8 research outputs found

    Solving hard subgraph problems in parallel

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    This thesis improves the state of the art in exact, practical algorithms for finding subgraphs. We study maximum clique, subgraph isomorphism, and maximum common subgraph problems. These are widely applicable: within computing science, subgraph problems arise in document clustering, computer vision, the design of communication protocols, model checking, compiler code generation, malware detection, cryptography, and robotics; beyond, applications occur in biochemistry, electrical engineering, mathematics, law enforcement, fraud detection, fault diagnosis, manufacturing, and sociology. We therefore consider both the ``pure'' forms of these problems, and variants with labels and other domain-specific constraints. Although subgraph-finding should theoretically be hard, the constraint-based search algorithms we discuss can easily solve real-world instances involving graphs with thousands of vertices, and millions of edges. We therefore ask: is it possible to generate ``really hard'' instances for these problems, and if so, what can we learn? By extending research into combinatorial phase transition phenomena, we develop a better understanding of branching heuristics, as well as highlighting a serious flaw in the design of graph database systems. This thesis also demonstrates how to exploit two of the kinds of parallelism offered by current computer hardware. Bit parallelism allows us to carry out operations on whole sets of vertices in a single instruction---this is largely routine. Thread parallelism, to make use of the multiple cores offered by all modern processors, is more complex. We suggest three desirable performance characteristics that we would like when introducing thread parallelism: lack of risk (parallel cannot be exponentially slower than sequential), scalability (adding more processing cores cannot make runtimes worse), and reproducibility (the same instance on the same hardware will take roughly the same time every time it is run). We then detail the difficulties in guaranteeing these characteristics when using modern algorithmic techniques. Besides ensuring that parallelism cannot make things worse, we also increase the likelihood of it making things better. We compare randomised work stealing to new tailored strategies, and perform experiments to identify the factors contributing to good speedups. We show that whilst load balancing is difficult, the primary factor influencing the results is the interaction between branching heuristics and parallelism. By using parallelism to explicitly offset the commitment made to weak early branching choices, we obtain parallel subgraph solvers which are substantially and consistently better than the best sequential algorithms

    The Multi-Maximum and Quasi-Maximum Common Subgraph Problem

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    The Maximum Common Subgraph problem has been long proven NP-hard. Nevertheless, it has countless practical applications, and researchers are still searching for exact solutions and scalable heuristic approaches. Driven by applications in molecular science and cyber-security, we concentrate on the Maximum Common Subgraph among an indefinite number of graphs. We first extend a state-of-the-art branch-and-bound procedure working on two graphs to N graphs. Then, given the high computational cost of this approach, we trade off complexity for accuracy, and we propose a set of heuristics to approximate the exact solution for N graphs. We analyze sequential, parallel multi-core, and parallel-many core (GPU-based) approaches, exploiting several leveraging techniques to decrease the contention among threads, improve the workload balance of the different tasks, reduce the computation time, and increase the final result size. We also present several sorting heuristics to order the vertices of the graphs and the graphs themselves. We compare our algorithms with a state-of-the-art method on publicly available benchmark sets. On graph pairs, we are able to speed up the exact computation by a 2Ă— factor, pruning the search space by more than 60%. On sets of more than two graphs, all exact solutions are extremely time-consuming and of a complex application in many real cases. On the contrary, our heuristics are far less expensive (as they show a lower-bound for the speed up of 10Ă—), have a far better asymptotic complexity (with speed ups up to several orders of magnitude in our experiments), and obtain excellent approximations of the maximal solution with 98.5% of the nodes on average

    The Maximum Common Subgraph Problem: A Parallel and Multi-Engine Approach

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    The maximum common subgraph of two graphs is the largest possible common subgraph, i.e., the common subgraph with as many vertices as possible. Even if this problem is very challenging, as it has been long proven NP-hard, its countless practical applications still motivates searching for exact solutions. This work discusses the possibility to extend an existing, very effective branch-and-bound procedure on parallel multi-core and many-core architectures. We analyze a parallel multi-core implementation that exploits a divide-and-conquer approach based on a thread pool, which does not deteriorate the original algorithmic efficiency and it minimizes data structure repetitions. We also extend the original algorithm to parallel many-core GPU architectures adopting the CUDA programming framework, and we show how to handle the heavily workload-unbalance and the massive data dependency. Then, we suggest new heuristics to reorder the adjacency matrix, to deal with “dead-ends”, and to randomize the search with automatic restarts. These heuristics can achieve significant speed-ups on specific instances, even if they may not be competitive with the original strategy on average. Finally, we propose a portfolio approach, which integrates all the different local search algorithms as component tools; such portfolio, rather than choosing the best tool for a given instance up-front, takes the decision on-line. The proposed approach drastically limits memory bandwidth constraints and avoids other typical portfolio fragility as CPU and GPU versions often show a complementary efficiency and run on separated platforms. Experimental results support the claims and motivate further research to better exploit GPUs in embedded task-intensive and multi-engine parallel applications

