101 research outputs found

    On the critical exponent of generalized Thue-Morse words

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    For certain generalized Thue-Morse words t, we compute the "critical exponent", i.e., the supremum of the set of rational numbers that are exponents of powers in t, and determine exactly the occurrences of powers realizing it.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (accepted October 15, 2007

    Quasicrystals, model sets, and automatic sequences

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    We survey mathematical properties of quasicrystals, first from the point of view of harmonic analysis, then from the point of view of morphic and automatic sequences. Nous proposons un tour d'horizon de propri\'et\'es math\'ematiques des quasicristaux, d'abord du point de vue de l'analyse harmonique, ensuite du point de vue des suites morphiques et automatiques

    Binary patterns in the Prouhet-Thue-Morse sequence

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    We show that, with the exception of the words a2ba2a^2ba^2 and b2ab2b^2ab^2, all (finite or infinite) binary patterns in the Prouhet-Thue-Morse sequence can actually be found in that sequence as segments (up to exchange of letters in the infinite case). This result was previously attributed to unpublished work by D. Guaiana and may also be derived from publications of A. Shur only available in Russian. We also identify the (finitely many) finite binary patterns that appear non trivially, in the sense that they are obtained by applying an endomorphism that does not map the set of all segments of the sequence into itself

    Subword balance, position indices and power sums

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate various ways of characterizing words, mainly over a binary alphabet, using information about the positions of occurrences of letters in words. We introduce two new measures associated with words, the position index and sum of position indices. We establish some characterizations, connections with Parikh matrices, and connections with power sums. One particular emphasis concerns the effect of morphisms and iterated morphisms on words

    Indices of fixed points not accumulated by periodic points

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    We prove that for every integer sequence II satisfying Dold relations there exists a map f:Rd→Rdf : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^d, d≥2d \ge 2, such that Per(f)=Fix(f)={o}\mathrm{Per(f)} = \mathrm{Fix(f)} = \{o\}, where oo denotes the origin, and (i(fn,o))n=I(i(f^n, o))_n = I.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Final version to appear in Topol. Methods Nonlinear Ana

    Words and Transcendence

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    Is it possible to distinguish algebraic from transcendental real numbers by considering the bb-ary expansion in some base b≥2b\ge2? In 1950, \'E. Borel suggested that the answer is no and that for any real irrational algebraic number xx and for any base g≥2g\ge2, the gg-ary expansion of xx should satisfy some of the laws that are shared by almost all numbers. There is no explicitly known example of a triple (g,a,x)(g,a,x), where g≥3g\ge3 is an integer, aa a digit in {0,...,g−1}\{0,...,g-1\} and xx a real irrational algebraic number, for which one can claim that the digit aa occurs infinitely often in the gg-ary expansion of xx. However, some progress has been made recently, thanks mainly to clever use of Schmidt's subspace theorem. We review some of these results

    Generalized Thue-Morse words and palindromic richness

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    We prove that the generalized Thue-Morse word tb,m\mathbf{t}_{b,m} defined for b≥2b \geq 2 and m≥1m \geq 1 as tb,m=(sb(n)mod  m)n=0+∞\mathbf{t}_{b,m} = (s_b(n) \mod m)_{n=0}^{+\infty}, where sb(n)s_b(n) denotes the sum of digits in the base-bb representation of the integer nn, has its language closed under all elements of a group DmD_m isomorphic to the dihedral group of order 2m2m consisting of morphisms and antimorphisms. Considering simultaneously antimorphisms Θ∈Dm\Theta \in D_m, we show that tb,m\mathbf{t}_{b,m} is saturated by Θ\Theta-palindromes up to the highest possible level. Using the terminology generalizing the notion of palindromic richness for more antimorphisms recently introduced by the author and E. Pelantov\'a, we show that tb,m\mathbf{t}_{b,m} is DmD_m-rich. We also calculate the factor complexity of tb,m\mathbf{t}_{b,m}.Comment: 11 page

    On the subword complexity of Thue–Morse polynomial extractions

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    AbstractLet the (subword) complexity of a sequence u=(un)n=0∞ over a finite set Σ be the function m↦Pu(m), where Pu(m) is the number of distinct blocks of length m in u. Let t=(tn)n=0∞ denote the Thue–Morse sequence. In this paper we study the complexity of the sequences tH=(tH(n))n=0∞, when H(n)∈Q[n] is a polynomial with H(N)⊆N. In particular, we solve an open problem of Allouche and Shallit regarding (tn2)n=0∞. We also study the vector space over Z/2Z, spanned by the sequences tH
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