602 research outputs found

    HyperTransport Over Ethernet - A Scalable, Commodity Standard for Resource Sharing in the Data Center

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    Future data center configurations are driven by total cost of ownership (TCO) for specific performance capabilities. Low-latency interconnects are central to performance, while the use of commodity interconnects is central to cost. This paper reports on an effort to combine a very high-performance, commodity interconnect (HyperTransport) with a high-volume interconnect (Ethernet). Previous approaches to extending Hyper-Transport (HT) over a cluster used custom FPGA cards [5] and proprietary extensions to coherence schemes [22], but these solutions mainly have been adopted for use in research-oriented clusters. The new HyperShare strategy from the HyperTransport Consortium proposes several new ways to create low-cost, commodity clusters that can support scalable high performance computing in either clusters or in the data center. HyperTransport over Ethernet (HToE) is the newest specification in the HyperShare strategy that aims to combine favorable market trends with a highbandwidth and low-latency hardware solution for noncoherent sharing of resources in a cluster. This paper illustrates the motivation behind using 10, 40, or 100 Gigabit Ethernet as an encapsulation layer for Hyper-Transport, the requirements for the HToE specification, and engineering solutions for implementing key portions of the specification

    Parallelizing the QUDA Library for Multi-GPU Calculations in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are having a transformational effect on numerical lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations of importance in nuclear and particle physics. The QUDA library provides a package of mixed precision sparse matrix linear solvers for LQCD applications, supporting single GPUs based on NVIDIA's Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). This library, interfaced to the QDP++/Chroma framework for LQCD calculations, is currently in production use on the "9g" cluster at the Jefferson Laboratory, enabling unprecedented price/performance for a range of problems in LQCD. Nevertheless, memory constraints on current GPU devices limit the problem sizes that can be tackled. In this contribution we describe the parallelization of the QUDA library onto multiple GPUs using MPI, including strategies for the overlapping of communication and computation. We report on both weak and strong scaling for up to 32 GPUs interconnected by InfiniBand, on which we sustain in excess of 4 Tflops.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of Supercomputing 2010 (submitted April 12, 2010

    A DevOps approach to integration of software components in an EU research project

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    We present a description of the development and deployment infrastructure being created to support the integration effort of HARNESS, an EU FP7 project. HARNESS is a multi-partner research project intended to bring the power of heterogeneous resources to the cloud. It consists of a number of different services and technologies that interact with the OpenStack cloud computing platform at various levels. Many of these components are being developed independently by different teams at different locations across Europe, and keeping the work fully integrated is a challenge. We use a combination of Vagrant based virtual machines, Docker containers, and Ansible playbooks to provide a consistent and up-to-date environment to each developer. The same playbooks used to configure local virtual machines are also used to manage a static testbed with heterogeneous compute and storage devices, and to automate ephemeral larger-scale deployments to Grid5000. Access to internal projects is managed by GitLab, and automated testing of services within Docker-based environments and integrated deployments within virtual-machines is provided by Buildbot

    Energy Efficient Ethernet on MapReduce Clusters: Packet Coalescing To Improve 10GbE Links

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    An important challenge of modern data centers is to reduce energy consumption, of which a substantial proportion is due to the network. Switches and NICs supporting the recent energy efficient Ethernet (EEE) standard are now available, but current practice is to disable EEE in production use, since its effect on real world application performance is poorly understood. This paper contributes to this discussion by analyzing the impact of EEE on MapReduce workloads, in terms of performance overheads and energy savings. MapReduce is the central programming model of Apache Hadoop, one of the most widely used application frameworks in modern data centers. We find that, while 1GbE links (edge links) achieve good energy savings using the standard EEE implementation, optimum energy savings in the 10 GbE links (aggregation and core links) are only possible, if these links employ packet coalescing. Packet coalescing must, however, be carefully configured in order to avoid excessive performance degradation. With our new analysis of how the static parameters of packet coalescing perform under different cluster loads, we were able to cover both idle and heavy load periods that can exist on this type of environment. Finally, we evaluate our recommendation for packet coalescing for 10 GbE links using the energy-delay metric. This paper is an extension of our previous work [1], which was published in the Proceedings of the 40th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2015).This work was supported in part by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant 610456 (EUROSERVER), in part by the Spanish Government through the Severo Ochoa programme (SEV-2011-00067 and SEV-2015-0493), in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy a nd Competitiveness under Contract TIN2012-34557 and Contract TIN2015-65316-P, and in part by the Generalitat de Catalunya under Contract 2014-SGR-1051 and Contract 2014-SGR-1272.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on HyperTransport Research and Applications (WHTRA2011)

