142 research outputs found

    CHAMP: A Cherednik Algebra Magma Package

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    We present a computer algebra package based on Magma for performing computations in rational Cherednik algebras at arbitrary parameters and in Verma modules for restricted rational Cherednik algebras. Part of this package is a new general Las Vegas algorithm for computing the head and the constituents of a module with simple head in characteristic zero which we develop here theoretically. This algorithm is very successful when applied to Verma modules for restricted rational Cherednik algebras and it allows us to answer several questions posed by Gordon in some specific cases. We could determine the decomposition matrices of the Verma modules, the graded G-module structure of the simple modules, and the Calogero-Moser families of the generic restricted rational Cherednik algebra for around half of the exceptional complex reflection groups. In this way we could also confirm Martino's conjecture for several exceptional complex reflection groups.Comment: Final version to appear in LMS J. Comput. Math. 41 pages, 3 ancillary files. CHAMP is available at http://thielul.github.io/CHAMP/. All results are listed explicitly in the ancillary PDF document (currently 935 pages). Please check the website for further update

    Supersolvability of built lattices and Koszulness of generalized Chow rings

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    We give an explicit quadratic Grobner basis for generalized Chow rings of supersolvable built lattices, with the help of the operadic structure on geometric lattices introduced in a previous article. This shows that the generalized Chow rings associated to minimal building sets of supersolvable lattices are Koszul. As another consequence, we get that the cohomology algebras of the components of the extended modular operad in genus 0 are Koszul.Comment: Second version. Cleaned up a few proofs. Comments are welcom

    The Complexity of Algebraic Algorithms for LWE

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    Arora & Ge introduced a noise-free polynomial system to compute the secret of a Learning With Errors (LWE) instance via linearization. Albrecht et al. later utilized the Arora-Ge polynomial model to study the complexity of Gr\"obner basis computations on LWE polynomial systems under the assumption of semi-regularity. In this paper we revisit the Arora-Ge polynomial and prove that it satisfies a genericity condition recently introduced by Caminata & Gorla, called being in generic coordinates. For polynomial systems in generic coordinates one can always estimate the complexity of DRL Gr\"obner basis computations in terms of the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and henceforth also via the Macaulay bound. Moreover, we generalize the Gr\"obner basis algorithm of Semaev & Tenti to arbitrary polynomial systems with a finite degree of regularity. In particular, existence of this algorithm yields another approach to estimate the complexity of DRL Gr\"obner basis computations in terms of the degree of regularity. In practice, the degree of regularity of LWE polynomial systems is not known, though one can always estimate the lowest achievable degree of regularity. Consequently, from a designer's worst case perspective this approach yields sub-exponential complexity estimates for general, binary secret and binary error LWE. In recent works by Dachman-Soled et al. the hardness of LWE in the presence of side information was analyzed. Utilizing their framework we discuss how hints can be incorporated into LWE polynomial systems and how they affect the complexity of Gr\"obner basis computations

    Thomas Decomposition of Algebraic and Differential Systems

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    In this paper we consider disjoint decomposition of algebraic and non-linear partial differential systems of equations and inequations into so-called simple subsystems. We exploit Thomas decomposition ideas and develop them into a new algorithm. For algebraic systems simplicity means triangularity, squarefreeness and non-vanishing initials. For differential systems the algorithm provides not only algebraic simplicity but also involutivity. The algorithm has been implemented in Maple

    Generic interpolation polynomial for list decoding

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    AbstractWe extend results of K. Lee and M.E. OʼSullivan by showing how to use Gröbner bases to find the interpolation polynomial for list decoding a one-point AG code C=CL(rP,D) on any curve X, where P is an Fq-rational point on X and D=P1+P2+⋯+Pn is the sum of other Fq-rational points on X. We then define the generic interpolation polynomial for list decoding such a code. The generic interpolation polynomial should specialize to the interpolation polynomial for most received strings. We give an example of a family of Reed–Solomon 1-error correcting codes for which a single error can be decoded by a very simple process involving substituting into the generic interpolation polynomial

    Counting points on genus-3 hyperelliptic curves with explicit real multiplication

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    We propose a Las Vegas probabilistic algorithm to compute the zeta function of a genus-3 hyperelliptic curve defined over a finite field Fq\mathbb F_q, with explicit real multiplication by an order Z[η]\mathbb Z[\eta] in a totally real cubic field. Our main result states that this algorithm requires an expected number of O~((logq)6)\widetilde O((\log q)^6) bit-operations, where the constant in the O~()\widetilde O() depends on the ring Z[η]\mathbb Z[\eta] and on the degrees of polynomials representing the endomorphism η\eta. As a proof-of-concept, we compute the zeta function of a curve defined over a 64-bit prime field, with explicit real multiplication by Z[2cos(2π/7)]\mathbb Z[2\cos(2\pi/7)].Comment: Proceedings of the ANTS-XIII conference (Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium

    Solving polynomial systems via symbolic-numeric reduction to geometric involutive form

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    AbstractWe briefly survey several existing methods for solving polynomial systems with inexact coefficients, then introduce our new symbolic-numeric method which is based on the geometric (Jet) theory of partial differential equations. The method is stable and robust. Numerical experiments illustrate the performance of the new method

    Computational Invariant Theory

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    A verified Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger's algorithm in ACL2

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    In this article, we present the formal verification of a Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger's algorithm for computing Gröbner bases of polynomial ideals. This work is carried out in ACL2, a system which provides an integrated environment where programming (in a pure functional subset of Common Lisp) and formal verification of programs, with the assistance of a theorem prover, are possible. Our implementation is written in a real programming language and it is directly executable within the ACL2 system or any compliant Common Lisp system. We provide here snippets of real verified code, discuss the formalization details in depth, and present quantitative data about the proof effort

    Efficiently and Effectively Recognizing Toricity of Steady State Varieties

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    We consider the problem of testing whether the points in a complex or real variety with non-zero coordinates form a multiplicative group or, more generally, a coset of a multiplicative group. For the coset case, we study the notion of shifted toric varieties which generalizes the notion of toric varieties. This requires a geometric view on the varieties rather than an algebraic view on the ideals. We present algorithms and computations on 129 models from the BioModels repository testing for group and coset structures over both the complex numbers and the real numbers. Our methods over the complex numbers are based on Gr\"obner basis techniques and binomiality tests. Over the real numbers we use first-order characterizations and employ real quantifier elimination. In combination with suitable prime decompositions and restrictions to subspaces it turns out that almost all models show coset structure. Beyond our practical computations, we give upper bounds on the asymptotic worst-case complexity of the corresponding problems by proposing single exponential algorithms that test complex or real varieties for toricity or shifted toricity. In the positive case, these algorithms produce generating binomials. In addition, we propose an asymptotically fast algorithm for testing membership in a binomial variety over the algebraic closure of the rational numbers