19,519 research outputs found

    Quantum query complexity of minor-closed graph properties

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    We study the quantum query complexity of minor-closed graph properties, which include such problems as determining whether an nn-vertex graph is planar, is a forest, or does not contain a path of a given length. We show that most minor-closed properties---those that cannot be characterized by a finite set of forbidden subgraphs---have quantum query complexity \Theta(n^{3/2}). To establish this, we prove an adversary lower bound using a detailed analysis of the structure of minor-closed properties with respect to forbidden topological minors and forbidden subgraphs. On the other hand, we show that minor-closed properties (and more generally, sparse graph properties) that can be characterized by finitely many forbidden subgraphs can be solved strictly faster, in o(n^{3/2}) queries. Our algorithms are a novel application of the quantum walk search framework and give improved upper bounds for several subgraph-finding problems.Comment: v1: 25 pages, 2 figures. v2: 26 page

    Conditional Lower Bounds for Space/Time Tradeoffs

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    In recent years much effort has been concentrated towards achieving polynomial time lower bounds on algorithms for solving various well-known problems. A useful technique for showing such lower bounds is to prove them conditionally based on well-studied hardness assumptions such as 3SUM, APSP, SETH, etc. This line of research helps to obtain a better understanding of the complexity inside P. A related question asks to prove conditional space lower bounds on data structures that are constructed to solve certain algorithmic tasks after an initial preprocessing stage. This question received little attention in previous research even though it has potential strong impact. In this paper we address this question and show that surprisingly many of the well-studied hard problems that are known to have conditional polynomial time lower bounds are also hard when concerning space. This hardness is shown as a tradeoff between the space consumed by the data structure and the time needed to answer queries. The tradeoff may be either smooth or admit one or more singularity points. We reveal interesting connections between different space hardness conjectures and present matching upper bounds. We also apply these hardness conjectures to both static and dynamic problems and prove their conditional space hardness. We believe that this novel framework of polynomial space conjectures can play an important role in expressing polynomial space lower bounds of many important algorithmic problems. Moreover, it seems that it can also help in achieving a better understanding of the hardness of their corresponding problems in terms of time

    Quantum Query Complexity of Subgraph Containment with Constant-sized Certificates

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    We study the quantum query complexity of constant-sized subgraph containment. Such problems include determining whether an n n -vertex graph contains a triangle, clique or star of some size. For a general subgraph H H with k k vertices, we show that H H containment can be solved with quantum query complexity O(n2−2k−g(H)) O(n^{2-\frac{2}{k}-g(H)}) , with g(H) g(H) a strictly positive function of H H . This is better than \tilde{O}\s{n^{2-2/k}} by Magniez et al. These results are obtained in the learning graph model of Belovs.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, published under title:"Quantum Query Complexity of Constant-sized Subgraph Containment

    Non-Local Probes Do Not Help with Graph Problems

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    This work bridges the gap between distributed and centralised models of computing in the context of sublinear-time graph algorithms. A priori, typical centralised models of computing (e.g., parallel decision trees or centralised local algorithms) seem to be much more powerful than distributed message-passing algorithms: centralised algorithms can directly probe any part of the input, while in distributed algorithms nodes can only communicate with their immediate neighbours. We show that for a large class of graph problems, this extra freedom does not help centralised algorithms at all: for example, efficient stateless deterministic centralised local algorithms can be simulated with efficient distributed message-passing algorithms. In particular, this enables us to transfer existing lower bound results from distributed algorithms to centralised local algorithms
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