16 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Contractibility of Compressed Curves on 3-Manifold Boundaries

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    In this paper we prove that the problem of deciding contractibility of an arbitrary closed curve on the boundary of a 3-manifold is in NP. We emphasize that the manifold and the curve are both inputs to the problem. Moreover, our algorithm also works if the curve is given as a compressed word. Previously, such an algorithm was known for simple (non-compressed) curves, and, in very limited cases, for curves with self-intersections. Furthermore, our algorithm is fixed-parameter tractable in the complexity of the input 3-manifold. As part of our proof, we obtain new polynomial-time algorithms for compressed curves on surfaces, which we believe are of independent interest. We provide a polynomial-time algorithm which, given an orientable surface and a compressed loop on the surface, computes a canonical form for the loop as a compressed word. In particular, contractibility of compressed curves on surfaces can be decided in polynomial time; prior published work considered only constant genus surfaces. More generally, we solve the following normal subgroup membership problem in polynomial time: given an arbitrary orientable surface, a compressed closed curve ?, and a collection of disjoint normal curves ?, there is a polynomial-time algorithm to decide if ? lies in the normal subgroup generated by components of ? in the fundamental group of the surface after attaching the curves to a basepoint

    On the Treewidth of Triangulated 3-Manifolds

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    In graph theory, as well as in 3-manifold topology, there exist several width-type parameters to describe how "simple" or "thin" a given graph or 3-manifold is. These parameters, such as pathwidth or treewidth for graphs, or the concept of thin position for 3-manifolds, play an important role when studying algorithmic problems; in particular, there is a variety of problems in computational 3-manifold topology - some of them known to be computationally hard in general - that become solvable in polynomial time as soon as the dual graph of the input triangulation has bounded treewidth. In view of these algorithmic results, it is natural to ask whether every 3-manifold admits a triangulation of bounded treewidth. We show that this is not the case, i.e., that there exists an infinite family of closed 3-manifolds not admitting triangulations of bounded pathwidth or treewidth (the latter implies the former, but we present two separate proofs). We derive these results from work of Agol and of Scharlemann and Thompson, by exhibiting explicit connections between the topology of a 3-manifold M on the one hand and width-type parameters of the dual graphs of triangulations of M on the other hand, answering a question that had been raised repeatedly by researchers in computational 3-manifold topology. In particular, we show that if a closed, orientable, irreducible, non-Haken 3-manifold M has a triangulation of treewidth (resp. pathwidth) k then the Heegaard genus of M is at most 48(k+1) (resp. 4(3k+1))

    The Unbearable Hardness of Unknotting

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    We prove that deciding if a diagram of the unknot can be untangled using at most k Reidemeister moves (where k is part of the input) is NP-hard. We also prove that several natural questions regarding links in the 3-sphere are NP-hard, including detecting whether a link contains a trivial sublink with n components, computing the unlinking number of a link, and computing a variety of link invariants related to four-dimensional topology (such as the 4-ball Euler characteristic, the slicing number, and the 4-dimensional clasp number)

    On the Width of Complicated JSJ Decompositions

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    Motivated by the algorithmic study of 3-dimensional manifolds, we explore the structural relationship between the JSJ decomposition of a given 3-manifold and its triangulations. Building on work of Bachman, Derby-Talbot and Sedgwick, we show that a "sufficiently complicated" JSJ decomposition of a 3-manifold enforces a "complicated structure" for all of its triangulations. More concretely, we show that, under certain conditions, the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of the graph that captures the incidences between the pieces of the JSJ decomposition of an irreducible, closed, orientable 3-manifold M yields a linear lower bound on its treewidth tw (M) (resp. pathwidth pw(M)), defined as the smallest treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of the dual graph of any triangulation of M. We present several applications of this result. We give the first example of an infinite family of bounded-treewidth 3-manifolds with unbounded pathwidth. We construct Haken 3-manifolds with arbitrarily large treewidth - previously the existence of such 3-manifolds was only known in the non-Haken case. We also show that the problem of providing a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of bounded-degree graphs efficiently reduces to computing a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of 3-manifolds

    An algorithm for Tambara-Yamagami quantum invariants of 3-manifolds, parameterized by the first Betti number

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    Quantum topology provides various frameworks for defining and computing invariants of manifolds. One such framework of substantial interest in both mathematics and physics is the Turaev-Viro-Barrett-Westbury state sum construction, which uses the data of a spherical fusion category to define topological invariants of triangulated 3-manifolds via tensor network contractions. In this work we consider a restricted class of state sum invariants of 3-manifolds derived from Tambara-Yamagami categories. These categories are particularly simple, being entirely specified by three pieces of data: a finite abelian group, a bicharacter of that group, and a sign ±1\pm 1. Despite being one of the simplest sources of state sum invariants, the computational complexities of Tambara-Yamagami invariants are yet to be fully understood. We make substantial progress on this problem. Our main result is the existence of a general fixed parameter tractable algorithm for all such topological invariants, where the parameter is the first Betti number of the 3-manifold with Z/2Z\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} coefficients. We also explain that these invariants are sometimes #P-hard to compute (and we expect that this is almost always the case). Contrary to other domains of computational topology, such as graphs on surfaces, very few hard problems in 3-manifold topology are known to admit FPT algorithms with a topological parameter. However, such algorithms are of particular interest as their complexity depends only polynomially on the combinatorial representation of the input, regardless of size or combinatorial width. Additionally, in the case of Betti numbers, the parameter itself is easily computable in polynomial time.Comment: 24 pages, including 3 appendice

    On the treewidth of triangulated 3-manifolds

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    In graph theory, as well as in 3-manifold topology, there exist several width-type parameters to describe how "simple" or "thin" a given graph or 3-manifold is. These parameters, such as pathwidth or treewidth for graphs, or the concept of thin position for 3-manifolds, play an important role when studying algorithmic problems; in particular, there is a variety of problems in computational 3-manifold topology - some of them known to be computationally hard in general - that become solvable in polynomial time as soon as the dual graph of the input triangulation has bounded treewidth. In view of these algorithmic results, it is natural to ask whether every 3-manifold admits a triangulation of bounded treewidth. We show that this is not the case, i.e., that there exists an infinite family of closed 3-manifolds not admitting triangulations of bounded pathwidth or treewidth (the latter implies the former, but we present two separate proofs). We derive these results from work of Agol, of Scharlemann and Thompson, and of Scharlemann, Schultens and Saito by exhibiting explicit connections between the topology of a 3-manifold M on the one hand and width-type parameters of the dual graphs of triangulations of M on the other hand, answering a question that had been raised repeatedly by researchers in computational 3-manifold topology. In particular, we show that if a closed, orientable, irreducible, non-Haken 3-manifold M has a triangulation of treewidth (resp. pathwidth) k then the Heegaard genus of M is at most 18(k+1) (resp. 4(3k+1))