12 research outputs found

    Proof of principle : the adaptive geometry of social foragers

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    Acknowledgments We thank Cape Nature for permission to undertake the study. We thank Dr Matt Grove and two anonymous referees for comments and suggestions that improved the manuscript substantially. This research was funded by grants from the Leakey Foundation, National Science and Engineering Research Council, Canada to S.P.H. and L.B., and by the National Research Foundation, South Africa to S.P.H. His co-authors dedicate this paper to the memory of P.M.R.C. The authors declare no competing interests.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Exploring the Design Space of Immersive Urban Analytics

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid development and wide adoption of immersive head-mounted devices, such as HTC VIVE, Oculus Rift, and Microsoft HoloLens. These immersive devices have the potential to significantly extend the methodology of urban visual analytics by providing critical 3D context information and creating a sense of presence. In this paper, we propose an theoretical model to characterize the visualizations in immersive urban analytics. Further more, based on our comprehensive and concise model, we contribute a typology of combination methods of 2D and 3D visualizations that distinguish between linked views, embedded views, and mixed views. We also propose a supporting guideline to assist users in selecting a proper view under certain circumstances by considering visual geometry and spatial distribution of the 2D and 3D visualizations. Finally, based on existing works, possible future research opportunities are explored and discussed.Comment: 23 pages,11 figure

    Coordinate transformations for characterization and cluster analysis of spatial configurations in football

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    Current technologies allow movements of the players and the ball in football matches to be tracked and recorded with high accuracy and temporal frequency. We demonstrate an approach to analyzing football data with the aim to find typical patterns of spatial arrangement of the field players. It involves transformation of original coordinates to relative positions of the players and the ball with respect to the center and attack vector of each team. From these relative positions, we derive features for characterizing spatial configurations in different time steps during a football game. We apply clustering to these features, which groups the spatial configurations by similarity. By summarizing groups of similar configurations, we obtain representation of spatial arrangement patterns practiced by each team. The patterns are represented visually by density maps built in the teams’ relative coordinate systems. Using additional displays, we can investigate under what conditions each pattern was applied

    Visual analytics of delays and interaction in movement data

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    Maximilian Konzack, Tim Ophelders, Michel A. Westenberg and Kevin Buchin are supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) under grant no. 612.001.207 (Maximilian Konzack, Michel A. Westenberg and Kevin Buchin) and grant no. 639.023.208 (Tim Ophelders).The analysis of interaction between movement trajectories is of interest for various domains when movement of multiple objects is concerned. Interaction often includes a delayed response, making it difficult to detect interaction with current methods that compare movement at specific time intervals. We propose analyses and visualizations, on a local and global scale, of delayed movement responses, where an action is followed by a reaction over time, on trajectories recorded simultaneously. We developed a novel approach to compute the global delay in subquadratic time using a fast Fourier transform (FFT). Central to our local analysis of delays is the computation of a matching between the trajectories in a so-called delay space. It encodes the similarities between all pairs of points of the trajectories. In the visualization, the edges of the matching are bundled into patches, such that shape and color of a patch help to encode changes in an interaction pattern. To evaluate our approach experimentally, we have implemented it as a prototype visual analytics tool and have applied the tool on three bidimensional data sets. For this we used various measures to compute the delay space, including the directional distance, a new similarity measure, which captures more complex interactions by combining directional and spatial characteristics. We compare matchings of various methods computing similarity between trajectories. We also compare various procedures to compute the matching in the delay space, specifically the Fréchet distance, dynamic time warping (DTW), and edit distance (ED). Finally, we demonstrate how to validate the consistency of pairwise matchings by computing matchings between more than two trajectories.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Visual analytics methods for retinal layers in optical coherence tomography data

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    Optical coherence tomography is an important imaging technology for the early detection of ocular diseases. Yet, identifying substructural defects in the 3D retinal images is challenging. We therefore present novel visual analytics methods for the exploration of small and localized retinal alterations. Our methods reduce the data complexity and ensure the visibility of relevant information. The results of two cross-sectional studies show that our methods improve the detection of retinal defects, contributing to a deeper understanding of the retinal condition at an early stage of disease.Die optische KohĂ€renztomographie ist ein wichtiges Bildgebungsverfahren zur FrĂŒherkennung von Augenerkrankungen. Die Identifizierung von substrukturellen Defekten in den 3D-Netzhautbildern ist jedoch eine Herausforderung. Wir stellen daher neue Visual-Analytics-Methoden zur Exploration von kleinen und lokalen NetzhautverĂ€nderungen vor. Unsere Methoden reduzieren die DatenkomplexitĂ€t und gewĂ€hrleisten die Sichtbarkeit relevanter Informationen. Die Ergebnisse zweier Querschnittsstudien zeigen, dass unsere Methoden die Erkennung von Netzhautdefekten in frĂŒhen Krankheitsstadien verbessern