90,783 research outputs found

    New Negentropy Optimization Schemes for Blind Signal Extraction of Complex Valued Sources

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    Blind signal extraction, a hot issue in the field of communication signal processing, aims to retrieve the sources through the optimization of contrast functions. Many contrasts based on higher-order statistics such as kurtosis, usually behave sensitive to outliers. Thus, to achieve robust results, nonlinear functions are utilized as contrasts to approximate the negentropy criterion, which is also a classical metric for non-Gaussianity. However, existing methods generally have a high computational cost, hence leading us to address the problem of efficient optimization of contrast function. More precisely, we design a novel “reference-based” contrast function based on negentropy approximations, and then propose a new family of algorithms (Alg.1 and Alg.2) to maximize it. Simulations confirm the convergence of our method to a separating solution, which is also analyzed in theory. We also validate the theoretic complexity analysis that Alg.2 has a much lower computational cost than Alg.1 and existing optimization methods based on negentropy criterion. Finally, experiments for the separation of single sideband signals illustrate that our method has good prospects in real-world applications

    Simultaneous multislice acquisition with multi-contrast segmented EPI for separation of signal contributions in dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging

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    We present a method to efficiently separate signal in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into a base signal S0, representing the mainly T1-weighted component without T2*-relaxation, and its T2*-weighted counterpart by the rapid acquisition of multiple contrasts for advanced pharmacokinetic modelling. This is achieved by incorporating simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging into a multi-contrast, segmented echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence to allow extended spatial coverage, which covers larger body regions without time penalty. Simultaneous acquisition of four slices was combined with segmented EPI for fast imaging with three gradient echo times in a preclinical perfusion study. Six female domestic pigs, German-landrace or hybrid-form, were scanned for 11 minutes respectively during administration of gadolinium-based contrast agent. Influences of reconstruction methods and training data were investigated. The separation into T1- and T2*-dependent signal contributions was achieved by fitting a standard analytical model to the acquired multi-echo data. The application of SMS yielded sufficient temporal resolution for the detection of the arterial input function in major vessels, while anatomical coverage allowed perfusion analysis of muscle tissue. The separation of the MR signal into T1- and T2*-dependent components allowed the correction of susceptibility related changes. We demonstrate a novel sequence for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI that meets the requirements of temporal resolution (Δt < 1.5 s) and image quality. The incorporation of SMS into multi-contrast, segmented EPI can overcome existing limitations of dynamic contrast enhancement and dynamic susceptibility contrast methods, when applied separately. The new approach allows both techniques to be combined in a single acquisition with a large spatial coverage

    Logarithmic intensity and speckle-based motion contrast methods for human retinal vasculature visualization using swept source optical coherence tomography

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    We formulate a theory to show that the statistics of OCT signal amplitude and intensity are highly dependent on the sample reflectivity strength, motion, and noise power. Our theoretical and experimental results depict the lack of speckle amplitude and intensity contrasts to differentiate regions of motion from static areas. Two logarithmic intensity-based contrasts, logarithmic intensity variance (LOGIV) and differential logarithmic intensity variance (DLOGIV), are proposed for serving as surrogate markers for motion with enhanced sensitivity. Our findings demonstrate a good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results for logarithmic intensity-based contrasts. Logarithmic intensity-based motion and speckle-based contrast methods are validated and compared for in vivo human retinal vasculature visualization using high-speed swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) at 1060 nm. The vasculature was identified as regions of motion by creating LOGIV and DLOGIV tomograms: multiple B-scans were collected of individual slices through the retina and the variance of logarithmic intensities and differences of logarithmic intensities were calculated. Both methods captured the small vessels and the meshwork of capillaries associated with the inner retina in en face images over 4 mm^2 in a normal subject

    Deep Thermal Infrared Imaging of HR 8799 bcde: New Atmospheric Constraints and Limits on a Fifth Planet

