2 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Secret Sharing Schemes Based on Latin Squares and RSA

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    In recent years there has been a great deal of work done on secret sharing scehemes. Secret Sharing Schemes allow for the division of keys so that an authorised set of users may access information. In this paper we wish to present a critical comparison of two of these schemes based on Latin Squares, [Cooper et., al.] and RSA [Shoup]. These two protocols will be examined in terms of their positive and negative aspects of their secuirty

    Some Interesting Constructions for Secret Sharing Schemes

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    This article documents some of the known constructions for secret sharing schemes. It includes a discussion of the mathematical structures which have been used to model secret sharing schemes, the establishment of secret sharing schemes which do not require the existence of a trusted authority to administer them, variations which can be incorporated into these schemes to increase their flexibility and the detection of cheaters