4 research outputs found

    Co-distribución para logística urbana: análisis de experiencias internacionales

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    Population growth has been accompanied by an increase in the percentage of people living in urban centers in both developed and non-developed countries. These areas with high population density generate an increase in commercial activity, with urban freight transport being a key factor, as it provides the products marketed by its stores. However, market capillarity, strict time windows and lack of infrastructure cause this activity to be carried out inefficiently and therefore, at a high cost. Moreover, urban freight transportation affects other externalities such as contamination, noise and existing traffic congestion. Several authors have proposed co-distribution as a way to improve the distribution system and mitigate the problems mentioned above. This article aims to gather and analyze information on the different methods used in co-distribution in different parts of the world, supported by practical experiences. As a result, it is concluded that almost all articles published in this subject refer to the implementation of Urban Consolidation Centers, which, while mitigating several of the problems mentioned, they generally need support from the government to make them economically viable.El crecimiento en la población ha sido acompañado por un aumento en el porcentaje de las personas que habitan los centros urbanos, tanto en países desarrollados como no desarrollados. Estas zonas con alta densidad de población generan un aumento en la actividad comercial, siendo el transporte urbano de mercaderías un factor clave, ya que provee los productos comercializados por sus tiendas. Sin embargo, la capilaridad del mercado, estrictas ventanas horarias y falta de infraestructura provocan que esta actividad se realice de manera ineficiente y por lo tanto, a un costo elevado. Por otro lado, el transporte de mercaderías afecta otras externalidades como la contaminación, el ruido y la congestión de tránsito ya existente. Varios autores han investigado la co-distribución como una forma de mejorar el sistema de distribución urbana y mitigar los problemas anteriormente mencionados. Este artículo pretende recopilar y analizar la información sobre los diferentes métodos utilizados en co-distribución a nivel mundial con sustento en experiencias prácticas. Como resultado, se concluye que casi la totalidad de los artículos publicados en esta temática refieren a la implementación de Centros de Consolidación Urbanos (CCU), los cuales, si bien mitigan varios de los problemas mencionados, en general necesitan de apoyo por parte del gobierno para que sean económicamente viables

    Traveling Salesman Problem with Optional Bonus Collection, Pickup Time and Passengers

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    This study introduces a variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem, named Traveling Salesman Problem with Optional Bonus Collection, Pickup Time and Passengers (PCVP-BoTc). It is a variant that incorporates elements of the Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem and Ridesharing into the PCV. The objective is to optimize the revenue of the driver, which selectively defines which delivery or collection tasks to perform along the route. The economic effect of the collection is modeled by a bonus. The model can be applied to the solution of hybrid routing systems with route tasks and solidary transport. The driver, while performing the selected tasks, can give rides to persons who share route costs with him. Passengers are protected by restrictions concerning the maximum value they agree to pay for a ride and maximum travel duration. The activity of collecting the bonus in each locality demands a specific amount of time, affects the route duration, and is interconnected with the embarkment of passengers. Two mathematical formulations are presented for the problem and validated by a computational experiment using a solver. We propose four heuristic algorithms; three of them are hybrid metaheuristics. We tested the mathematical formulation implementations for 24 instances and the heuristic algorithms for 48