19 research outputs found

    Legal compliance support with an ontology-based information system

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    The Internet and Information Systems evolution have dramatically increased the amount of information hold by governments and companies. This information can be very sensitive, specially regarding personal data, so governments and industries promote acts and guidelines in order to ensure privacy and data security. Thus, companies have to consider legal and Information Technology (IT) compliance. Nevertheless, compliance assessment is still a manual task performed by experts, but steps towards an automated compliance assessment, both in IT and legal, are in progress. In this paper we introduce the Neurona framework, a software application based on legal and security ontologies that aims at providing organizations with legal compliance support

    Compliance Management is Becoming a Major Issue in IS Design

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    This article aims at improving the information systems management support to Risk and Compliance Management process, i.e. the management of all compliance imperatives that impact an organization, including both legal and stra- tegically self-imposed imperatives. We propose a process to achieve such regula- tory compliance by aligning the Governance activities with the Risk Management ones, and we suggest Compliance should be considered as a requirement for the Risk Management platform. We will propose a framework to align law and IT compliance requirements and we will use it to underline possible directions of investigation resumed in our discussion section. This work is based on an exten- sive review of the existing literature and on the results of a four-month internship done within the IT compliance team of a major financial institution in Switzer- land, which has legal entities situated in different countries

    Интеллектуальные средства в синергетической системе правовой информации

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    In report the methodology and software tool for creating ontology of legal knowledge are consider. Legal knowledge through its hierarchy have the property of self-organization. Software implementation techniques of content knowledge base provides multiplayer mode. Pay attention to technique crowdsourcing to fill knowledge base. Formulated for future research.Розглядається методологія та програмний засіб створення онтології правових знань. Правові знання, завдяки своїй ієрархії, мають властивість самоорганізації. Програмна реалізація методики наповнення бази знань передбачає багатокористувальницький режим. Звернута увага на методику краудсорсингу для заповнення бази знань. Сформульовані напрямки подальших досліджень

    Интеллектуальные средства в синергетической системе правовой информации

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    In report the methodology and software tool for creating ontology of legal knowledge are consider. Legal knowledge through its hierarchy have the property of self-organization. Software implementation techniques of content knowledge base provides multiplayer mode. Pay attention to technique crowdsourcing to fill knowledge base. Formulated for future research.Розглядається методологія та програмний засіб створення онтології правових знань. Правові знання, завдяки своїй ієрархії, мають властивість самоорганізації. Програмна реалізація методики наповнення бази знань передбачає багатокористувальницький режим. Звернута увага на методику краудсорсингу для заповнення бази знань. Сформульовані напрямки подальших досліджень

    A Model For e-Government Digital Document

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    The presence of a great amount of information is typical of bureaucratic processes, like the ones pertaining to public and private administrations. Such information is often recorded on paper or in different digital formats and its management is very expensive, both in terms of space used for storing documents and in terms of time spent in searching for the documents of interest. Furthermore, the manual management of these documents is absolutely not error-free. To efficiently access the information contained in very large document repositories, such as public administration archives, techniques for syntactic and semantic document management are required, so to ensure a large and intense process of document dematerialization, and eliminate, or at least reduce, the quantity of paper documents. In this work we present a novel RDF model of digital documents for improving the dematerialization effectiveness, that constitutes the starting point of an information system able to manage documental streams in the most efficient way. Such model takes into account the important need that is required in several E-Government applications which, depending on authorities or final users or time, provides different representations of the same multimedia contents

    A High-Level Scheme for an Ontology-Based Compliance Framework in Software Development

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Software development market is currently witnessing an increasing demand for software applications conformance with the international regime of GRC for Governance, Risk and Compliance. In this paper, we propose a compliance requirement analysis method for early stages of software development based on a semantically-rich model, where a mapping can be established from legal and regulatory requirements relevant to system context to software system business goals and contexts. The proposed semantic model consists of a number of ontologies each corresponding to a knowledge component within the developed framework of our approach. Each ontology is a thesaurus of concepts in the compliance and risk assessment domain related to system development along with relationships and rules between concepts that compromise the domain knowledge. The main contribution of the work presented in this paper is a case study that demonstrates how description-logic reasoning techniques can be used to simulate legal reasoning requirements employed by legal professions against the description of each ontology

    Contribution d’un modèle logique pour la construction d’ontologies juridiques

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    Les ontologies sont aujourd’hui très prisées dans plusieurs domaines tels que le droit, la philosophie ou encore en Intelligence Artificielle. De nombreuses réflexions sont alors menées autour de plusieurs axes pluridisciplinaires permettant de construire des outils de plus en plus performants et adaptés à cette nouvelle ambition (Bourcier et al., 2006). Dans cet article, nous proposons un outil original, le logiciel Ariste, fondé sur la logique aristotélicienne et capable d’extraire une ontologie à partir d’un corpus donné.Ontologies are today very appraised in several fields such as law, philosophy or in Artificial Intelligence. Many reflexions are then carried out around several multi-field axes making it possible to build increasingly powerful tools adapted to this new ambition (Bourcier et al., 2006). In this paper, we propose an original tool, the Ariste software programme, based on Aristotelian logic and able to extract an ontology from a given corpus