489 research outputs found

    Self-assembly: modelling, simulation, and planning

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    Samoskládání je proces, při kterém se kolekce neuspořádaných částic samovolně orientuje do uspořádaného vzoru nebo funkční struktury bez působení vnější síly, pouze za pomoci lokálních interakcí mezi samotnými částicemi. Tato teze se zaměřuje na teorii dlaždicových samoskládacích systémů a jejich syntézu. Nejdříve je představena oblast výzkumu věnující se dlaždičovým samoskládacím systémům, a poté jsou důkladně popsány základní typy dlaždicových skládacích systémů, kterými jsou abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM ), kinetic Tile Assembly Model (kTAM ), a 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM ). Poté jsou představeny novější modely a modely se specifickým použitím. Dále je zahrnut stručný popis původu teorie dlaždicového samoskládání společně s krátkým popisem nedávného výzkumu. Dále jsou představeny dva obecné otevřené problémy dlaždicového samoskládání s hlavním zaměřením na problém Pattern Self-Assembly Tile Set Synthesis (PATS), což je NP-těžká kombinatorická optimalizační úloha. Nakonec je ukázán algoritmus Partition Search with Heuristics (PS-H ), který se používá k řešení problému PATS. Následovně jsou demonstrovány dvě aplikace, které byly vyvinuty pro podporu výzkumu abstraktních dlaždicových skládacích modelů a syntézy množin dlaždic pro samoskládání zadaných vzorů. První aplikace je schopná simulovat aTAM a 2HAM systémy ve 2D prostoru. Druhá aplikace je řešič PATS problému, který využívá algoritmu PS-H. Pro obě aplikace jsou popsány hlavní vlastnosti a návrhová rozhodnutí, která řídila jejich vývoj. Nakonec jsou předloženy výsledky několika experimentů. Jedna skupina experimentů byla zaměřena na ověření výpočetní náročnosti vyvinutých algoritmů pro simulátor. Druhá sada experimentů zkoumala vliv jednotlivých vlastností vzorů na vlastnosti dlaždicových systémů, které byly získány syntézou ze vzorů pomocí vyvinutého řešiče PATS problému. Bylo prokázáno, že algoritmus simulující aTAM systém má lineární časovou výpočetní náročnost, zatímco algoritmus simulující 2HAM systém má exponenciální časovou výpočetní náročnost, která navíc silně závisí na simulovaném systému. Aplikace pro řešení syntézy množiny dlaždic ze vzorů je schopna najít relativně malé řešení i pro velké zadané vzory, a to v přiměřeném čase.Self-assembly is the process in which a collection of disordered units organise themselves into ordered patterns or functional structures without any external direction, solely using local interactions among the components. This thesis focuses on the theory of tile-based self-assembly systems and their synthesis. First, an introduction to the study field of tile-based self-assembly systems are given, followed by a thorough description of common types of tile assembly systems such as abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM ), kinetic Tile Assembly Model (kTAM ), and 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM ). After that, various recently developed models and models with specific applications are listed. A brief summary of the origins of the tile-based self-assembly is also included together with a short review of recent results. Two general open problems are presented with the main focus on the Pattern Self-Assembly Tile Set Synthesis (PATS) problem, which is NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem. Partition Search with Heuristics (PS-H ) algorithm is presented as it is used for solving the PATS problem. Next, two applications which were developed to study the abstract tile assembly models and the synthesis of tile sets for pattern self-assembly are introduced. The first application is a simulator capable of simulating aTAM and 2HAM systems in 2D. The second application is a solver of the PATS problem based around the PS-H algorithm. Main features and design decisions are described for both applications. Finally, results from several experiments are presented. One set of experiments were focused on verification of computation complexity of algorithms developed for the simulator, and the other set of experiments studied the influences of the properties of the pattern on the tile assembly system synthesised by our implementation of PATS problem solver. It was shown that the algorithm for simulating aTAM systems have linear computation time complexity, whereas the algorithm simulating 2HAM systems have exponential computation time complexity, which strongly varies based on the simulated system. The synthesiser application is capable of finding a relatively small solution even for quite large input patterns in reasonable amounts of time

