196,370 research outputs found

    Some Bounds for the Number of Blocks III

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    Let D=(Ξ©,B)\mathcal D=(\Omega, \mathcal B) be a pair of vv point set Ξ©\Omega and a set B\mathcal B consists of kk point subsets of Ξ©\Omega which are called blocks. Let dd be the maximal cardinality of the intersections between the distinct two blocks in B\mathcal B. The triple (v,k,d)(v,k,d) is called the parameter of B\mathcal B. Let bb be the number of the blocks in B\mathcal B. It is shown that inequality (vd+2iβˆ’1)β‰₯b{(kd+2iβˆ’1)+(kd+2iβˆ’2)(vβˆ’k1)+....{v\choose d+2i-1}\geq b\{{k\choose d+2i-1} +{k\choose d+2i-2}{v-k\choose 1}+.... .+(kd+i)(vβˆ’kiβˆ’1)}.+{k\choose d+i}{v-k\choose i-1} \} holds for each ii satisfying 1≀i≀kβˆ’d1\leq i\leq k-d, in the paper: Some Bounds for the Number of Blocks, Europ. J. Combinatorics 22 (2001), 91--94, by R. Noda. If bb achieves the upper bound, D\mathcal D is called a Ξ²(i)\beta(i) design. In the paper, an upper bound and a lower bound, (d+2i)(kβˆ’d)i≀v≀(d+2(iβˆ’1))(kβˆ’d)iβˆ’1 \frac{(d+2i)(k-d)}{i}\leq v \leq \frac{(d+2(i-1))(k-d)}{i-1} , for vv of a Ξ²(i)\beta(i) design D\mathcal D are given. In the present paper we consider the cases when vv does not achieve the upper bound or lower bound given above, and get new more strict bounds for vv respectively. We apply this bound to the problem of the perfect ee-codes in the Johnson scheme, and improve the bound given by Roos in 1983.Comment: Stylistic corrections are made. References are adde

    Asymptotically optimal covering designs

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    A (v,k,t) covering design, or covering, is a family of k-subsets, called blocks, chosen from a v-set, such that each t-subset is contained in at least one of the blocks. The number of blocks is the covering's size}, and the minimum size of such a covering is denoted by C(v,k,t). It is easy to see that a covering must contain at least (v choose t)/(k choose t) blocks, and in 1985 R\"odl [European J. Combin. 5 (1985), 69-78] proved a long-standing conjecture of Erd\H{o}s and Hanani [Publ. Math. Debrecen 10 (1963), 10-13] that for fixed k and t, coverings of size (v choose t)/(k choose t) (1+o(1)) exist (as v \to \infty). An earlier paper by the first three authors [J. Combin. Des. 3 (1995), 269-284] gave new methods for constructing good coverings, and gave tables of upper bounds on C(v,k,t) for small v, k, and t. The present paper shows that two of those constructions are asymptotically optimal: For fixed k and t, the size of the coverings constructed matches R\"odl's bound. The paper also makes the o(1) error bound explicit, and gives some evidence for a much stronger bound

    A Sidon-type condition on set systems

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    Consider families of kk-subsets (or blocks) on a ground set of size vv. Recall that if all tt-subsets occur with the same frequency Ξ»\lambda, one obtains a tt-design with index Ξ»\lambda. On the other hand, if all tt-subsets occur with different frequencies, such a family has been called (by Sarvate and others) a tt-adesign. An elementary observation shows that such families always exist for v>kβ‰₯tv > k \ge t. Here, we study the smallest possible maximum frequency ΞΌ=ΞΌ(t,k,v)\mu=\mu(t,k,v). The exact value of ΞΌ\mu is noted for t=1t=1 and an upper bound (best possible up to a constant multiple) is obtained for t=2t=2 using PBD closure. Weaker, yet still reasonable asymptotic bounds on ΞΌ\mu for higher tt follow from a probabilistic argument. Some connections are made with the famous Sidon problem of additive number theory.Comment: 6 page

    Keyword Search on RDF Graphs - A Query Graph Assembly Approach

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    Keyword search provides ordinary users an easy-to-use interface for querying RDF data. Given the input keywords, in this paper, we study how to assemble a query graph that is to represent user's query intention accurately and efficiently. Based on the input keywords, we first obtain the elementary query graph building blocks, such as entity/class vertices and predicate edges. Then, we formally define the query graph assembly (QGA) problem. Unfortunately, we prove theoretically that QGA is a NP-complete problem. In order to solve that, we design some heuristic lower bounds and propose a bipartite graph matching-based best-first search algorithm. The algorithm's time complexity is O(k2lβ‹…l3l)O(k^{2l} \cdot l^{3l}), where ll is the number of the keywords and kk is a tunable parameter, i.e., the maximum number of candidate entity/class vertices and predicate edges allowed to match each keyword. Although QGA is intractable, both ll and kk are small in practice. Furthermore, the algorithm's time complexity does not depend on the RDF graph size, which guarantees the good scalability of our system in large RDF graphs. Experiments on DBpedia and Freebase confirm the superiority of our system on both effectiveness and efficiency

    Some New Bounds For Cover-Free Families Through Biclique Cover

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    An (r,w;d)(r,w;d) cover-free family (CFF)(CFF) is a family of subsets of a finite set such that the intersection of any rr members of the family contains at least dd elements that are not in the union of any other ww members. The minimum number of elements for which there exists an (r,w;d)βˆ’CFF(r,w;d)-CFF with tt blocks is denoted by N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t). In this paper, we show that the value of N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t) is equal to the dd-biclique covering number of the bipartite graph It(r,w)I_t(r,w) whose vertices are all ww- and rr-subsets of a tt-element set, where a ww-subset is adjacent to an rr-subset if their intersection is empty. Next, we introduce some new bounds for N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t). For instance, we show that for rβ‰₯wr\geq w and rβ‰₯2r\geq 2 N((r,w;1),t)β‰₯c(r+ww+1)+(r+wβˆ’1w+1)+3(r+wβˆ’4wβˆ’2)log⁑rlog⁑(tβˆ’w+1), N((r,w;1),t) \geq c{{r+w\choose w+1}+{r+w-1 \choose w+1}+ 3 {r+w-4 \choose w-2} \over \log r} \log (t-w+1), where cc is a constant satisfies the well-known bound N((r,1;1),t)β‰₯cr2log⁑rlog⁑tN((r,1;1),t)\geq c\frac{r^2}{\log r}\log t. Also, we determine the exact value of N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t) for some values of dd. Finally, we show that N((1,1;d),4dβˆ’1)=4dβˆ’1N((1,1;d),4d-1)=4d-1 whenever there exists a Hadamard matrix of order 4d
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