    Dynamically weakened constraints in bounded search for constraint optimisation problems

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    Combinatorial optimisation problems, where the goal is to an optimal solution from the set of solutions of a problem involving resources, constraints on how these resources can be used, and a ranking of solutions are of both theoretical and practical interest. Many real world problems (such as routing vehicles or planning timetables) can be modelled as constraint optimisation problems, and solved via a variety of solver technologies which rely on differing algorithms for search and inference. The starting point for the work presented in this thesis is two existing approaches to solving constraint optimisation problems: constraint programming and decision diagram branch and bound search. Constraint programming models problems using variables which have domains of values and valid value assignments to variables are restricted by constraints. Constraint programming is a mature approach to solving optimisation problems, and typically relies on backtracking search algorithms combined with constraint propagators (which infer from incomplete solutions which values can be removed from the domains of variables which are yet to be assigned a value). Decision diagram branch and bound search is a less mature approach which solves problems modelled as dynamic programming models using width restricted decision diagrams to provide bounds during search. The main contribution of this thesis is adapting decision diagram branch and bound to be the search scheme in a general purpose constraint solver. To achieve this we propose a method in which we introduce a new algorithm for each constraint that we wish to include in our solver and these new algorithms weaken individual constraints, so that they respect the problem relaxations introduced while using decision diagram branch and bound as the search algorithm in our solver. Constraints are weakened during search based on the problem relaxations imposed by the search algorithm: before search begins there is no way of telling which relaxations will be introduced. We attempt to provide weakening algorithms which require little to no changes to existing propagation algorithms. We provide weakening algorithms for a number of built-in constraints in the Flatzinc specifi- cation, as well as for global constraints and symmetry reduction constraints. We implement a solver in Go and empirically verify the competitiveness of our approach. We show that our solver can be parallelised using Goroutines and channels and that our approach scales well. Finally, we also provide an implementation of our approach in a solver which is tailored towards solving extremal graph problems. We use the forbidden subgraph problem to show that our approach of using decision diagram branch and bound as a search scheme in a constraint solver can be paired with canonical search. Canonical search is a technique for graph search which ensures that no two isomorphic graphs are returned during search. We pair our solver with the Nauty graph isomorphism algorithm to achieve this, and explore the relationship between branch and bound and canonical search

