709 research outputs found

    Guidelines for software inspections

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    Quality control inspections are software problem finding procedures which provide defect removal as well as improvements in software functionality, maintenance, quality, and development and testing methodology is discussed. The many side benefits include education, documentation, training, and scheduling

    Fully Employing Software Inspections Data

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    Software inspections provide a proven approach to quality assurance for software products of all kinds, including requirements, design, code, test plans, among others. Common to all inspections is the aim of finding and fixing defects as early as possible, and thereby providing cost savings by minimizing the amount of rework necessary later in the lifecycle. Measurement data, such as the number and type of found defects and the effort spent by the inspection team, provide not only direct feedback about the software product to the project team but are also valuable for process improvement activities. In this paper, we discuss NASA's use of software inspections and the rich set of data that has resulted. In particular, we present results from analysis of inspection data that illustrate the benefits of fully utilizing that data for process improvement at several levels. Examining such data across multiple inspections or projects allows team members to monitor and trigger cross project improvements. Such improvements may focus on the software development processes of the whole organization as well as improvements to the applied inspection process itself

    Team Synergy in Software Inspections: A Group Behavior Analysis

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    Inspections provide many benefits in the software development process. However, the cost effectiveness of inspections has been criticized. Also, many organizations simply do not have the time to perform complete inspections of all software artifacts within the development schedule. Due to its pragmatic and domain-specific nature, little formal research has been performed on inspections. We propose to begin a study of software development inspections by surveying several relevant research papers on group behavior theory. We applythis research to inspections and outline a laboratory experiment for future researc

    Software Inspection Improves Quality of Software Product

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    Quality Software development is needful requirement in each of the software discipline. Software Inspections, Review plays very important role to maintain quality of the software. Customer satisfaction after deliver software fulfill by this concept

    A Review of Software Inspections

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    For two decades, software inspections have proven effective for detecting defects in software. We have reviewed the different ways software inspections are done, created a taxonomy of inspection methods, and examined claims about the cost-effectiveness of different methods. We detect a disturbing pattern in the evaluation of inspection methods. Although there is universal agreement on the effectiveness of software inspection, their economics are uncertain. Our examination of several empirical studies leads us to conclude that the benefits of inspections are often overstated and the costs (especially for large software developments) are understated. Furthermore, some of the most influential studies establishing these costs and benefits are 20 years old now, which leads us to question their relevance to today's software development processes. Extensive work is needed to determine exactly how, why, and when software inspections work, and whether some defect detection techniques might be more cost-effective than others. In this article we ask some questions about measuring effectiveness of software inspections and determining how much they really cost when their effect on the rest of the development process is considered. Finding answers to these questions will enable us to improve the efficiency of software development. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-104

    An analysis of defect densities found during software inspections

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    Software inspection is a technical evaluation process for finding and removing defects in requirements, design, code, and tests. Detailed data was collected during the first three years of experience at JPL on 203 inspections. Statistics are discussed for this set of inspections. Included, on a per inspection basis, are averages of: staff time expended, pages covered, major defects found, minor defects found, and inspection team size. Analysis of variance showed a significantly higher density of defects during requirements inspections. It was also observed, that the defect densities found decreased exponentially as the work products approached the coding phase. Increasing the pace of the inspection meeting decreased the density of defects found. This relationship was observed to hold for both major and minor defect densities, although it was more pronounced for minor defects. Guidelines are provided for conducting successful software inspections based upon three years of JPL experience

    Can using Fagan Inspections improve the quality of specification in 2011? A Case Study

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    In this paper, we explore why Fagan Inspections have become obsolete in the software industry, given the body of evidence which supports their use to improve the quality of software artefacts and the software development process. Since the late 1970’s, much has been written about how Fagan Inspections improve the quality of both processes and outputs of the software development process. The literature indicates that the Fagan Inspection technique can improve quality of software (or other software development artefacts) by a reduction in defects of 60 – 90%. However, recent literature suggests that inspection techniques in general and Fagan Inspections in particular, are no longer used. A study in 1998 found that respondents used inspections either irregularly or not at all. Teams often review artefacts informally, but believe that they are performing an inspection or formal review. The lack of rigour in the review process results in reduced benefits and more defects in the artefacts. To explore this situation, we conducted a case study with a local enterprise and we report on the early findings. These suggest that the introduction of Fagan Inspections may have a number of benefits before they have even been introduced fully, including recognition of flaws in the current development process, development of technical knowledge relating to the software process domain, and improved team relations and a ‘quality’ culture. In addition, the personnel using Fagan Inspection gain experience in the production of ‘quality’ artefacts

    Guidelines for testing and release procedures

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    Guidelines and procedures are recommended for the testing and release of the types of computer software efforts commonly performed at NASA/Ames Research Center. All recommendations are based on the premise that testing and release activities must be specifically selected for the environment, size, and purpose of each individual software project. Guidelines are presented for building a Test Plan and using formal Test Plan and Test Care Inspections on it. Frequent references are made to NASA/Ames Guidelines for Software Inspections. Guidelines are presented for selecting an Overall Test Approach and for each of the four main phases of testing: (1) Unit Testing of Components, (2) Integration Testing of Components, (3) System Integration Testing, and (4) Acceptance Testing. Tools used for testing are listed, including those available from operating systems used at Ames, specialized tools which can be developed, unit test drivers, stub module generators, and the use of format test reporting schemes
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