108 research outputs found

    The Borsuk-Ulam-property, Tucker-property and constructive proofs in combinatorics

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    This article is concerned with a general scheme on how to obtain constructive proofs for combinatorial theorems that have topological proofs so far. To this end the combinatorial concept of Tucker-property of a finite group GG is introduced and its relation to the topological Borsuk-Ulam-property is discussed. Applications of the Tucker-property in combinatorics are demonstrated.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figure

    Balanced Islands in Two Colored Point Sets in the Plane

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    Let SS be a set of nn points in general position in the plane, rr of which are red and bb of which are blue. In this paper we prove that there exist: for every α[0,12]\alpha \in \left [ 0,\frac{1}{2} \right ], a convex set containing exactly αr\lceil \alpha r\rceil red points and exactly αb\lceil \alpha b \rceil blue points of SS; a convex set containing exactly r+12\left \lceil \frac{r+1}{2}\right \rceil red points and exactly b+12\left \lceil \frac{b+1}{2}\right \rceil blue points of SS. Furthermore, we present polynomial time algorithms to find these convex sets. In the first case we provide an O(n4)O(n^4) time algorithm and an O(n2logn)O(n^2\log n) time algorithm in the second case. Finally, if αr+αb\lceil \alpha r\rceil+\lceil \alpha b\rceil is small, that is, not much larger than 13n\frac{1}{3}n, we improve the running time to O(nlogn)O(n \log n)

    A Constructive Proof of Ky Fan\u27s Generalization of Tucker\u27s Lemma

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    We present a proof of Ky Fan\u27s combinatorial lemma on labellings of triangulated spheres that differs from earlier proofs in that it is constructive. We slightly generalize the hypotheses of Fan\u27s lemma to allow for triangulations of Sn that contain a flag of hemispheres. As a consequence, we can obtain a constructive proof of Tucker\u27s lemma that holds for a more general class of triangulations than the usual version

    Approximation algorithms for low-distortion embeddings into low-dimensional spaces

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-35).We present several approximation algorithms for the problem of embedding metric spaces into a line, and into the two-dimensional plane. We give an O([square root] n)-approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a line embedding of a metric induced by a given unweighted graph, that minimizes the (standard) multiplicative distortion. For the same problem, we give an exact algorithm, with running-time exponential in the distortion. We complement these results by showing that the problem is NP-hard to [alpha]-approximate, for some constant [alpha] > 1. For the two-dimensional case, we show a O([square root] n) upper bound for the distortion required to embed an n-point subset of the two-dimensional sphere, into the plane. We prove that this bound is asymptotically tight, by exhibiting n-point subsets such that any embedding into the plane has distortion [omega]([square root] n). These techniques yield a O(1)-approximation algorithm for the problem of embedding an n-point subset of the sphere into the plane.by Anastasios Sidiropoulos.S.M

    Multilabeled versions of Sperner's and Fan's lemmas and applications

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    We propose a general technique related to the polytopal Sperner lemma for proving old and new multilabeled versions of Sperner's lemma. A notable application of this technique yields a cake-cutting theorem where the number of players and the number of pieces can be independently chosen. We also prove multilabeled versions of Fan's lemma, a combinatorial analogue of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, and exhibit applications to fair division and graph coloring.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure