2,232 research outputs found

    On the quantum inverse scattering problem

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    A general method for solving the so-called quantum inverse scattering problem (namely the reconstruction of local quantum (field) operators in term of the quantum monodromy matrix satisfying a Yang-Baxter quadratic algebra governed by an R-matrix) for a large class of lattice quantum integrable models is given. The principal requirement being the initial condition (R(0) = P, the permutation operator) for the quantum R-matrix solving the Yang-Baxter equation, it applies not only to most known integrable fundamental lattice models (such as Heisenberg spin chains) but also to lattice models with arbitrary number of impurities and to the so-called fused lattice models (including integrable higher spin generalizations of Heisenberg chains). Our method is then applied to several important examples like the sl(n) XXZ model, the XYZ spin-1/2 chain and also to the spin-s Heisenberg chains.Comment: Latex, 20 page

    Analytic Bethe Ansatz and Baxter equations for long-range psl(2|2) spin chain

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    We study the largest particle-number-preserving sector of the dilatation operator in maximally supersymmetric gauge theory. After exploring one-loop Bethe Ansatze for the underlying spin chain with psl(2|2) symmetry for simple root systems related to several Kac-Dynkin diagrams, we use the analytic Bethe Anzats to construct eigenvalues of transfer matrices with finite-dimensional atypical representations in the auxiliary space. We derive closed Baxter equations for eigenvalues of nested Baxter operators. We extend these considerations for a non-distinguished root system with FBBF grading to all orders of perturbation theory in 't Hooft coupling. We construct generating functions for all transfer matrices with auxiliary space determined by Young supertableaux (1^a) and (s) and find determinant formulas for transfer matrices with auxiliary spaces corresponding to skew Young supertableaux. The latter yields fusion relations for transfer matrices with auxiliary space corresponding to representations labelled by square Young supertableaux. We derive asymptotic Baxter equations which determine spectra of anomalous dimensions of composite Wilson operators in noncompact psl(2|2) subsector of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Groups

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    These notes correspond rather accurately to the translation of the lectures given at the Fifth Mexican School of Particles and Fields, held in Guanajuato, Gto., in December~1992. They constitute a brief and elementary introduction to quantum symmetries from a physical point of view, along the lines of the forthcoming book by C. G\'omez, G. Sierra and myself.Comment: 37 pages, plain.te

    Integrability and Fusion Algebra for Quantum Mappings

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    We apply the fusion procedure to a quantum Yang-Baxter algebra associated with time-discrete integrable systems, notably integrable quantum mappings. We present a general construction of higher-order quantum invariants for these systems. As an important class of examples, we present the Yang-Baxter structure of the Gel'fand-Dikii mapping hierarchy, that we have introduced in previous papers, together with the corresponding explicit commuting family of quantum invariants.Comment: 26 page

    Baxterization, dynamical systems, and the symmetries of integrability

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    We resolve the `baxterization' problem with the help of the automorphism group of the Yang-Baxter (resp. star-triangle, tetrahedron, \dots) equations. This infinite group of symmetries is realized as a non-linear (birational) Coxeter group acting on matrices, and exists as such, {\em beyond the narrow context of strict integrability}. It yields among other things an unexpected elliptic parametrization of the non-integrable sixteen-vertex model. It provides us with a class of discrete dynamical systems, and we address some related problems, such as characterizing the complexity of iterations.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file (epsf style). WARNING: Postscript figures are BIG (600kB compressed, 4.3MB uncompressed). If necessary request hardcopy to [email protected] and give your postal mail addres

    Correlation functions of the XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain in a magnetic field

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    Using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method, and the solution of the quantum inverse scattering problem for local spins, we obtain multiple integral representations of the nn-point correlation functions of the XXZ Heisenberg spin-121 \over 2 chain in a constant magnetic field. For zero magnetic field, this result agrees, in both the massless and massive (anti-ferromagnetic) regimes, with the one obtained from the q-deformed KZ equations (massless regime) and the representation theory of the quantum affine algebra Uq(sl^2){\cal U}_q (\hat{sl}_2) together with the corner transfer matrix approach (massive regime).Comment: Latex2e, 26 page

    Quantum 2+1 evolution model

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    A quantum evolution model in 2+1 discrete space - time, connected with 3D fundamental map R, is investigated. Map R is derived as a map providing a zero curvature of a two dimensional lattice system called "the current system". In a special case of the local Weyl algebra for dynamical variables the map appears to be canonical one and it corresponds to known operator-valued R-matrix. The current system is a kind of the linear problem for 2+1 evolution model. A generating function for the integrals of motion for the evolution is derived with a help of the current system. The subject of the paper is rather new, and so the perspectives of further investigations are widely discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 37page
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