7,469 research outputs found

    A Multicore Tool for Constraint Solving

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    *** To appear in IJCAI 2015 proceedings *** In Constraint Programming (CP), a portfolio solver uses a variety of different solvers for solving a given Constraint Satisfaction / Optimization Problem. In this paper we introduce sunny-cp2: the first parallel CP portfolio solver that enables a dynamic, cooperative, and simultaneous execution of its solvers in a multicore setting. It incorporates state-of-the-art solvers, providing also a usable and configurable framework. Empirical results are very promising. sunny-cp2 can even outperform the performance of the oracle solver which always selects the best solver of the portfolio for a given problem

    A Sparse Multi-Scale Algorithm for Dense Optimal Transport

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    Discrete optimal transport solvers do not scale well on dense large problems since they do not explicitly exploit the geometric structure of the cost function. In analogy to continuous optimal transport we provide a framework to verify global optimality of a discrete transport plan locally. This allows construction of an algorithm to solve large dense problems by considering a sequence of sparse problems instead. The algorithm lends itself to being combined with a hierarchical multi-scale scheme. Any existing discrete solver can be used as internal black-box.Several cost functions, including the noisy squared Euclidean distance, are explicitly detailed. We observe a significant reduction of run-time and memory requirements.Comment: Published "online first" in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, see DO

    Induction of Topological Environment Maps from Sequences of Visited Places

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    In this paper we address the problem of topologically mapping environments which contain inherent perceptual aliasing caused by repeated environment structures. We propose an approach that does not use motion or odometric information but only a sequence of deterministic measurements observed by traversing an environment. Our algorithm implements a stochastic local search to build a small map which is consistent with local adjacency information extracted from a sequence of observations. Moreover, local adjacency information is incorporated to disambiguate places which are physically different but appear identical to the robots senses. Experiments show that the proposed method is capable of mapping environments with a high degree of perceptual aliasing, and that it infers a small map quickly

    Global bifurcations to subcritical magnetorotational dynamo action in Keplerian shear flow

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    Magnetorotational dynamo action in Keplerian shear flow is a three-dimensional, non-linear magnetohydrodynamic process whose study is relevant to the understanding of accretion processes and magnetic field generation in astrophysics. Transition to this form of dynamo action is subcritical and shares many characteristics of transition to turbulence in non-rotating hydrodynamic shear flows. This suggests that these different fluid systems become active through similar generic bifurcation mechanisms, which in both cases have eluded detailed understanding so far. In this paper, we build on recent work on the two problems to investigate numerically the bifurcation mechanisms at work in the incompressible Keplerian magnetorotational dynamo problem in the shearing box framework. Using numerical techniques imported from dynamical systems research, we show that the onset of chaotic dynamo action at magnetic Prandtl numbers larger than unity is primarily associated with global homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations of nonlinear magnetorotational dynamo cycles. These global bifurcations are found to be supplemented by local bifurcations of cycles marking the beginning of period-doubling cascades. The results suggest that nonlinear magnetorotational dynamo cycles provide the pathway to turbulent injection of both kinetic and magnetic energy in incompressible magnetohydrodynamic Keplerian shear flow in the absence of an externally imposed magnetic field. Studying the nonlinear physics and bifurcations of these cycles in different regimes and configurations may subsequently help to better understand the physical conditions of excitation of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and instability-driven dynamos in a variety of astrophysical systems and laboratory experiments. The detailed characterization of global bifurcations provided for this three-dimensional subcritical fluid dynamics problem may also prove useful for the problem of transition to turbulence in hydrodynamic shear flows