    Improving the performance and scalability of patten subgraph queries

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    Graphs have great representational power, and can thus efficiently represent complex structures, such as chemical compounds and social networks. A common problem that often arises to graphs is the subgraph pattern matching querying problem, where given a graph DB and a query in the form of a graph, the graphs from the DB that contain the query are returned. In some algorithms, all possible occurrences of the query graph in the DB graphs are additionally returned. The subgraph matching problem entails subgraph isomorphism which is known to be NP-Complete. To alleviate the problem, a large number of methods has been proposed over the years that can be classified in two major categories: (i) the filter-then-verify (FTV) and (ii) the subgraph isomorphism (SI) methods. Specifically, the FTV methods rely on a constructed index with the aim to filter out graphs from the DB that definitely do not contain the query graph as an answer. On the remaining set of graphs, which form the so-called candidate set, a subgraph isomorphism algorithm is applied to verify whether the query graph is indeed contained in the DB graph. SI methods target in optimizing their subgraph isomorphism testing process by suggesting different heuristics. With our work, we confirm that both FTV and SI methods suffer from significant performance and scalability limitations, stemming from the NP-complete nature of the subgraph isomorphism problem. Instead of trying to devise new algorithms with better performance compared to the already existing ones, we take a different approach. We suggest a number of solutions to improve their performance and to extend their scalability limitations. In more detail, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the state of the art FTV methods. We initially identify a set of key-factor parameters that influence the performance of related methods, namely the number of nodes and density per graph, the number of distinct labels and graphs in the graph DB, and the size of the query. Subsequently, using the aforementioned parameters, we perform a large number of experiments with both real and synthetic datasets in a systematic way, where we report on indexing time and size, query processing time and filtering power. We analyze the sensitivity of the various FTV methods. Our analysis helps us draw useful conclusions about the algorithms relative performance. In parallel, we stress-test them and thus, we recognize different scalability limitations, i.e., points where some algorithms operate while others break. One of the conclusions drawn from our experiments with the FTV methods is that as the graphs in the dataset grow large in the number of nodes and/or density and as the query size increases query processing becomes harder. Thus, we additionally bring into the play the state of the art SI methods and along with the top-performing FTV methods as indicated by our aforementioned analysis, we investigate whether all queries of the same size are equally challenging. First, our experiments reveal that all proposed methods suffer from stragglers, i.e., queries with execution times many orders of magnitude worse compared to the majority of them. Second, through our experiments we have seen that isomorphic queries can have widely and wildly different execution times on the various algorithms. Thus, we propose our own isomorphic query rewritings that can introduce large performance gains. Third, we observe that stragglers are algorithm specific, i.e., a straggler query on one algorithm can be a typical query on some other algorithm. We incorporate our findings in a novel proposed framework, coined Psi-framework that runs in parallel different isomorphic instances of the original query and/or different algorithms. Such parallel executions of various algorithms have been used for other NP-hard problems and are known as portfolios of algorithms. Our framework introduces large performance gains in the subgraph matching problem, on both FTV and SI methods across all employed datasets, where some combinations of algorithms perform better than others. Similar to Psi-framework, some portfolios are more favorable than others. Recent proposed methods tend to totally dismiss FTV methods and employ SI methods instead, with the claim that the SI methods enjoy shorter query execution times and that managing the index-based FTV methods is too costly. With our work, we investigate this claim. We initially quantify the constructed index of state of the art SI methods and the top performing FTV method in terms of time and size and we evaluate the efficiency of the constructed indices in filtering out graphs that do not contain the query. Based on our experiments, in both real and synthetic datasets, SI methods fail to avoid a large number of redundant subgraph isomorphism tests. Additionally, our experiments on the SI methods fail to indicate a single-winner. Thus, we propose a hybrid FTV-SI method, as a combination of the filtering achieved by the top-performing FTV method and the verification of various SI methods. This hybrid FTV-SI combination was not studied before, perhaps surprisingly for the problem at hand. Based on our experiments, such a hybrid combination brings high speedups in the subgraph matching problem. In an attempt to reduce even more the underlying indexing costs, we additionally experiment with different values of the enumerated features. Our experiments reveal that we can still achieve high quality filtering, even with smaller features, whereas the overall query execution time is still significantly boosted. With our research results, we hope to open up a whole new research trend where community will benefit from already existing solutions by combining them appropriately to achieve large performance gains

    Partitioning algorithms for induced subgraph problems

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    This dissertation introduces the MCSPLIT family of algorithms for two closely-related NP-hard problems that involve finding a large induced subgraph contained by each of two input graphs: the induced subgraph isomorphism problem and the maximum common induced subgraph problem. The MCSPLIT algorithms resemble forward-checking constrant programming algorithms, but use problem-specific data structures that allow multiple, identical domains to be stored without duplication. These data structures enable fast, simple constraint propagation algorithms and very fast calculation of upper bounds. Versions of these algorithms for both sparse and dense graphs are described and implemented. The resulting algorithms are over an order of magnitude faster than the best existing algorithm for maximum common induced subgraph on unlabelled graphs, and outperform the state of the art on several classes of induced subgraph isomorphism instances. A further advantage of the MCSPLIT data structures is that variables and values are treated identically; this allows us to choose to branch on variables representing vertices of either input graph with no overhead. An extensive set of experiments shows that such two-sided branching can be particularly beneficial if the two input graphs have very different orders or densities. Finally, we turn from subgraphs to supergraphs, tackling the problem of finding a small graph that contains every member of a given family of graphs as an induced subgraph. Exact and heuristic techniques are developed for this problem, in each case using a MCSPLIT algorithm as a subroutine. These algorithms allow us to add new terms to two entries of the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

