2 research outputs found


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    The paper deals with the problem of developing probabilistic algorithm for system level self-diagnosis. The main goal of the suggested algorithm is to minimize the mean time of its executing. The algorithm is based on the computing of the posterior probability of fault-free state of each system unit. Final decision about unit鈥檚 state is made on the chosen decision rule. The execution of the probabilistic algorithm is elucidated with the help of simple example and then explained for the case of more complex systems.Artyku艂 opisuje problem projektowania probabilistycznego algorytmu autodiagnostyki na poziomie systemu. G艂贸wnym celem proponowanego algorytmu jest minimalizacja 艣redniego czasu wykonania. Algorytm oparty jest na obliczeniach prawdopodobie艅stwa a posteriori bezawaryjnego stanu ka偶dej jednostki systemu. Decyzja o stanie jednostki podejmowana jest na podstawie wybranej regu艂y decyzyjnej. Dzia艂anie algorytmu probabilistycznego zosta艂o opisane na prostym przyk艂adzie, a nast臋pnie wyja艣nione dla przypadku bardziej z艂o偶onych system贸w

    Analysis and design of algorithm-based fault-tolerant systems

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    An important consideration in the design of high performance multiprocessor systems is to ensure the correctness of the results computed in the presence of transient and intermittent failures. Concurrent error detection and correction have been applied to such systems in order to achieve reliability. Algorithm Based Fault Tolerance (ABFT) was suggested as a cost-effective concurrent error detection scheme. The research was motivated by the complexity involved in the analysis and design of ABFT systems. To that end, a matrix-based model was developed and, based on that, algorithms for both the design and analysis of ABFT systems are formulated. These algorithms are less complex than the existing ones. In order to reduce the complexity further, a hierarchical approach is developed for the analysis of large systems