92,384 research outputs found

    Principles of Therapeutic Discourse of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach

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    Background and Aim:Opening conversations in psychotherapy discourse is very sensitive. Therefore, identifying the principles of how opening conversations in such discourses is extremely important. The present study uses the conversation analysis approach to find the principles of opening conversation in the therapeutic discourse of treatment sessions for patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) based on the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach. Materials and Methods:The method used in this research is based on the logic of qualitative research. The corpus used in this study included 2520 minutes of conversation in psychotherapy sessions. Participants in this study were selected from both sexes. To analyze the data, methods of conversation analysis, word counting and finding keywords in the text have been used. Also, ATLAS ti. Computer software has been used to construct and present the verbal pattern. Results:The results of data analysis show that opening conversation pattern in psychotherapy sessions consists of five stages of which only the “Identification-recognition sequence” is used in the initial treatment sessions and the rest is used in all sessions. Psychologists have opened conversations in all psychotherapy sessions.It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to open a conversation. Conclusion:The abundance of data also shows that when using the general pattern of conversation initiation sequence, there was no verbal difference between psychotherapists and male and female clients, and all behaved according to the rules governing psychotherapy sessions. This confirms the high sensitivity of the type of approach to clients and how to begin to communicate in conversations related to therapeutic discourse


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    Manfaat Word Concordance bagi Guru Bahasa. Sampai saat ini analisis corpus dan mesin concordance sudah banyak digunakan di negara-negara pengguna bahasa Inggris, meskipun di Indonesia belum banyak dikenal dan digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa dan penelitian linguistik. Artikel ini membahas manfaat analisis concordance dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya, terutama bagi pembelajar Indonesia. Manfaat yang dapat diambil dari analisis ini adalah bahwa pembelajar dapat mengetahui bagaimana sebuah kata digunakan dan membandingkan penggunaan kata tersebut olehnya dengan penggunaan oleh penutur asli. Dengan cara ini, pembelajar dapat mengetahui apakah penggunaan kata tersebut sudah alamiah dan tepat atau belum. Dengan bantuan analisis ini, belajar struktur kalimat, frasa, kolokasi, dan diksi menjadi lebih mudah dan tepat karena rujukan yang diambil adalah penggunaan bahasa yang nyata. Untuk pengembang bahan pelajaran, cara ini menyediakan data untuk pemilihan kata yang sesuai, daftar kata yang paling sering dipakai oleh pengguna, dan cara penggunaannya. Kata kunci: corpus analysis, concordanc

    On the Impact of Refactoring on the Relationship between Quality Attributes and Design Metrics

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    Refactoring is a critical task in software maintenance and is generally performed to enforce the best design and implementation practices or to cope with design defects. Several studies attempted to detect refactoring activities through mining software repositories allowing to collect, analyze and get actionable data-driven insights about refactoring practices within software projects. Aim: We aim at identifying, among the various quality models presented in the literature, the ones that are more in-line with the developer’s vision of quality optimization, when they explicitly mention that they are refactoring to improve them. Method: We extract a large corpus of design-related refactoring activities that are applied and documented by developers during their daily changes from 3,795 curated open source Java projects. In particular, we extract a large-scale corpus of structural metrics and anti-pattern enhancement changes, from which we identify 1,245 quality improvement commits with their corresponding refactoring operations, as perceived by software engineers. Thereafter, we empirically analyze the impact of these refactoring operations on a set of common state-of-the-art design quality metrics. Results: The statistical analysis of the obtained results shows that (i) a few state-of-the-art metrics are more popular than others; and (ii) some metrics are being more emphasized than others. Conclusions: We verify that there are a variety of structural metrics that can represent the internal quality attributes with different degrees of improvement and degradation of software quality. Most of the metrics that are mapped to the main quality attributes do capture developer intentions of quality improvement reported in the commit messages, but for some quality attributes, they don’t

    Tracking, exploring and analyzing recent developments in German-language online press in the face of the coronavirus crisis: cOWIDplus Analysis and cOWIDplus Viewer

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    The coronavirus pandemic may be the largest crisis the world has had to face since World War II. It does not come as a surprise that it is also having an impact on language as our primary communication tool. We present three inter-connected resources that are designed to capture and illustrate these effects on a subset of the German language: An RSS corpus of German-language newsfeeds (with freely available untruncated unigram frequency lists), a static but continuously updated HTML page tracking the diversity of the used vocabulary and a web application that enables other researchers and the broader public to explore these effects without any or with little knowledge of corpus representation/exploration or statistical analyses.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, 3852 word

