of biological gene pairs Smith-Waterman algorithm uses dynamic programming approach. It is proficient in finding the optimal local alignment considering the given scoring system. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150515

    Exact parallel alignment of megabase genomic sequences with tunable work distribution

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    Sequence Alignment is a basic operation in Bioinformatics that is performed thousands of times, on daily basis. The exact methods for pairwise alignment have quadratic time complexity. For this reason, heuristic methods such as BLAST are widely used. To obtain exact results faster, parallel strategies have been proposed but most of them fail to align huge biological sequences. This happens because not only the quadratic time must be considered but also the space should be reduced. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of Z-align, a parallel exact strategy that runs in user-restricted memory space. Also, we propose and evaluate a tunable work distribution mechanism. The results obtained in two clusters show that two sequences of size 24MBP (Mega Base Pairs) and 23MBP, respectively, were successfully aligned with Z-align. Also, in order to align two 3MBP sequences, a speedup of 34.35 was achieved for 64 processors. The evaluation of our work distribution mechanism shows that the execution times can be sensibly reduced when appropriate parameters are chosen. Finally, when comparing Z-align with BLAST, it is clear that, in many cases, Z-align is able to produce alignments with higher score

    Parallelism in multiple sequence alignment.

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    No abstract available.The original print copy of this thesis may be available here: http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b130207

    Large-scale methods in computational genomics

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    The explosive growth in biological sequence data coupled with the design and deployment of increasingly high throughput sequencing technologies has created a need for methods capable of processing large-scale sequence data in a time and cost effective manner. In this dissertation, we address this need through the development of faster algorithms, space-efficient methods, and high-performance parallel computing techniques for some key problems in computational genomics;The first problem addressed is the clustering of DNA sequences based on a measure of sequence similarity. Our clustering method: (i) guarantees linear space complexity, in contrast to the quadratic memory requirements of previously developed methods; (ii) identifies sequence pairs containing long maximal matches in the decreasing order of their maximal match lengths in run-time proportional to the sum of input and output sizes; (iii) provides heuristics to significantly reduce the number of pairs evaluated for checking sequence similarity without affecting quality; and (iv) has parallel strategies that provide linear speedup and a proportionate reduction in space per processor. Our approach has significantly enhanced the problem size reach while also drastically reducing the time to solution;The next problem we address is the de novo detection of genomic repeats called Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) retrotransposons. Our algorithm guarantees linear space complexity and produces high quality candidates for prediction in run-time proportional to the sum of input and output sizes. Validation of our approach on the yeast genome demonstrates both superior quality and performance results when compared to previously developed software;In a genome assembly project, fragments sequenced from a target genome are computationally assembled into numerous supersequences called contigs , which are then ordered and oriented into scaffolds . In this dissertation, we introduce a new problem called retroscaffolding for scaffolding contigs based on the knowledge of their LTR retrotransposon content. Through identification of sequencing gaps that span LTR retrotransposons, retroscaffolding provides a mechanism for prioritizing sequencing gaps for finishing purposes;While most of the problems addressed here have been studied previously, the main contribution in this dissertation is the development of methods that can scale to the largest available sequence collections

    Space and time optimal parallel sequence alignments

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    We present the first space and time optimal parallel algorithm for the pairwise sequence alignment problem, a fundamental problem in computational biology. This problem can be solved sequentially in O(mn) time and O(m + n) space, where m and n are the lengths of the sequences to be aligned. The fastest known parallel space-optimal algorithm for space but suboptimal O � (m+n) 2 � time, where p is the this problem takes optimal O � m+n p number of processors. The most space-economical optimal time parallel algorithm take