18 research outputs found

    Lattice Attacks on the DGHV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme

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    In 2010, van Dijk, Gentry, Halevi, and Vaikuntanathan described the first fully homomorphic encryption over the integers, called DGHV. The scheme is based on a set of mm public integers ci=pqi+ric_i=pq_i+r_i, i=1,⋯ ,mi=1,\cdots,m, where the integers pp, qiq_i and rir_i are secret. In this paper, we describe two lattice-based attacks on DGHV. The first attack is applicable when r1=0r_1=0 and the public integers cic_i satisfy a linear equation a2c2+…+amcm=a1q1a_2c_2+\ldots+a_mc_m=a_1q_1 for suitably small integers aia_i, i=2,…,mi=2,\ldots,m. The second attack works when the positive integers qiq_i satisfy a linear equation a1q1+…+amqm=0a_1q_1+\ldots+a_mq_m=0 for suitably small integers aia_i, i=1,…,mi=1,\ldots,m. We further apply our methods for the DGHV recommended parameters as specified in the original work of van Dijk, Gentry, Halevi, and Vaikuntanathan

    An RNS variant of fully homomorphic encryption over integers

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    In 1978, the concept of privacy homomorphism was introduced by Rivest et al. Since then, homomorphic cryptosystems have gathered researchers' attention. Most of the early schemes were either partially homomorphic or not secure. The question then arose: was fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme possible? And if so, would it have a practical worth? About thirty years later, Gentry, in his pioneering work, constructed the first fully homomorphic encryption scheme. The scheme's security was based on worst-case problems over ideal lattices along with a sparse subset-sum problem. A conceptually simpler scheme was proposed in 2010 by Dijk, Gentry, Halevi, and Vaikuntanathan (DGHV). The scheme is over integers instead of ideal lattices, and its security is based on the hardness of the approximate great common divisor problem (A-GCD). Afterward, different techniques were proposed to reduce ciphertext noise growth and to compress the public key size in order to enhance the practicality of FHE. Moreover, Coron et al. proposed and implemented a scale-invariant of the DGHV scheme (SI-DGHV) and a number of optimization techniques including modulus switching (MS). However, FHE over integers is still far from practical. To this end, this work proposes a residue number system (RNS) variant to FHE of SI-DGHV, which is also applicable to the DGHV scheme. The proposed scheme exploits properties of RNS to perform the required operations over relatively small moduli in parallel. The RNS variant enhances the timing of the original scheme. The variant scheme also improves the original scheme's security, since the former relies only on the hardness of the A-GCD problem and eliminates the need for the sparse-subset-sum problem used in the original MS procedure. Moreover, the public key elements that are required for the MS method is slightly reduced in the RNS variant. Finally, our analysis of the RNS variant reveals a different linear relationship between the noise and the multiplication depth

    The Potential for Machine Learning Analysis over Encrypted Data in Cloud-based Clinical Decision Support - Background and Review

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    This paper appeared at the 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia, January 2015. Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT), Vol. 164, Anthony Maeder and Jim Warren, Ed. Reproduction for academic, not-for profit purposes permitted provided this text is includedIn an effort to reduce the risk of sensitive data exposure in untrusted networks such as the public cloud, increasing attention has recently been given to encryption schemes that allow specific computations to occur on encrypted data, without the need for decryption. This relies on the fact that some encryption algorithms display the property of homomorphism, which allows them to manipulate data in a meaningful way while still in encrypted form. Such a framework would find particular relevance in Clinical Decision Support (CDS) applications deployed in the public cloud. CDS applications have an important computational and analytical role over confidential healthcare information with the aim of supporting decision-making in clinical practice. This review paper examines the history and current status of homomoprhic encryption and its potential for preserving the privacy of patient data underpinning cloud-based CDS applications

    Aggregating privatized medical data for secure querying applications

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     This thesis analyses and examines the challenges of aggregation of sensitive data and data querying on aggregated data at cloud server. This thesis also delineates applications of aggregation of sensitive medical data in several application scenarios, and tests privatization techniques to assist in improving the strength of privacy and utility

    E2E near-standard and practical authenticated transciphering

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) enables computation delegation to untrusted third-party while maintaining data confidentiality. Hybrid encryption (a.k.a Transciphering) allows a reduction in the number of ciphertexts and storage size, which makes HE solutions practical for a variety of modern applications. Still, modern transciphering has two main drawbacks: 1) lack of standardization or bad performance of symmetric decryption under FHE; 2) lack of input data integrity. In this paper, we discuss the concept of Authenticated Transciphering (AT), which like Authenticated Encryption (AE) provides some integrity guarantees for the transciphered data. For that, we report on the first implementations of AES-GCM decryption and Ascon decryption under CKKS. Moreover, we report and demonstrate the first end-to-end process that uses transciphering for real-world applications i.e., running deep neural network inference (ResNet50 over ImageNet) under encryption

    Survey on Fully Homomorphic Encryption, Theory, and Applications

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    Data privacy concerns are increasing significantly in the context of Internet of Things, cloud services, edge computing, artificial intelligence applications, and other applications enabled by next generation networks. Homomorphic Encryption addresses privacy challenges by enabling multiple operations to be performed on encrypted messages without decryption. This paper comprehensively addresses homomorphic encryption from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The paper delves into the mathematical foundations required to understand fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). It consequently covers design fundamentals and security properties of FHE and describes the main FHE schemes based on various mathematical problems. On a more practical level, the paper presents a view on privacy-preserving Machine Learning using homomorphic encryption, then surveys FHE at length from an engineering angle, covering the potential application of FHE in fog computing, and cloud computing services. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of existing state-of-the-art FHE libraries and tools, implemented in software and hardware, and the performance thereof

    Revisiting Orthogonal Lattice Attacks on Approximate Common Divisor Problems and their Applications

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    In this paper, we revisit three existing types of orthogonal lattice (OL) attacks and propose optimized cases to solve approximate common divisor (ACD) problems. In order to reduce both space and time costs, we also make an improved lattice using the rounding technique. Further, we present asymptotic formulas of the time complexities on our optimizations as well as three known OL attacks. Besides, we give specific conditions that the optimized OL attacks can work and show how the attack ability depends on the blocksize β\beta in the BKZ-β\beta algorithm. Therefore, we put forward a method to estimate the concrete cost of solving the random ACD instances. It can be used in the choice of practical parameters in ACD problems. Finally, we give the security estimates of some ACD-based FHE constructions from the literature and also analyze the implicit factorization problem with sufficient number of samples. In the above situations, our optimized OL attack using the rounding technique performs fastest in practice

    Can there be efficient and natural FHE schemes?

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    In 1978, Rivest, Adleman and Dertouzos asked for algebraic systems for which useful privacy homomorphisms exist. To date, the only acknownledged result is noise based encryption combined with bootstrapping. Before that, there were several failed attempts. We prove that fully homomorphic schemes are impossible for several algebraic structures. Then we develop a characterisation of all fully homomorphic schemes and use it to analyse three examples. Finally, we propose a conjecture stating that secure FHE schemes must either have a significant ciphertext expansion or use unusual algebraic structures