1,201 research outputs found

    Steiner symmetrization using a finite set of directions

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    Let v1,...,vmv_1, ..., v_m be a finite set of unit vectors in \RR^n. Suppose that an infinite sequence of Steiner symmetrizations are applied to a compact convex set KK in \RR^n, where each of the symmetrizations is taken with respect to a direction from among the viv_i. Then the resulting sequence of Steiner symmetrals always converges, and the limiting body is symmetric under reflection in any of the directions viv_i that appear infinitely often in the sequence. In particular, an infinite periodic sequence of Steiner symmetrizations always converges, and the set functional determined by this infinite process is always idempotent.Comment: 18 pages. The essential results are the same as in the previous version. This version includes a more thorough introduction, some clarifications in the proofs, an updated bibliography, and some open questions at the en

    Towards Conformal Invariance and a Geometric Representation of the 2D Ising Magnetization Field

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    We study the continuum scaling limit of the critical Ising magnetization in two dimensions. We prove the existence of subsequential limits, discuss connections with the scaling limit of critical FK clusters, and describe work in progress of the author with C. Garban and C.M. Newman.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, presented at the workshop "Inhomogeneous Random Systems" held at IHP (Paris) on January 26-27, 201

    Randomly Weighted Self-normalized L\'evy Processes

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    Let (Ut,Vt)(U_t,V_t) be a bivariate L\'evy process, where VtV_t is a subordinator and UtU_t is a L\'evy process formed by randomly weighting each jump of VtV_t by an independent random variable XtX_t having cdf FF. We investigate the asymptotic distribution of the self-normalized L\'evy process Ut/VtU_t/V_t at 0 and at \infty. We show that all subsequential limits of this ratio at 0 (\infty) are continuous for any nondegenerate FF with finite expectation if and only if VtV_t belongs to the centered Feller class at 0 (\infty). We also characterize when Ut/VtU_t/V_t has a non-degenerate limit distribution at 0 and \infty.Comment: 32 page

    Planar Ising magnetization field I. Uniqueness of the critical scaling limit

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    The aim of this paper is to prove the following result. Consider the critical Ising model on the rescaled grid aZ2a\mathbb{Z}^2, then the renormalized magnetization field Φa:=a15/8xaZ2σxδx,\Phi^a:=a^{15/8}\sum_{x\in a\mathbb{Z}^2}\sigma_x\delta_x, seen as a random distribution (i.e., generalized function) on the plane, has a unique scaling limit as the mesh size a0a\searrow0. The limiting field is conformally covariant.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP881 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Necessary conditions for variational regularization schemes

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    We study variational regularization methods in a general framework, more precisely those methods that use a discrepancy and a regularization functional. While several sets of sufficient conditions are known to obtain a regularization method, we start with an investigation of the converse question: How could necessary conditions for a variational method to provide a regularization method look like? To this end, we formalize the notion of a variational scheme and start with comparison of three different instances of variational methods. Then we focus on the data space model and investigate the role and interplay of the topological structure, the convergence notion and the discrepancy functional. Especially, we deduce necessary conditions for the discrepancy functional to fulfill usual continuity assumptions. The results are applied to discrepancy functionals given by Bregman distances and especially to the Kullback-Leibler divergence.Comment: To appear in Inverse Problem

    Upward and downward statistical continuities

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    A real valued function ff defined on a subset EE of R\textbf{R}, the set of real numbers, is statistically upward continuous if it preserves statistically upward half quasi-Cauchy sequences, is statistically downward continuous if it preserves statistically downward half quasi-Cauchy sequences; and a subset EE of R\textbf{R}, is statistically upward compact if any sequence of points in EE has a statistically upward half quasi-Cauchy subsequence, is statistically downward compact if any sequence of points in EE has a statistically downward half quasi-Cauchy subsequence where a sequence (xn)(x_{n}) of points in R\textbf{R} is called statistically upward half quasi-Cauchy if limn1n{kn:xkxk+1ε}=0 \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{n}|\{k\leq n: x_{k}-x_{k+1}\geq \varepsilon\}|=0 is statistically downward half quasi-Cauchy if limn1n{kn:xk+1xkε}=0 \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{n}|\{k\leq n: x_{k+1}-x_{k}\geq \varepsilon\}|=0 for every ε>0\varepsilon>0. We investigate statistically upward continuity, statistically downward continuity, statistically upward half compactness, statistically downward half compactness and prove interesting theorems. It turns out that uniform limit of a sequence of statistically upward continuous functions is statistically upward continuous, and uniform limit of a sequence of statistically downward continuous functions is statistically downward continuous.Comment: 25 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1205.3674, arXiv:1103.1230, arXiv:1102.1531, arXiv:1305.069