    Algorithmic skeletons for exact combinatorial search at scale

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    Exact combinatorial search is essential to a wide range of application areas including constraint optimisation, graph matching, and computer algebra. Solutions to combinatorial problems are found by systematically exploring a search space, either to enumerate solutions, determine if a specific solution exists, or to find an optimal solution. Combinatorial searches are computationally hard both in theory and practice, and efficiently exploring the huge number of combinations is a real challenge, often addressed using approximate search algorithms. Alternatively, exact search can be parallelised to reduce execution time. However, parallel search is challenging due to both highly irregular search trees and sensitivity to search order, leading to anomalies that can cause unexpected speedups and slowdowns. As core counts continue to grow, parallel search becomes increasingly useful for improving the performance of existing searches, and allowing larger instances to be solved. A high-level approach to parallel search allows non-expert users to benefit from increasing core counts. Algorithmic Skeletons provide reusable implementations of common parallelism patterns that are parameterised with user code which determines the specific computation, e.g. a particular search. We define a set of skeletons for exact search, requiring the user to provide in the minimal case a single class that specifies how the search tree is generated and a parameter that specifies the type of search required. The five are: Sequential search; three general-purpose parallel search methods: Depth-Bounded, Stack-Stealing, and Budget; and a specific parallel search method, Ordered, that guarantees replicable performance. We implement and evaluate the skeletons in a new C++ parallel search framework, YewPar. YewPar provides both high-level skeletons and low-level search specific schedulers and utilities to deal with the irregularity of search and knowledge exchange between workers. YewPar is based on the HPX library for distributed task-parallelism potentially allowing search to execute on multi-cores, clusters, cloud, and high performance computing systems. Underpinning the skeleton design is a novel formal model, MT^3 , a parallel operational semantics that describes multi-threaded tree traversals, allowing reasoning about parallel search, e.g. describing common parallel search phenomena such as performance anomalies. YewPar is evaluated using seven different search applications (and over 25 specific instances): Maximum Clique, k-Clique, Subgraph Isomorphism, Travelling Salesperson, Binary Knapsack, Enumerating Numerical Semigroups, and the Unbalanced Tree Search Benchmark. The search instances are evaluated at multiple scales from 1 to 255 workers, on a 17 host, 272 core Beowulf cluster. The overheads of the skeletons are low, with a mean 6.1% slowdown compared to hand-coded sequential implementation. Crucially, for all search applications YewPar reduces search times by an order of magnitude, i.e hours/minutes to minutes/seconds, and we commonly see greater than 60% (average) parallel efficiency speedups for up to 255 workers. Comparing skeleton performance reveals that no one skeleton is best for all searches, highlighting a benefit of a skeleton approach that allows multiple parallelisations to be explored with minimal refactoring. The Ordered skeleton avoids slowdown anomalies where, due to search knowledge being order dependent, a parallel search takes longer than a sequential search. Analysis of Ordered shows that, while being 41% slower on average (73% worse-case) than Depth-Bounded, in nearly all cases it maintains the following replicable performance properties: 1) parallel executions are no slower than one worker sequential executions 2) runtimes do not increase as workers are added, and 3) variance between repeated runs is low. In particular, where Ordered maintains a relative standard deviation (RSD) of less than 15%, Depth-Bounded suffers from an RSD greater than 50%, showing the importance of carefully controlling search orders for repeatability

    Online learning on the programmable dataplane

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    This thesis makes the case for managing computer networks with datadriven methods automated statistical inference and control based on measurement data and runtime observations—and argues for their tight integration with programmable dataplane hardware to make management decisions faster and from more precise data. Optimisation, defence, and measurement of networked infrastructure are each challenging tasks in their own right, which are currently dominated by the use of hand-crafted heuristic methods. These become harder to reason about and deploy as networks scale in rates and number of forwarding elements, but their design requires expert knowledge and care around unexpected protocol interactions. This makes tailored, per-deployment or -workload solutions infeasible to develop. Recent advances in machine learning offer capable function approximation and closed-loop control which suit many of these tasks. New, programmable dataplane hardware enables more agility in the network— runtime reprogrammability, precise traffic measurement, and low latency on-path processing. The synthesis of these two developments allows complex decisions to be made on previously unusable state, and made quicker by offloading inference to the network. To justify this argument, I advance the state of the art in data-driven defence of networks, novel dataplane-friendly online reinforcement learning algorithms, and in-network data reduction to allow classification of switchscale data. Each requires co-design aware of the network, and of the failure modes of systems and carried traffic. To make online learning possible in the dataplane, I use fixed-point arithmetic and modify classical (non-neural) approaches to take advantage of the SmartNIC compute model and make use of rich device local state. I show that data-driven solutions still require great care to correctly design, but with the right domain expertise they can improve on pathological cases in DDoS defence, such as protecting legitimate UDP traffic. In-network aggregation to histograms is shown to enable accurate classification from fine temporal effects, and allows hosts to scale such classification to far larger flow counts and traffic volume. Moving reinforcement learning to the dataplane is shown to offer substantial benefits to stateaction latency and online learning throughput versus host machines; allowing policies to react faster to fine-grained network events. The dataplane environment is key in making reactive online learning feasible—to port further algorithms and learnt functions, I collate and analyse the strengths of current and future hardware designs, as well as individual algorithms