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    To mean what you say is sometimes problematic in daily conversation, moreover in some indigenous dialects. It requires comprehensive context to achieve the core of communication. So does in Banyumasan. Banyumasan or Banyumas dialect is a variant which is found along the flow of Serayu river. The river flows from Sindoro-Sumbing Mountains (Koentjaraningrat, 1984:23). Banyumas dialect is one of some variants of Javanese language. Banyumasan has some differences compared to standard Javanese spoken in Jogjakarta, Surakarta and Semarang. Those differences are also reflected in the characteristics of conversational implicatures found in this dialect. Conversational implicaure is a proposition that is implied by the utterance of sentence in a context even though that proposition is not a part of nor an entailment of what was actually said (Grice, 1975; Gazdar, 1979). The characteristics of conversational implicatures are calculability, cancellability, non-detachability, non-conventionality, and indeterminacy. (Grice, 1975; Levinson, 1983; Thomas, 1996; dan Cruse, 2004). A dialect has different characteristics compared to other dialects of the same language and so does the characteristic o

    The perception of corruption in a cross-country perspective: Why are some individuals more perceptive than others?

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    The concept of corruption varies widely depending on societies and people. We expect that context influences on corruption perception. Previous studies shed light on the incidence of individual characteristics on the perceived level of corruption and show the effect of country of residence. In order to extend this previous research, the aim of this paper is to analyze how context, culture and/ or history shape corruption perception considering specific country characteristics. The data source is the module on Citizenship of the 2004 International Social Survey Program (ISSP). Taking into account some subsamples (considering country characteristics such us: size, European Union membership, etc.), we estimate ordered probit models. We find that the incidence of country of residence remains even when we consider countries with some characteristic in common.corruption, microeconomic behavior, comparative research, public opinion, ISSP

    Understanding perceptions of citizen demeanour: using an experimental design to understand the impact of encounter and observer characteristics

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    Systematic social observations of police-citizen encounters have revealed that citizen demeanour is an important predictor of outcomes (e.g. arrests and searches). Drawing from research on stereotypes and impression formation, we examine whether characteristics of the encounter and/or observer affect how respondents perceive demeanour. We exposed undergraduates (n = 255) to a randomly rotated series of five between-subjects design, in which characteristics of the encounter (citizen race, gender, or age; officer gender; neighbourhood context) and the level of demeanour displayed were manipulated. OLS regression was used to examine how these manipulations interact to produce our dependent variable – perceptions of demeanour – and whether characteristics of the observer matter for perceptions, independent of the manipulations. We find that some aspects of the encounter, specifically officer gender and the socio-economic context of the neighbourhood, influence perceptions of demeanour. Previous victimisation, observers’ race, and perceptions of the police also impact how demeanour is perceived. These findings suggest that understanding the impact of citizen demeanour on police-citizen encounters requires consideration of encounter and observer characteristics

    Inflation targeting as a monetary policy rule

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    The purpose of the paper is to survey and discuss inflation targeting in the context of monetary policy rules. The paper provides a general conceptual discussion of monetary policy rules, attempts to clarify the essential characteristics of inflation targeting, compares inflation targeting to the other monetary policy rules, and draws some conclusions for the monetary policy of the European system of Central Banks

    The Impact of Early Career Experiences on Youth’s Proactive Work Socialization Behavior

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    Little is known about the impact of individual characteristics, historical factors, and situational characteristics on youth\u27s proactive work socialization behavior (career planning, skill development, consultation, and networking). Data from a longitudinal cross-national study (Belgium, England, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain) on career starters from two occupational groups, are used to test the hypothesized impact of predictor sets. Results confirm the positive impact of early career experience on the skill development proactive behavior; the dominant impact of the broader socioeconomic political and cultural country context on all four aspects of proactive behavior; and the sporadic effect of occupation, gender, and educational history on some proactive behavior dimensions

    Dynamics of Torque-Speed Profiles for Electric Vehicles and Nonlinear Models Based on Differential-Algebraic Equations

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    The so-called μ — λ curves, where is the slip ratio and μ is the normalised traction force or the friction index, are nonlinear functions of the velocity of the vehicle and the wheel rotational velocity. Despite their predominant use in the literature, linear approximations of such curves may fail to predict correctly key characteristics of vehicle performance efficiency such as torque-speed profiles. Although attempts to model these characteristics in the context of slip phenomena have been made before, to our best knowledge a general model with respect to the vehicle velocity, the wheel rotating velocity, the slip ratio, the traction force, and the torque, has never been formulated and solved as a coupled nonlinear problem based on a system of differential-algebraic equations arising naturally in this context. In this paper, such a model is formulated, solved numerically, and some results of numerical simulation of driving an electric vehicle on di®erent surface conditions are presented
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