14,043 research outputs found

    A Constraint-directed Local Search Approach to Nurse Rostering Problems

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    In this paper, we investigate the hybridization of constraint programming and local search techniques within a large neighbourhood search scheme for solving highly constrained nurse rostering problems. As identified by the research, a crucial part of the large neighbourhood search is the selection of the fragment (neighbourhood, i.e. the set of variables), to be relaxed and re-optimized iteratively. The success of the large neighbourhood search depends on the adequacy of this identified neighbourhood with regard to the problematic part of the solution assignment and the choice of the neighbourhood size. We investigate three strategies to choose the fragment of different sizes within the large neighbourhood search scheme. The first two strategies are tailored concerning the problem properties. The third strategy is more general, using the information of the cost from the soft constraint violations and their propagation as the indicator to choose the variables added into the fragment. The three strategies are analyzed and compared upon a benchmark nurse rostering problem. Promising results demonstrate the possibility of future work in the hybrid approach

    Modeling and solving the multi-period inventory routing problem with constant demand rates

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    The inventory routing problem (IRP) is one of the challenging optimization problems in supply chain logistics. It combines inventory control and vehicle routing optimization. The main purpose of the IRP is to determine optimal delivery times and quantities to be delivered to customers, as well as optimal vehicle routes to distribute these quantities. The IRP is an underlying logistical optimization problem for supply chains implementing vendor-managed inventory (VMI) policies, in which the supplier takes responsibility for the management of the customers' inventory. In this paper, we consider a multi-period inventory routing problem assuming constant demand rates (MP-CIRP). The proposed model is formulated as a linear mixed-integer program and solved with a Lagrangian relaxation method. The solution obtained by the Lagrangian relaxation method is then used to generate a close to optimal feasible solution of the MP-CIRP by solving a series of assignment problems. The numerical experiments carried out so far show that the proposed Lagrangian relaxation approach nds quite good solutions for the MP-CIRP and in reasonable computation times

    On the use of reference points for the biobjective Inventory Routing Problem

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    The article presents a study on the biobjective inventory routing problem. Contrary to most previous research, the problem is treated as a true multi-objective optimization problem, with the goal of identifying Pareto-optimal solutions. Due to the hardness of the problem at hand, a reference point based optimization approach is presented and implemented into an optimization and decision support system, which allows for the computation of a true subset of the optimal outcomes. Experimental investigation involving local search metaheuristics are conducted on benchmark data, and numerical results are reported and analyzed

    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Service Level Constraints

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    We consider a vehicle routing problem which seeks to minimize cost subject to service level constraints on several groups of deliveries. This problem captures some essential challenges faced by a logistics provider which operates transportation services for a limited number of partners and should respect contractual obligations on service levels. The problem also generalizes several important classes of vehicle routing problems with profits. To solve it, we propose a compact mathematical formulation, a branch-and-price algorithm, and a hybrid genetic algorithm with population management, which relies on problem-tailored solution representation, crossover and local search operators, as well as an adaptive penalization mechanism establishing a good balance between service levels and costs. Our computational experiments show that the proposed heuristic returns very high-quality solutions for this difficult problem, matches all optimal solutions found for small and medium-scale benchmark instances, and improves upon existing algorithms for two important special cases: the vehicle routing problem with private fleet and common carrier, and the capacitated profitable tour problem. The branch-and-price algorithm also produces new optimal solutions for all three problems
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