    Algorithmic Assembly of Nanoscale Structures

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    The development of nanotechnology has become one of the most significant endeavors of our time. A natural objective of this field is discovering how to engineer nanoscale structures. Limitations of current top-down techniques inspire investigation into bottom-up approaches to reach this objective. A fundamental precondition for a bottom-up approach is the ability to control the behavior of nanoscale particles. Many abstract representations have been developed to model systems of particles and to research methods for controlling their behavior. This thesis develops theories on two such approaches for building complex structures: the self-assembly of simple particles, and the use of simple robot swarms. The concepts for these two approaches are straightforward. Self-assembly is the process by which simple particles, following the rules of some behavior-governing system, naturally coalesce into a more complex form. The other method of bottom-up assembly involves controlling nanoscale particles through explicit directions and assembling them into a desired form. Regarding the self-assembly of nanoscale structures, we present two construction methods in a variant of a popular theoretical model known as the 2-Handed Tile Self-Assembly Model. The first technique achieves shape construction at only a constant scale factor, while the second result uses only a constant number of unique particle types. Regarding the use of robot swarms for construction, we first develop a novel technique for reconfiguring a swarm of globally-controlled robots into a desired shape even when the robots can only move maximally in a commanded direction. We then expand on this work by formally defining an entire hierarchy of shapes which can be built in this manner and we provide a technique for doing so

    Universal Coating in the 3D Hybrid Model

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    Motivated by the prospect of nano-robots that assist human physiological functions at the nanoscale, we investigate the coating problem in the three-dimensional model for hybrid programmable matter. In this model, a single agent with strictly limited viewing range and the computational capability of a deterministic finite automaton can act on passive tiles by picking up a tile, moving, and placing it at some spot. The goal of the coating problem is to fill each node of some surface graph of size nn with a tile. We first solve the problem on a restricted class of graphs with a single tile type, and then use constantly many tile types to encode this graph in certain surface graphs capturing the surface of 3D objects. Our algorithm requires O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) steps, which is worst-case optimal compared to an agent with global knowledge and no memory restrictions.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figure

    Unique Assembly Verification in Two-Handed Self-Assembly

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    One of the most fundamental and well-studied problems in Tile Self-Assembly is the Unique Assembly Verification (UAV) problem. This algorithmic problem asks whether a given tile system uniquely assembles a specific assembly. The complexity of this problem in the 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM) at a constant temperature is a long-standing open problem since the model was introduced. Previously, only membership in the class coNP was known and that the problem is in P if the temperature is one (τ=1). The problem is known to be hard for many generalizations of the model, such as allowing one step into the third dimension or allowing the temperature of the system to be a variable, but the most fundamental version has remained open.In this paper, we prove the UAV problem in the 2HAM is hard even with a small constant temperature (τ=2), and finally answer the complexity of this problem (open since 2013). Further, this result proves that UAV in the staged self-assembly model is coNP-complete with a single bin and stage (open since 2007), and that UAV in the q-tile model is also coNP-complete (open since 2004). We reduce from Monotone Planar 3-SAT with Neighboring Variable Pairs, a special case of 3SAT recently proven to be NP-hard. We accompany this reduction with a positive result showing that UAV is solvable in polynomial time with the promise that the given target assembly will have a tree-shaped bond graph, i.e., contains no cycles. We provide a O(n5) algorithm for UAV on tree-bonded assemblies when the temperature is fixed to 2, and a O(n5logτ) time algorithm when the temperature is part of the input

    Computational Complexity in Tile Self-Assembly

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    One of the most fundamental and well-studied problems in Tile Self-Assembly is the Unique Assembly Verification (UAV) problem. This algorithmic problem asks whether a given tile system uniquely assembles a specific assembly. The complexity of this problem in the 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM) at a constant temperature is a long-standing open problem since the model was introduced. Previously, only membership in the class coNP was known and that the problem is in P if the temperature is one (τ = 1). The problem is known to be hard for many generalizations of the model, such as allowing one step into the third dimension or allowing the temperature of the system to be a variable, but the most fundamental version has remained open. In this Thesis I will cover verification problems in different models of self-assembly leading to the proof that the UAV problem in the 2HAM is hard even with a small constant temperature (τ = 2), and finally answer the complexity of this problem (open since 2013). Further, this result proves that UAV in the staged self-assembly model is coNP-complete with a single bin and stage (open since 2007), and that UAV in the q-tile model is also coNP-complete (open since 2004). We reduce from Monotone Planar 3-SAT with Neighboring Variable Pairs, a special case of 3SAT recently proven to be NP-hard