561 research outputs found

    Resolvent Positive Linear Operators Exhibit the Reduction Phenomenon

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    The spectral bound, s(a A + b V), of a combination of a resolvent positive linear operator A and an operator of multiplication V, was shown by Kato to be convex in b \in R. This is shown here, through an elementary lemma, to imply that s(a A + b V) is also convex in a > 0, and notably, \partial s(a A + b V) / \partial a <= s(A) when it exists. Diffusions typically have s(A) <= 0, so that for diffusions with spatially heterogeneous growth or decay rates, greater mixing reduces growth. Models of the evolution of dispersal in particular have found this result when A is a Laplacian or second-order elliptic operator, or a nonlocal diffusion operator, implying selection for reduced dispersal. These cases are shown here to be part of a single, broadly general, `reduction' phenomenon.Comment: 7 pages, 53 citations. v.3: added citations, corrections in introductory definitions. v.2: Revised abstract, more text, and details in new proof of Lindqvist's inequalit

    Symmetrizing quantum dynamics beyond gossip-type algorithms

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    Recently, consensus-type problems have been formulated in the quantum domain. Obtaining average quantum consensus consists in the dynamical symmetrization of a multipartite quantum system while preserving the expectation of a given global observable. In this paper, two improved ways of obtaining consensus via dissipative engineering are introduced, which employ on quasi local preparation of mixtures of symmetric pure states, and show better performance in terms of purity dynamics with respect to existing algorithms. In addition, the first method can be used in combination with simple control resources in order to engineer pure Dicke states, while the second method guarantees a stronger type of consensus, namely single-measurement consensus. This implies that outcomes of local measurements on different subsystems are perfectly correlated when consensus is achieved. Both dynamics can be randomized and are suitable for feedback implementation.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral analysis of semigroups and growth-fragmentation equations

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    The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) On the one hand, the paper revisits the spectral analysis of semigroups in a general Banach space setting. It presents some new and more general versions, and provides comprehensible proofs, of classical results such as the spectral mapping theorem, some (quantified) Weyl's Theorems and the Krein-Rutman Theorem. Motivated by evolution PDE applications, the results apply to a wide and natural class of generators which split as a dissipative part plus a more regular part, without assuming any symmetric structure on the operators nor Hilbert structure on the space, and give some growth estimates and spectral gap estimates for the associated semigroup. The approach relies on some factorization and summation arguments reminiscent of the Dyson-Phillips series in the spirit of those used in [87,82,48,81]. (2) On the other hand, we present the semigroup spectral analysis for three important classes of "growth-fragmentation" equations, namely the cell division equation, the self-similar fragmentation equation and the McKendrick-Von Foerster age structured population equation. By showing that these models lie in the class of equations for which our general semigroup analysis theory applies, we prove the exponential rate of convergence of the solutions to the associated remarkable profile for a very large and natural class of fragmentation rates. Our results generalize similar estimates obtained in \cite{MR2114128,MR2536450} for the cell division model with (almost) constant total fragmentation rate and in \cite{MR2832638,MR2821681} for the self-similar fragmentation equation and the cell division equation restricted to smooth and positive fragmentation rate and total fragmentation rate which does not increase more rapidly than quadratically. It also improves the convergence results without rate obtained in \cite{MR2162224,MR2114413} which have been established under similar assumptions to those made in the present work

    On the gap between deterministic and probabilistic joint spectral radii for discrete-time linear systems

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    Given a discrete-time linear switched system Σ(A)\Sigma(\mathcal A) associated with a finite set A\mathcal A of matrices, we consider the measures of its asymptotic behavior given by, on the one hand, its deterministic joint spectral radius ρd(A)\rho_{\mathrm d}(\mathcal A) and, on the other hand, its probabilistic joint spectral radii ρp(ν,P,A)\rho_{\mathrm p}(\nu,P,\mathcal A) for Markov random switching signals with transition matrix PP and a corresponding invariant probability ν\nu. Note that ρd(A)\rho_{\mathrm d}(\mathcal A) is larger than or equal to ρp(ν,P,A)\rho_{\mathrm p}(\nu,P,\mathcal A) for every pair (ν,P)(\nu, P). In this paper, we investigate the cases of equality of ρd(A)\rho_{\mathrm d}(\mathcal A) with either a single ρp(ν,P,A)\rho_{\mathrm p}(\nu,P,\mathcal A) or with the supremum of ρp(ν,P,A)\rho_{\mathrm p}(\nu,P,\mathcal A) over (ν,P)(\nu,P) and we aim at characterizing the sets A\mathcal A for which such equalities may occur

    Cyclic asymptotic behaviour of a population reproducing by fission into two equal parts

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of the following linear growth-fragmentation equationtu(t,x)+x(xu(t,x))+B(x)u(t,x)=4B(2x)u(t,2x),\dfrac{\partial}{\partial t} u(t,x) + \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x} \big(x u(t,x)\big) + B(x) u(t,x) =4 B(2x)u(t,2x), and prove that under fairly general assumptions on the division rate B(x),B(x), its solution converges towards an oscillatory function,explicitely given by the projection of the initial state on the space generated by the countable set of the dominant eigenvectors of the operator. Despite the lack of hypo-coercivity of the operator, the proof relies on a general relative entropy argument in a convenient weighted L2L^2 space, where well-posedness is obtained via semigroup analysis. We also propose a non-dissipative numerical scheme, able to capture the oscillations