3,318 research outputs found

    Modelling Execution Tracing Quality by Means of Type-1 Fuzzy Logic

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    CCIExecution tracing quality is a crucial characteristic which contributes to the overall software product quality though the present quality frameworks neglect this property. In the scope of this pilot study the authors introduce a process to create a model for describing execution tracing as a quality property; moreover, the performance of four different models created is compared. The process and the models presented are capable of capturing subjective uncertainty which is an intrinsic part of the quality measurement process. In addition, the possibility of linking the presented models to software product quality frameworks is also illustrated

    Hybrid Parameter Optimization Approach with Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for the Software Maintainability

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    This paper presents a novel method to measure the maintainability of the software from the design artifact. It is an inevitable measure because it aims to attain software with a better quality. The system is designed to measure the maintainability of the system from the UML class metric. This is extracted from the UML class diagram to predict the maintainability of the class diagram. The system is implemented using CFS from the Weka tool to select an optimized variable from a set of variables i.e UML class metric. Hybrid ANFIS is an artificial intelligence technique which has been incorporated with the optimizing algorithms to reduce the overall number of UML metric and build a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) based on the learning process. The optimization attains an enhanced result since it is done continually by both using feature selection and optimization algorithms repetitively, which results in reducing the UML metric considerably to measure the maintainability of the software. The proposed research work is evaluated in terms of the performance measures, MSE, RMSE, true positive rates and the result is clearly shown that a better optimization of the maintainability measure estimation process can be done

    A synthesis of logic and bio-inspired techniques in the design of dependable systems

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    Much of the development of model-based design and dependability analysis in the design of dependable systems, including software intensive systems, can be attributed to the application of advances in formal logic and its application to fault forecasting and verification of systems. In parallel, work on bio-inspired technologies has shown potential for the evolutionary design of engineering systems via automated exploration of potentially large design spaces. We have not yet seen the emergence of a design paradigm that effectively combines these two techniques, schematically founded on the two pillars of formal logic and biology, from the early stages of, and throughout, the design lifecycle. Such a design paradigm would apply these techniques synergistically and systematically to enable optimal refinement of new designs which can be driven effectively by dependability requirements. The paper sketches such a model-centric paradigm for the design of dependable systems, presented in the scope of the HiP-HOPS tool and technique, that brings these technologies together to realise their combined potential benefits. The paper begins by identifying current challenges in model-based safety assessment and then overviews the use of meta-heuristics at various stages of the design lifecycle covering topics that span from allocation of dependability requirements, through dependability analysis, to multi-objective optimisation of system architectures and maintenance schedules

    Improving Human Reliability Analysis for Railway Systems Using Fuzzy Logic

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    The International Union of Railway provides an annually safety report highlighting that human factor is one of the main causes of railway accidents every year. Consequently, the study of human reliability is fundamental, and it must be included within a complete reliability assessment for every railway-related system. However, currently RARA (Railway Action Reliability Assessment) is the only approach available in literature that considers human task specifically customized for railway applications. The main disadvantages of RARA are the impact of expert’s subjectivity and the difficulty of a numerical assessment for the model parameters in absence of an exhaustive error and accident database. This manuscript introduces an innovative fuzzy method for the assessment of human factor in safety-critical systems for railway applications to address the problems highlighted above. Fuzzy logic allows to simplify the assessment of the model parameters by means of linguistic variables more resemblant to human cognitive process. Moreover, it deals with uncertain and incomplete data much better than classical deterministic approach and it minimizes the subjectivity of the analyst evaluation. The output of the proposed algorithm is the result of a fuzzy interval arithmetic, α\alpha -cut theory and centroid defuzzification procedure. The proposed method has been applied to the human operations carried out on a railway signaling system. Four human tasks and two scenarios have been simulated to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm. Finally, the results of the method are compared with the classical RARA procedure underline compliant results obtain with a simpler, less complex and more intuitive approach

    An Extensive Analysis of Machine Learning Based Boosting Algorithms for Software Maintainability Prediction

