94,686 research outputs found

    Recoloring bounded treewidth graphs

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    Let kk be an integer. Two vertex kk-colorings of a graph are \emph{adjacent} if they differ on exactly one vertex. A graph is \emph{kk-mixing} if any proper kk-coloring can be transformed into any other through a sequence of adjacent proper kk-colorings. Any graph is (tw+2)(tw+2)-mixing, where twtw is the treewidth of the graph (Cereceda 2006). We prove that the shortest sequence between any two (tw+2)(tw+2)-colorings is at most quadratic, a problem left open in Bonamy et al. (2012). Jerrum proved that any graph is kk-mixing if kk is at least the maximum degree plus two. We improve Jerrum's bound using the grundy number, which is the worst number of colors in a greedy coloring.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Recoloring graphs via tree decompositions

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    Let kk be an integer. Two vertex kk-colorings of a graph are \emph{adjacent} if they differ on exactly one vertex. A graph is \emph{kk-mixing} if any proper kk-coloring can be transformed into any other through a sequence of adjacent proper kk-colorings. Jerrum proved that any graph is kk-mixing if kk is at least the maximum degree plus two. We first improve Jerrum's bound using the grundy number, which is the worst number of colors in a greedy coloring. Any graph is (tw+2)(tw+2)-mixing, where twtw is the treewidth of the graph (Cereceda 2006). We prove that the shortest sequence between any two (tw+2)(tw+2)-colorings is at most quadratic (which is optimal up to a constant factor), a problem left open in Bonamy et al. (2012). We also prove that given any two (χ(G)+1)(\chi(G)+1)-colorings of a cograph (resp. distance-hereditary graph) GG, we can find a linear (resp. quadratic) sequence between them. In both cases, the bounds cannot be improved by more than a constant factor for a fixed χ(G)\chi(G). The graph classes are also optimal in some sense: one of the smallest interesting superclass of distance-hereditary graphs corresponds to comparability graphs, for which no such property holds (even when relaxing the constraint on the length of the sequence). As for cographs, they are equivalently the graphs with no induced P4P_4, and there exist P5P_5-free graphs that admit no sequence between two of their (χ(G)+1)(\chi(G)+1)-colorings. All the proofs are constructivist and lead to polynomial-time recoloring algorithmComment: 20 pages, 8 figures, partial results already presented in http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.348

    Random graphs from a block-stable class

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    A class of graphs is called block-stable when a graph is in the class if and only if each of its blocks is. We show that, as for trees, for most nn-vertex graphs in such a class, each vertex is in at most (1+o(1))logn/loglogn(1+o(1)) \log n / \log\log n blocks, and each path passes through at most 5(nlogn)1/25 (n \log n)^{1/2} blocks. These results extend to `weakly block-stable' classes of graphs

    Accelerating Consensus by Spectral Clustering and Polynomial Filters

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    It is known that polynomial filtering can accelerate the convergence towards average consensus on an undirected network. In this paper the gain of a second-order filtering is investigated. A set of graphs is determined for which consensus can be attained in finite time, and a preconditioner is proposed to adapt the undirected weights of any given graph to achieve fastest convergence with the polynomial filter. The corresponding cost function differs from the traditional spectral gap, as it favors grouping the eigenvalues in two clusters. A possible loss of robustness of the polynomial filter is also highlighted

    Causal graph dynamics

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    We extend the theory of Cellular Automata to arbitrary, time-varying graphs. In other words we formalize, and prove theorems about, the intuitive idea of a labelled graph which evolves in time - but under the natural constraint that information can only ever be transmitted at a bounded speed, with respect to the distance given by the graph. The notion of translation-invariance is also generalized. The definition we provide for these "causal graph dynamics" is simple and axiomatic. The theorems we provide also show that it is robust. For instance, causal graph dynamics are stable under composition and under restriction to radius one. In the finite case some fundamental facts of Cellular Automata theory carry through: causal graph dynamics admit a characterization as continuous functions, and they are stable under inversion. The provided examples suggest a wide range of applications of this mathematical object, from complex systems science to theoretical physics. KEYWORDS: Dynamical networks, Boolean networks, Generative networks automata, Cayley cellular automata, Graph Automata, Graph rewriting automata, Parallel graph transformations, Amalgamated graph transformations, Time-varying graphs, Regge calculus, Local, No-signalling.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX, v2: Minor presentation improvements, v3: Typos corrected, figure adde

    Analysis of Performance of Dynamic Multicast Routing Algorithms

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    In this paper, three new dynamic multicast routing algorithms based on the greedy tree technique are proposed; Source Optimised Tree, Topology Based Tree and Minimum Diameter Tree. A simulation analysis is presented showing various performance aspects of the algorithms, in which a comparison is made with the greedy and core based tree techniques. The effects of the tree source location on dynamic membership change are also examined. The simulations demonstrate that the Source Optimised Tree algorithm achieves a significant improvement in terms of delay and link usage when compared to the Core Based Tree, and greedy algorithm