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    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on HyperTransport Research and Applications (WHTRA2011) which was held Feb. 9th 2011 in Mannheim, Germany. The Second International Workshop for Research on HyperTransport is an international high quality forum for scientists, researches and developers working in the area of HyperTransport. This includes not only developments and research in HyperTransport itself, but also work which is based on or enabled by HyperTransport. HyperTransport (HT) is an interconnection technology which is typically used as system interconnect in modern computer systems, connecting the CPUs among each other and with the I/O bridges. Primarily designed as interconnect between high performance CPUs it provides an extremely low latency, high bandwidth and excellent scalability. The definition of the HTX connector allows the use of HT even for add-in cards. In opposition to other peripheral interconnect technologies like PCI-Express no protocol conversion or intermediate bridging is necessary. HT is a direct connection between device and CPU with minimal latency. Another advantage is the possibility of cache coherent devices. Because of these properties HT is of high interest for high performance I/O like networking and storage, but also for co-processing and acceleration based on ASIC or FPGA technologies. In particular acceleration sees a resurgence of interest today. One reason is the possibility to reduce power consumption by the use of accelerators. In the area of parallel computing the low latency communication allows for fine grain communication schemes and is perfectly suited for scalable systems. Summing up, HT technology offers key advantages and great performance to any research aspect related to or based on interconnects. For more information please consult the workshop website (http://whtra.uni-hd.de)

    Management, Optimization and Evolution of the LHCb Online Network

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    The LHCb experiment is one of the four large particle detectors running at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is a forward single-arm spectrometer dedicated to test the Standard Model through precision measurements of Charge-Parity (CP) violation and rare decays in the b quark sector. The LHCb experiment will operate at a luminosity of 2x10^32cm-2s-1, the proton-proton bunch crossings rate will be approximately 10 MHz. To select the interesting events, a two-level trigger scheme is applied: the rst level trigger (L0) and the high level trigger (HLT). The L0 trigger is implemented in custom hardware, while HLT is implemented in software runs on the CPUs of the Event Filter Farm (EFF). The L0 trigger rate is dened at about 1 MHz, and the event size for each event is about 35 kByte. It is a serious challenge to handle the resulting data rate (35 GByte/s). The Online system is a key part of the LHCb experiment, providing all the IT services. It consists of three major components: the Data Acquisition (DAQ) system, the Timing and Fast Control (TFC) system and the Experiment Control System (ECS). To provide the services, two large dedicated networks based on Gigabit Ethernet are deployed: one for DAQ and another one for ECS, which are referred to Online network in general. A large network needs sophisticated monitoring for its successful operation. Commercial network management systems are quite expensive and dicult to integrate into the LHCb ECS. A custom network monitoring system has been implemented based on a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system called PVSS which is used by LHCb ECS. It is a homogeneous part of the LHCb ECS. In this thesis, it is demonstrated how a large scale network can be monitored and managed using tools originally made for industrial supervisory control. The thesis is organized as the follows: Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to LHC and the B physics on LHC, then describes all sub-detectors and the trigger and DAQ system of LHCb from structure to performance. Chapter 2 first introduces the LHCb Online system and the dataflow, then focuses on the Online network design and its optimization. In Chapter 3, the SCADA system PVSS is introduced briefly, then the architecture and implementation of the network monitoring system are described in detail, including the front-end processes, the data communication and the supervisory layer. Chapter 4 first discusses the packet sampling theory and one of the packet sampling mechanisms: sFlow, then demonstrates the applications of sFlow for the network trouble-shooting, the traffic monitoring and the anomaly detection. In Chapter 5, the upgrade of LHC and LHCb is introduced, the possible architecture of DAQ is discussed, and two candidate internetworking technologies (high speed Ethernet and InfniBand) are compared in different aspects for DAQ. Three schemes based on 10 Gigabit Ethernet are presented and studied. Chapter 6 is a general summary of the thesis

    Exploring interconnect energy savings under East-West traffic pattern of MapReduce clusters

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    An important challenge of modern data centers is to reduce energy consumption, of which a substantial proportion is due to the network. Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) is a recent standard that aims to reduce network power consumption, but current practice is to disable it in production use, since it has a poorly understood impact on real world application performance. An important application framework commonly used in modern data centers is Apache Hadoop, which implements the MapReduce programming model. This paper is the first to analyse the impact of EEE on MapReduce workloads, in terms of performance overheads and energy savings. We find that optimum energy savings are possible if the links use packet coalescing. Packet coalescing must, however, be carefully configured in order to avoid excessive performance degradation.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement number 610456 (Euroserver). The research was also supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under the contract TIN2012-34557, HiPEAC-3 Network of Excellence (ICT-287759), and the Severo Ochoa Program (SEV-2011-00067) of the Spanish Government.Postprint (author's final draft
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