156 research outputs found

    A Computer Algebra System for R: Macaulay2 and the m2r Package

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    Algebraic methods have a long history in statistics. Apart from the ubiquitous applications of linear algebra, the most visible manifestations of modern algebra in statistics are found in the young field of algebraic statistics, which brings tools from commutative algebra and algebraic geometry to bear on statistical problems. Now over two decades old, algebraic statistics has applications in a wide range of theoretical and applied statistical domains. Nevertheless, algebraic statistical methods are still not mainstream, mostly due to a lack of easy off-the-shelf implementations. In this article we debut m2r, an R package that connects R to Macaulay2 through a persistent back-end socket connection running locally or on a cloud server. Topics range from basic use of m2r to applications and design philosophy

    Joint model of probabilistic-robust (probust) constraints with application to gas network optimization

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    Optimization problems under uncertain conditions abound in many real-life applications. While solution approaches for probabilistic constraints are often developed in case the uncertainties can be assumed to follow a certain probability distribution, robust approaches are usually applied in case solutions are sought that are feasible for all realizations of uncertainties within some predefined uncertainty set. As many applications contain different types of uncertainties that require robust as well as probabilistic treatments, we introduce a class of joint probabilistic/robust constraints. Focusing on complex uncertain gas network optimization problems, we show the relevance of this class of problems for the task of maximizing free booked capacities in an algebraic model for a stationary gas network. We furthermore present approaches for finding their solution. Finally, we study the problem of controlling a transient system that is governed by the wave equation. The task consists in determining controls such that a certain robustness measure remains below some given upper bound with high probability

    TME Volume 6, Number 3

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    Structure and pressure drop of real and virtual metal wire meshes

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    An efficient mathematical model to virtually generate woven metal wire meshes is presented. The accuracy of this model is verified by the comparison of virtual structures with three-dimensional images of real meshes, which are produced via computer tomography. Virtual structures are generated for three types of metal wire meshes using only easy to measure parameters. For these geometries the velocity-dependent pressure drop is simulated and compared with measurements performed by the GKD - Gebr. Kufferath AG. The simulation results lie within the tolerances of the measurements. The generation of the structures and the numerical simulations were done at GKD using the Fraunhofer GeoDict software

    The Design and Implementation of a High-Performance Polynomial System Solver

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    This thesis examines the algorithmic and practical challenges of solving systems of polynomial equations. We discuss the design and implementation of triangular decomposition to solve polynomials systems exactly by means of symbolic computation. Incremental triangular decomposition solves one equation from the input list of polynomials at a time. Each step may produce several different components (points, curves, surfaces, etc.) of the solution set. Independent components imply that the solving process may proceed on each component concurrently. This so-called component-level parallelism is a theoretical and practical challenge characterized by irregular parallelism. Parallelism is not an algorithmic property but rather a geometrical property of the particular input system’s solution set. Despite these challenges, we have effectively applied parallel computing to triangular decomposition through the layering and cooperation of many parallel code regions. This parallel computing is supported by our generic object-oriented framework based on the dynamic multithreading paradigm. Meanwhile, the required polynomial algebra is sup- ported by an object-oriented framework for algebraic types which allows type safety and mathematical correctness to be determined at compile-time. Our software is implemented in C/C++ and have extensively tested the implementation for correctness and performance on over 3000 polynomial systems that have arisen in practice. The parallel framework has been re-used in the implementation of Hensel factorization as a parallel pipeline to compute roots of a polynomial with multivariate power series coefficients. Hensel factorization is one step toward computing the non-trivial limit points of quasi-components

    A proof of convergence of a finite volume scheme for modified steady Richards’ equation describing transport processes in the pressing section of a paper machine

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    A number of water flow problems in porous media are modelled by Richards’ equation [1]. There exist a lot of different applications of this model. We are concerned with the simulation of the pressing section of a paper machine. This part of the industrial process provides the dewatering of the paper layer by the use of clothings, i.e. press felts, which absorb the water during pressing [2]. A system of nips are formed in the simplest case by rolls, which increase sheet dryness by pressing against each other (see Figure 1). A lot of theoretical studies were done for Richards’ equation (see [3], [4] and references therein). Most articles consider the case of x-independent coefficients. This simplifies the system considerably since, after Kirchhoff’s transformation of the problem, the elliptic operator becomes linear. In our case this condition is not satisfied and we have to consider nonlinear operator of second order. Moreover, all these articles are concerned with the nonstationary problem, while we are interested in the stationary case. Due to complexity of the physical process our problem has a specific feature. An additional convective term appears in our model because the porous media moves with the constant velocity through the pressing rolls. This term is zero in immobile porous media. We are not aware of papers, which deal with such kind of modified steady Richards’ problem. The goal of this paper is to obtain the stability results, to show the existence of a solution to the discrete problem, to prove the convergence of the approximate solution to the weak solution of the modified steady Richards’ equation, which describes the transport processes in the pressing section. In Section 2 we present the model which we consider. In Section 3 a numerical scheme obtained by the finite volume method is given. The main part of this paper is theoretical studies, which are given in Section 4. Section 5 presents a numerical experiment. The conclusion of this work is given in Section 6

    Using the Sharp Operator for edge detection and nonlinear diffusion

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    In this paper we investigate the use of the sharp function known from functional analysis in image processing. The sharp function gives a measure of the variations of a function and can be used as an edge detector. We extend the classical notion of the sharp function for measuring anisotropic behaviour and give a fast anisotropic edge detection variant inspired by the sharp function. We show that these edge detection results are useful to steer isotropic and anisotropic nonlinear diffusion filters for image enhancement

    Network design decisions in supply chain planning

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    Structuring global supply chain networks is a complex decision-making process. The typical inputs to such a process consist of a set of customer zones to serve, a set of products to be manufactured and distributed, demand projections for the different customer zones, and information about future conditions, costs (e.g. for production and transportation) and resources (e.g. capacities, available raw materials). Given the above inputs, companies have to decide where to locate new service facilities (e.g. plants, warehouses), how to allocate procurement and production activities to the variousmanufacturing facilities, and how to manage the transportation of products through the supply chain network in order to satisfy customer demands. We propose a mathematical modelling framework capturing many practical aspects of network design problems simultaneously. For problems of reasonable size we report on computational experience with standard mathematical programming software. The discussion is extended with other decisions required by many real-life applications in strategic supply chain planning. In particular, the multi-period nature of some decisions is addressed by a more comprehensivemodel, which is solved by a specially tailored heuristic approach. The numerical results suggest that the solution procedure can identify high quality solutions within reasonable computational time
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