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    We present new LL^\prime (3.8 μm\mu m) and Br-α\alpha (4.05 μm\mu m) data and reprocessed archival LL^\prime data for the young, planet-hosting star HR 8799 obtained with Keck/NIRC2, VLT/NaCo and Subaru/IRCS. We detect all four HR 8799 planets in each dataset at a moderate to high signal-to-noise (SNR \gtrsim 6-15). We fail to identify a fifth planet, "HR 8799 f", at rr << 15 AUAU at a 5-σ\sigma confidence level: one suggestive, marginally significant residual at 0.2" is most likely a PSF artifact. Assuming companion ages of 30 MyrMyr and the Baraffe (Spiegel \& Burrows) planet cooling models, we rule out an HR 8799 f with mass of 5 MJM_{J} (7 MJM_{J}), 7 MJM_{J} (10 MJM_{J}), and 12 MJM_{J} (13 MJM_{J}) at rprojr_{proj} \sim 12 AUAU, 9 AUAU, and 5 AUAU, respectively. All four HR 8799 planets have red early T dwarf-like LL^\prime - [4.05] colors, suggesting that their SEDs peak in between the LL^\prime and MM^\prime broadband filters. We find no statistically significant difference in HR 8799 cde's colors. Atmosphere models assuming thick, patchy clouds appear to better match HR 8799 bcde's photometry than models assuming a uniform cloud layer. While non-equilibrium carbon chemistry is required to explain HR 8799 bc's photometry/spectra, evidence for it from HR 8799 de's photometry is weaker. Future, deep IR spectroscopy/spectrophotometry with the Gemini Planet Imager, SCExAO/CHARIS, and other facilities may clarify whether the planets are chemically similar or heterogeneous.Comment: 18 pages, 6 Tables, and 9 Figures. Fig. 1a is the key figure. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Differential intensity contrast swept source optical coherence tomography for human retinal vasculature visualization

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    We demonstrate an intensity-based motion sensitive method, called differential logarithmic intensity variance (DLOGIV), for 3D microvasculature imaging and foveal avascular zone (FAZ) visualization in the in vivo human retina using swept source optical coherence tomog. (SS-OCT) at 1060 nm. A motion sensitive SS-OCT system was developed operating at 50,000 A-lines/s with 5.9 μm axial resoln., and used to collect 3D images over 4 mm^2 in a normal subject eye. Multiple B-scans were acquired at each individual slice through the retina and the variance of differences of logarithmic intensities as well as the differential phase variances (DPV) was calcd. to identify regions of motion (microvasculature). En face DLOGIV image were capable of capturing the microvasculature through depth with an equal performance compared to the DPV

    A simple optimized amplitude pupil mask for attempting to direct imaging of Proxima b with SPHERE/ZIMPOL at VLT

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    Proxima b is a terrestrial exoplanet orbiting in the habitable zone of our closest star Proxima Centauri. The separation between the planet and the star is about 40 mas and this is with current instruments only reachable with direct imaging, using a visual extreme AO system like SPHERE/ZIMPOL. Unfortunately, the planet falls under the first airy ring at 2λ\lambda/D in the I band, which degrades achievable contrast. We present the design, optical simulations and testing of an amplitude pupil mask for ZIMPOL that reshapes the PSF, increasing the contrast at r=2λr = 2\lambda/D about an order of magnitude. The simple mask can be inserted directly into the current setup of SPHERE.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Poster presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201

    High-contrast imaging in the Hyades with snapshot LOCI

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    To image faint substellar companions obscured by the stellar halo and speckles, scattered light from the bright primary star must be removed in hardware or software. We apply the "locally-optimized combination of images" (LOCI) algorithm to 1-minute Keck Observatory snapshots of GKM dwarfs in the Hyades using source diversity to determine the most likely PSF. We obtain a mean contrast of 10^{-2} at 0.01", 10^{-4} at <1", and 10^{-5} at 5". New brown dwarf and low-mass stellar companions to Hyades primaries are found in a third of the 84 targeted systems. This campaign shows the efficacy of LOCI on snapshot imaging as well as on bright wide binaries with off-axis LOCI, reaching contrasts sufficient for imaging 625-Myr late-L/early-T dwarfs purely in post-processing.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, to appear in SPIE Astronomy 2012, paper 8447-16