    Three-dimensional analysis of mandibular landmarks, planes and shape, and the symphyseal changes associated with growth and orthodontic treatment

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    OBJECTIVE: To test reliability of 3D mandibular landmarks, planes of reference and surfaces and assess their correlation to conventional 2D cephalometric measurements. To analyze changes in three-dimensional shape of the symphysis due to growth and orthodontic treatment. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of CBCTs of healthy orthodontic patients. 32 subjects were included, 16 males and 16 females. Mean ages of 10.6 ± 1.5 years and 15.0 ± 0.9 years before and after treatment, respectively. The mean follow up time was 4.3 years. Subjects free of any craniofacial anomalies, and no observable pathology on panoramic radiograph were. 15 subjects had CVM 1 and 17 subjects had CVM 2 before orthodontic treatment. All subjects had CVM 5 after orthodontic treatment. For the first phase, 3D mandibular landmark identifications were digitized. Planes and landmarks were constructed and compared with conventional 2D mandibular measurements. For the second phase, mandibles were isolated by removing surrounding structures. Pearson correlation and paired t-test were performed to test for correlation and differences between 2D and 3D measurements, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS 9.4. Software. MorphoJ software (Version 2.0, www.flywings.org.uk) was used for symphysis shape analysis; and Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) between pre-treatment and post-treatment was used for statistical analysis of the symphysis. RESULTS: We found statistical significant positive correlation between 2D and 3D pre-treatment ramus height (P-value =0.01), post-treatment ramus height (P-value < 0.0001), pre-treatment corpus length (P-value 0.0003), post-treatment corpus length (P-value 0.04), pre-treatment gonial angle (P-value <0.0001), and post-treatment gonial angle (P-value=0.05). Also, statistically significant differences in 2D ramus height (P=0.001), 3D ramus height (P-value=0.002), 2D corpus length (P-value <0.01), and 3D corpus length (P-value <0.01). For symphysis shape comparing between pre-treatment and post-treatment, we found that there is no statistically significant difference between them (P-value= 0.99). CONCLUSION: These results demonstrated statistically significant positive correlation between certain 2D and 3D measurements, pre-treatment and post-treatment differences in 2D and 3D measurements showed consistent results. Symphysis shapes do break out as distinctly separate groups, but the differences between the means is small

    NEW shared & interconnected ASL resources: SignStream® 3 Software; DAI 2 for web access to linguistically annotated video corpora; and a sign bank

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    2017 marked the release of a new version of SignStream® software, designed to facilitate linguistic analysis of ASL video. SignStream® provides an intuitive interface for labeling and time-aligning manual and non-manual components of the signing. Version 3 has many new features. For example, it enables representation of morpho-phonological information, including display of handshapes. An expanding ASL video corpus, annotated through use of SignStream®, is shared publicly on the Web. This corpus (video plus annotations) is Web-accessible—browsable, searchable, and downloadable—thanks to a new, improved version of our Data Access Interface: DAI 2. DAI 2 also offers Web access to a brand new Sign Bank, containing about 10,000 examples of about 3,000 distinct signs, as produced by up to 9 different ASL signers. This Sign Bank is also directly accessible from within SignStream®, thereby boosting the efficiency and consistency of annotation; new items can also be added to the Sign Bank. Soon to be integrated into SignStream® 3 and DAI 2 are visualizations of computer-generated analyses of the video: graphical display of eyebrow height, eye aperture, an

    PACE: Pattern Accurate Computationally Efficient Bootstrapping for Timely Discovery of Cyber-Security Concepts

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    Public disclosure of important security information, such as knowledge of vulnerabilities or exploits, often occurs in blogs, tweets, mailing lists, and other online sources months before proper classification into structured databases. In order to facilitate timely discovery of such knowledge, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning algorithm, PACE, for identifying and classifying relevant entities in text sources. The main contribution of this paper is an enhancement of the traditional bootstrapping method for entity extraction by employing a time-memory trade-off that simultaneously circumvents a costly corpus search while strengthening pattern nomination, which should increase accuracy. An implementation in the cyber-security domain is discussed as well as challenges to Natural Language Processing imposed by the security domain.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, ieeeTran conference. International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 201
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