8 research outputs found

    On the Computation of Integral Curves in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Vector Fields

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    Integral curves, such as streamlines, streaklines, pathlines, and timelines, are an essential tool in the analysis of vector field structures, offering straightforward and intuitive interpretation of visualization results. While such curves have a long-standing tradition in vector field visualization, their application to Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) simulation results poses unique problems. AMR is a highly effective discretization method for a variety of physical simulation problems and has recently been applied to the study of vector fields in flow and magnetohydrodynamic applications. The cell-centered nature of AMR data and discontinuities in the vector field representation arising from AMR level boundaries complicate the application of numerical integration methods to compute integral curves. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to alleviate these problems and show its application to streamline visualization in an AMR model of the magnetic field of the solar system as well as to a simulation of two incompressible viscous vortex rings merging

    **FULL TITLE** ASP Conference Series, Vol. **VOLUME**, **YEAR OF PUBLICATION** **NAMES OF EDITORS** Visualization of Scalar Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data

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    Abstract. Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) is a highly effective computation method for simulations that span a large range of spatiotemporal scales, such as astrophysical simulations, which must accommodate ranges from interstellar to sub-planetary. Most mainstream visualization tools still lack support for AMR grids as a first class data type and AMR code teams use custom built applications for AMR visualization. The Department of Energy's (DOE's) Science Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies (VACET) is currently working on extending VisIt, which is an open source visualization tool that accommodates AMR as a first-class data type. These efforts will bridge the gap between generalpurpose visualization applications and highly specialized AMR visual analysis applications. Here, we give an overview of the state of the art in AMR scalar data visualization research

    Ray Tracing Structured AMR Data Using ExaBricks

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    Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (Structured AMR) enables simulations to adapt the domain resolution to save computation and storage, and has become one of the dominant data representations used by scientific simulations; however, efficiently rendering such data remains a challenge. We present an efficient approach for volume- and iso-surface ray tracing of Structured AMR data on GPU-equipped workstations, using a combination of two different data structures. Together, these data structures allow a ray tracing based renderer to quickly determine which segments along the ray need to be integrated and at what frequency, while also providing quick access to all data values required for a smooth sample reconstruction kernel. Our method makes use of the RTX ray tracing hardware for surface rendering, ray marching, space skipping, and adaptive sampling; and allows for interactive changes to the transfer function and implicit iso-surfacing thresholds. We demonstrate that our method achieves high performance with little memory overhead, enabling interactive high quality rendering of complex AMR data sets on individual GPU workstations

    New techniques for the scientific visualization of three-dimensional multi-variate and vector fields

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    Volume rendering allows us to represent a density cloud with ideal properties (single scattering, no self-shadowing, etc.). Scientific visualization utilizes this technique by mapping an abstract variable or property in a computer simulation to a synthetic density cloud. This thesis extends volume rendering from its limitation of isotropic density clouds to anisotropic and/or noisy density clouds. Design aspects of these techniques are discussed that aid in the comprehension of scientific information. Anisotropic volume rendering is used to represent vector based quantities in scientific visualization. Velocity and vorticity in a fluid flow, electric and magnetic waves in an electromagnetic simulation, and blood flow within the body are examples of vector based information within a computer simulation or gathered from instrumentation. Understand these fields can be crucial to understanding the overall physics or physiology. Three techniques for representing three-dimensional vector fields are presented: Line Bundles, Textured Splats and Hair Splats. These techniques are aimed at providing a high-level (qualitative) overview of the flows, offering the user a substantial amount of information with a single image or animation. Non-homogenous volume rendering is used to represent multiple variables. Computer simulations can typically have over thirty variables, which describe properties whose understanding are useful to the scientist. Trying to understand each of these separately can be time consuming. Trying to understand any cause and effect relationships between different variables can be impossible. NoiseSplats is introduced to represent two or more properties in a single volume rendering of the data. This technique is also aimed at providing a qualitative overview of the flows

    Geometrische Algorithmen in der Flächenrückführung

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    Gegenstand der Flächenrückführung ist, aus einer gegebenen Menge von Abtastpunkten einer Fläche eine Näherung zu rekonstruieren, die die Fläche möglichst gut repräsentiert. Ein weit verbreiteter Ansatz ist, die rekonstruierte Fläche durch ein Netz aus Polygonen, meist Dreiecken, zu beschreiben. Die Schwierigkeit besteht darin, unter den kombinatorisch vielen Möglichkeiten eine "gute" Rekonstruktion zu erhalten, insbesondere für den Fall, dass die ursprünglich gegebene Fläche nicht bekannt ist. Im Zusammenhang mit Verfahren zur Flächenrückführung treten vielfältige geometrische Teilprobleme auf, die für sich gesehen interessant sind. In dieser Arbeit werden für eine Reihe solcher Probleme effiziente Algorithmen entwickelt. Zu nennen sind Korrektheitsbetrachtungen für den gebräuchlichen Oriented-Walk-Algorithmus, Triangulierung innerhalb frei wählbarer, nicht konvexer Gebiete in der Ebene, Berechnung konvexer Hüllen von Polygonen auf Sphären mit linearem Zeitaufwand, Stabilität von Delaunay-Facetten mit Anwendung auf die Rekonstruktion geschlossener Flächen sowie effiziente Aufzählung polygonaler Hüllen