23 research outputs found

    Towards understanding open-coopetition – Lessons from the automotive industry

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    Products are often co-developed in networks that embed multiple organizations. Paradoxically, such product development networks can tie rival and competing firms that cooperate with each other in an open-source way. The management of such modus operandi, where firms give up some intellectual property rights granted by law and work with competitors in an open-source way, can be very challenging as it can lead to commoditization, free-riding, and unintended spillover effects. Building upon extant knowledge in coopetition, open-source software, product development, and innovation, we conducted an exploratory case study aimed at understanding open-coopetition (i.e., cooperation among competitors in an open-source way) in the automotive industry. To do so, we leveraged publicly available naturally occurring digital data and qualitative interviews pertaining to four coopetitive open-source projects. Out preliminary results highlight the increasing complexity of the software that powers modern cars and consequent convergence of the automotive industry with the software industry

    Online Automotive Services Information System (OASIS)

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    Workshop have started to use technology (computer, database, system, web application and also mobile application) as a way to store or retrieve all the information for their customer (car owner). It is important for workshop to understand their customers better. However, workshop owner do not have a platform to make a car services process done smoothly. The platform will store all the information that car owner really needs to make car services appointment process done and stored properly. The aim of this project is to develop a web-based system that can facilitate the car services information to the car owner and at the same time to build the customer relationship with the workshop. The system is called Online Automotive Services Information System (OASIS). The functionality of OASIS is to provide service information about the car services, the important dates such as insurance and road tax, the cost that occur, and workshop owner can always maintain and keep update with their regular car owner. Informal interviews and survey has been conducted with the workshop owner and also the car owner. Analysis and design models such as use case diagram, activity diagram, and context diagram was developed. A working prototype of OASIS already developed and tested based on the gathered user requirements. The end product as the result of development phase is a webbased system named oasis.t15.org/index.ph

    The impact of ADAS in the insurance world

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsThe automobile industry in insurance companies has been increasingly becoming more competitive and innovative, seeking not only to increase its portfolio, but especially to attract customers with fewer claims, thus increasing profitability and reducing risk. Cars have evolved their equipment, making them more “intelligent”, in order to ensure a more comfortable driving and to warn of dangers on the road. One of the reasons vehicles are becoming more intelligent are devices called ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems). This project aims to understand the impact that these devices have on the severity and frequency, through predictive models. With this, it will be possible to delineate discounts for insurance policies of vehicles that have this equipment, while simultaneously verifying if these vehicles are less prone to accidents

    Introducing Database-Centric Support in AUTOSAR

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    Abstract-We propose to integrate a real-time database management system into the basic software of the AUTOSAR component model. This integration can be performed without violating the fundamental principles of the component-based approach of AUTOSAR. Our database-centric approach allows developers to focus on application development instead of reinventing data management techniques or develop solutions using internal data structures. We use state-of-the-art database pointer techniques to achieve predictable timing, and database proxies to maintain component encapsulation and independence of data-management strategies. The paper illustrates the feasibility of our proposal when database proxies are used to manage the data communication between components and to perform run-time monitoring on the virtual function bus. Our implementation results show that the above benefits do not come at the expense of less accurate timing predictions while only introducing a total application CPU overhead, in the order of 4%

    Managed Evolution of Automotive Software Product Line Architectures: A Systematic Literature Study

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    The rapidly growing number of software-based features in the automotive domain as well as the special requirements in this domain ask for dedicated engineering approaches, models, and processes. Nowadays, software development in the automotive sector is generally developed as product line development, in which major parts of the software are kept adaptable in order to enable reusability of the software in different vehicle variants. In addition, reuse also plays an important role in the development of new vehicle generations in order to reduce development costs. Today, a high number of methods and techniques exist to support the product line driven development of software in the automotive sector. However, these approaches generally consider only partial aspects of development. In this paper, we present an in-depth literature study based on a conceptual model of artifacts and activities for the managed evolution of automotive software product line architectures. We are interested in the coverage of the particular aspects of the conceptual model and, thus, the fields covered in current research and research gaps, respectively. Furthermore, we aim to identify the methods and techniques used to implement automotive software product lines in general, and their usage scope in particular. As a result, this in-depth review reveals that none of the studies represent a holistic approach for the managed evolution of automotive software product lines. In addition, approaches from agile software development are of growing interest in this field

    Online Automotive Services Information System (OASIS)

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    Workshop have started to use technology (computer, database, system, web application and also mobile application) as a way to store or retrieve all the information for their customer (car owner). It is important for workshop to understand their customers better. However, workshop owner do not have a platform to make a car services process done smoothly. The platform will store all the information that car owner really needs to make car services appointment process done and stored properly. The aim of this project is to develop a web-based system that can facilitate the car services information to the car owner and at the same time to build the customer relationship with the workshop. The system is called Online Automotive Services Information System (OASIS). The functionality of OASIS is to provide service information about the car services, the important dates such as insurance and road tax, the cost that occur, and workshop owner can always maintain and keep update with their regular car owner. Informal interviews and survey has been conducted with the workshop owner and also the car owner. Analysis and design models such as use case diagram, activity diagram, and context diagram was developed. A working prototype of OASIS already developed and tested based on the gathered user requirements. The end product as the result of development phase is a webbased system named oasis.t15.org/index.ph

    Timing analysis of an embedded architecture for a real-time power line communications network

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Área de especialização de Telecomunicações). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto, Instituto Superior de Engenharia. Instituto Politécnico do Porto.. 200