21,031 research outputs found

    Ramsey-like properties for bi-Lipschitz mappings of finite metric spaces

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    summary:Let (X,ρ)(X,\rho), (Y,σ)(Y,\sigma) be metric spaces and f:XYf:X\to Y an injective mapping. We put fLip=sup{σ(f(x),f(y))/ρ(x,y)\|f\|_{Lip} = \sup \{\sigma (f(x),f(y))/\rho(x,y); x,yXx,y\in X, xy}x\neq y\}, and dist(f)=fLip.f1Lip\operatorname{dist}(f)= \|f\|_{Lip}.\|f^{-1}\|_{Lip} (the {\sl distortion\/} of the mapping ff). Some Ramsey-type questions for mappings of finite metric spaces with bounded distortion are studied; e.g., the following theorem is proved: Let XX be a finite metric space, and let ε>0\varepsilon>0, KK be given numbers. Then there exists a finite metric space YY, such that for every mapping f:YZf:Y\to Z (ZZ arbitrary metric space) with dist(f)<K\operatorname{dist}(f)<K one can find a mapping g:XYg:X\to Y, such that both the mappings gg and fg(X)f|_{g(X)} have distortion at most (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon). If XX is isometrically embeddable into a p\ell_p space (for some p[1,]p\in [1,\infty]), then also YY can be chosen with this property

    Some remarks on harmonic projection operators on spheres

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    We give a survey of recent works concerning the mapping properties of joint harmonic projection operators, mapping the space of square integrable functions on complex and quaternionic spheres onto the eigenspaces of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and of a suitably defined subLaplacian. In particular, we discuss similarities and differences between the real, the complex and the quaternionic framework