615,398 research outputs found

    Fair task allocation in transportation

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    Task allocation problems have traditionally focused on cost optimization. However, more and more attention is being given to cases in which cost should not always be the sole or major consideration. In this paper we study a fair task allocation problem in transportation where an optimal allocation not only has low cost but more importantly, it distributes tasks as even as possible among heterogeneous participants who have different capacities and costs to execute tasks. To tackle this fair minimum cost allocation problem we analyze and solve it in two parts using two novel polynomial-time algorithms. We show that despite the new fairness criterion, the proposed algorithms can solve the fair minimum cost allocation problem optimally in polynomial time. In addition, we conduct an extensive set of experiments to investigate the trade-off between cost minimization and fairness. Our experimental results demonstrate the benefit of factoring fairness into task allocation. Among the majority of test instances, fairness comes with a very small price in terms of cost

    Optimal flow through the disordered lattice

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    Consider routing traffic on the N x N torus, simultaneously between all source-destination pairs, to minimize the cost ∑ec(e)f2(e)\sum_ec(e)f^2(e), where f(e) is the volume of flow across edge e and the c(e) form an i.i.d. random environment. We prove existence of a rescaled N→∞N\to \infty limit constant for minimum cost, by comparison with an appropriate analogous problem about minimum-cost flows across a M x M subsquare of the lattice.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117906000000719 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Distributed Flow Scheduling in an Unknown Environment

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    Flow scheduling tends to be one of the oldest and most stubborn problems in networking. It becomes more crucial in the next generation network, due to fast changing link states and tremendous cost to explore the global structure. In such situation, distributed algorithms often dominate. In this paper, we design a distributed virtual game to solve the flow scheduling problem and then generalize it to situations of unknown environment, where online learning schemes are utilized. In the virtual game, we use incentives to stimulate selfish users to reach a Nash Equilibrium Point which is valid based on the analysis of the `Price of Anarchy'. In the unknown-environment generalization, our ultimate goal is the minimization of cost in the long run. In order to achieve balance between exploration of routing cost and exploitation based on limited information, we model this problem based on Multi-armed Bandit Scenario and combined newly proposed DSEE with the virtual game design. Armed with these powerful tools, we find a totally distributed algorithm to ensure the logarithmic growing of regret with time, which is optimum in classic Multi-armed Bandit Problem. Theoretical proof and simulation results both affirm this claim. To our knowledge, this is the first research to combine multi-armed bandit with distributed flow scheduling.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, conferenc

    A Linear Network Code Construction for General Integer Connections Based on the Constraint Satisfaction Problem

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    The problem of finding network codes for general connections is inherently difficult in capacity constrained networks. Resource minimization for general connections with network coding is further complicated. Existing methods for identifying solutions mainly rely on highly restricted classes of network codes, and are almost all centralized. In this paper, we introduce linear network mixing coefficients for code constructions of general connections that generalize random linear network coding (RLNC) for multicast connections. For such code constructions, we pose the problem of cost minimization for the subgraph involved in the coding solution and relate this minimization to a path-based Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) and an edge-based CSP. While CSPs are NP-complete in general, we present a path-based probabilistic distributed algorithm and an edge-based probabilistic distributed algorithm with almost sure convergence in finite time by applying Communication Free Learning (CFL). Our approach allows fairly general coding across flows, guarantees no greater cost than routing, and shows a possible distributed implementation. Numerical results illustrate the performance improvement of our approach over existing methods.Comment: submitted to TON (conference version published at IEEE GLOBECOM 2015

    Optimal design of water distribution systems based on entropy and topology

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    A new multi-objective evolutionary optimization approach for joint topology and pipe size design of water distribution systems is presented. The algorithm proposed considers simultaneously the adequacy of flow and pressure at the demand nodes; the initial construction cost; the network topology; and a measure of hydraulic capacity reliability. The optimization procedure is based on a general measure of hydraulic performance that combines statistical entropy, network connectivity and hydraulic feasibility. The topological properties of the solutions are accounted for and arbitrary assumptions regarding the quality of infeasible solutions are not applied. In other words, both feasible and infeasible solutions participate in the evolutionary processes; solutions survive and reproduce or perish strictly according to their Pareto-optimality. Removing artificial barriers in this way frees the algorithm to evolve optimal solutions quickly. Furthermore, any redundant binary codes that result from crossover or mutation are eliminated gradually in a seamless and generic way that avoids the arbitrary loss of potentially useful genetic material and preserves the quality of the information that is transmitted from one generation to the next. The approach proposed is entirely generic: we have not introduced any additional parameters that require calibration on a case-by-case basis. Detailed and extensive results for two test problems are included that suggest the approach is highly effective. In general, the frontier-optimal solutions achieved include topologies that are fully branched, partially- and fully-looped and, for networks with multiple sources, completely separate sub-networks

    Synchronization in Weighted Uncorrelated Complex Networks in a Noisy Environment: Optimization and Connections with Transport Efficiency

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    Motivated by synchronization problems in noisy environments, we study the Edwards-Wilkinson process on weighted uncorrelated scale-free networks. We consider a specific form of the weights, where the strength (and the associated cost) of a link is proportional to (kikj)β(k_{i}k_{j})^{\beta} with kik_{i} and kjk_{j} being the degrees of the nodes connected by the link. Subject to the constraint that the total network cost is fixed, we find that in the mean-field approximation on uncorrelated scale-free graphs, synchronization is optimal at β∗\beta^{*}==-1. Numerical results, based on exact numerical diagonalization of the corresponding network Laplacian, confirm the mean-field results, with small corrections to the optimal value of β∗\beta^{*}. Employing our recent connections between the Edwards-Wilkinson process and resistor networks, and some well-known connections between random walks and resistor networks, we also pursue a naturally related problem of optimizing performance in queue-limited communication networks utilizing local weighted routing schemes.Comment: Papers on related research can be found at http://www.rpi.edu/~korniss/Research

    Graphical Models for Optimal Power Flow

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    Optimal power flow (OPF) is the central optimization problem in electric power grids. Although solved routinely in the course of power grid operations, it is known to be strongly NP-hard in general, and weakly NP-hard over tree networks. In this paper, we formulate the optimal power flow problem over tree networks as an inference problem over a tree-structured graphical model where the nodal variables are low-dimensional vectors. We adapt the standard dynamic programming algorithm for inference over a tree-structured graphical model to the OPF problem. Combining this with an interval discretization of the nodal variables, we develop an approximation algorithm for the OPF problem. Further, we use techniques from constraint programming (CP) to perform interval computations and adaptive bound propagation to obtain practically efficient algorithms. Compared to previous algorithms that solve OPF with optimality guarantees using convex relaxations, our approach is able to work for arbitrary distribution networks and handle mixed-integer optimization problems. Further, it can be implemented in a distributed message-passing fashion that is scalable and is suitable for "smart grid" applications like control of distributed energy resources. We evaluate our technique numerically on several benchmark networks and show that practical OPF problems can be solved effectively using this approach.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2016
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