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    Software Maintainability is an indispensable factor to acclaim for the quality of particular software. It describes the ease to perform several maintenance activities to make a software adaptable to the modified environment. The availability & growing popularity of a wide range of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for data analysis further provides the motivation for predicting this maintainability. However, an extensive analysis & comparison of various ML based Boosting Algorithms (BAs) for Software Maintainability Prediction (SMP) has not been made yet. Therefore, the current study analyzes and compares five different BAs, i.e., AdaBoost, GBM, XGB, LightGBM, and CatBoost, for SMP using open-source datasets. Performance of the propounded prediction models has been evaluated using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE), Pred(0.25), Pred(0.30), & Pred(0.75) as prediction accuracy measures followed by a non-parametric statistical test and a post hoc analysis to account for the differences in the performances of various BAs. Based on the residual errors obtained, it was observed that GBM is the best performer, followed by LightGBM for RMSE, whereas, in the case of MMRE, XGB performed the best for six out of the seven datasets, i.e., for 85.71% of the total datasets by providing minimum values for MMRE, ranging from 0.90 to 3.82. Further, on applying the statistical test and on performing the post hoc analysis, it was found that significant differences exist in the performance of different BAs and, XGB and CatBoost outperformed all other BAs for MMRE. Lastly, a comparison of BAs with four other ML algorithms has also been made to bring out BAs superiority over other algorithms. This study would open new doors for the software developers for carrying out comparatively more precise predictions well in time and hence reduce the overall maintenance costs

    Automatic allocation of safety requirements to components of a software product line

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    Safety critical systems developed as part of a product line must still comply with safety standards. Standards use the concept of Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) to drive the assignment of system safety requirements to components of a system under design. However, for a Software Product Line (SPL), the safety requirements that need to be allocated to a component may vary in different products. Variation in design can indeed change the possible hazards incurred in each product, their causes, and can alter the safety requirements placed on individual components in different SPL products. Establishing common SILs for components of a large scale SPL by considering all possible usage scenarios, is desirable for economies of scale, but it also poses challenges to the safety engineering process. In this paper, we propose a method for automatic allocation of SILs to components of a product line. The approach is applied to a Hybrid Braking System SPL design

    Use of COTS functional analysis software as an IVHM design tool for detection and isolation of UAV fuel system faults

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    This paper presents a new approach to the development of health management solutions which can be applied to both new and legacy platforms during the conceptual design phase. The approach involves the qualitative functional modelling of a system in order to perform an Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) design – the placement of sensors and the diagnostic rules to be used in interrogating their output. The qualitative functional analysis was chosen as a route for early assessment of failures in complex systems. Functional models of system components are required for capturing the available system knowledge used during various stages of system and IVHM design. MADe™ (Maintenance Aware Design environment), a COTS software tool developed by PHM Technology, was used for the health management design. A model has been built incorporating the failure diagrams of five failure modes for five different components of a UAV fuel system. Thus an inherent health management solution for the system and the optimised sensor set solution have been defined. The automatically generated sensor set solution also contains a diagnostic rule set, which was validated on the fuel rig for different operation modes taking into account the predicted fault detection/isolation and ambiguity group coefficients. It was concluded that when using functional modelling, the IVHM design and the actual system design cannot be done in isolation. The functional approach requires permanent input from the system designer and reliability engineers in order to construct a functional model that will qualitatively represent the real system. In other words, the physical insight should not be isolated from the failure phenomena and the diagnostic analysis tools should be able to adequately capture the experience bases. This approach has been verified on a laboratory bench top test rig which can simulate a range of possible fuel system faults. The rig is fully instrumented in order to allow benchmarking of various sensing solution for fault detection/isolation that were identified using functional analysis

    Overview of Remaining Useful Life prediction techniques in Through-life Engineering Services

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    Through-life Engineering Services (TES) are essential in the manufacture and servicing of complex engineering products. TES improves support services by providing prognosis of run-to-failure and time-to-failure on-demand data for better decision making. The concept of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) is utilised to predict life-span of components (of a service system) with the purpose of minimising catastrophic failure events in both manufacturing and service sectors. The purpose of this paper is to identify failure mechanisms and emphasise the failure events prediction approaches that can effectively reduce uncertainties. It will demonstrate the classification of techniques used in RUL prediction for optimisation of products’ future use based on current products in-service with regards to predictability, availability and reliability. It presents a mapping of degradation mechanisms against techniques for knowledge acquisition with the objective of presenting to designers and manufacturers ways to improve the life-span of components

    A Review of Metrics and Modeling Techniques in Software Fault Prediction Model Development

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    This paper surveys different software fault predictions progressed through different data analytic techniques reported in the software engineering literature. This study split in three broad areas; (a) The description of software metrics suites reported and validated in the literature. (b) A brief outline of previous research published in the development of software fault prediction model based on various analytic techniques. This utilizes the taxonomy of analytic techniques while summarizing published research. (c) A review of the advantages of using the combination of metrics. Though, this area is comparatively new and needs more research efforts
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