5 research outputs found

    Products and prototypes: What’s the difference?

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    Prototypes are intended to demonstrate or test an idea. Commercial Off-The-Shelf products are intended for ongoing profitable sales. Their quality requirements are different: the former should be as cheap as possible whilst meeting the need for an adequate Proof-of-Concept or Demonstrator; the latter should be fit-for-purpose, cost-effective and an attractive, reliable solution to real world needs. Selling a prototype as a product risks customer dissatisfaction, com-plaints, legal challenges and reputation damage. Often the proto¬type has to be re-written to meet product quality-level expectations. This paper reviews the quality properties required of a product ready for delivery. This follows the ISO/IEC 25010 Quality Model, then adds important missing elements that lie “behind the scenes” in customer support, product management, legal aspects and defensive programming. It draws on a lifetime’s experience working on software products, products containing software and Software as a Service, providing facilities to end users

    Selecting a Deployment Automation Tool for CRM Software in Elisa Oy

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    Software passes through several phases during its production process which are typically designing, developing, testing and delivering. In the software development life cycle (SDLC), the ultimate aim is to deliver the software product to its intended users with the expected functionality. Deployment is a critical step which harnesses all the work done in the previous stages in the SDLC and makes the software available to the end user. Thus, failure in the final deployment stage will waste the effort expended in earlier phases. The responsibility for deployment usually belongs to operations teams and it is done manually or then partially automated, often using inefficient scripts. Manual deployment can be extremely difficult task, and it is easy to blunder with repetitive routines consisting of many steps such as setting up similar environments and installing software components in those environments. Some operations teams attempt to ease the manual work by writing scripts to automate the process, but ultimately this method can become complicated and burdensome. The deployment process delays can be avoided and redundant costs eliminated in the error prone manual deployment process by changing the work culture and automating said processes. There are several products on the market to help automate this process. Achieving fully automated provisioning is the ultimate goal to produce and update services rapidly within enterprise applications in large corporations. Full automation is accomplished when the environments are set up automatically, and software installation is automatic in those environments. The objective of this research is to introduce these automation tools to the Customer Relation Management (CRM) system at Elisa Oy and to develop a proposal for automating the deployment process as an alternative to its current manual process. CRM as a large system consists of numerous sub systems and software components. A deployment case with a selected tool will be demonstrated to show how the automation can be accomplished

    Guimifiu : uma aplicação para controle social sobre postos de combustíveis

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, 2017.Dentre os exportadores de petróleo, o Brasil é um dos países cujo preço da gasolina é mais elevado. Em 2015, foram revelados esquemas de cartel dos postos de combustíveis, mas, mesmo após a descoberta e tentativa de boicote pela população, os preços se mantiveram altos. O Guimifiu é um aplicativo multiplataforma implementado com o objetivo de incentivar a população brasileira a protestar contra os preços abusivos de combustível no país. Programado em Ionic 2 com uma API em Ruby on Rails, o aplicativo está sendo desenvolvido utilizando métodos e conceitos da Engenharia de Software, como Scrum e entrega contínua. As atualizações do Ionic 2 impediram que o trabalho alcançasse os resultados desejados. Apesar disso, a versão final do aplicativo está funcional e pronta para entrar em produção além de ser evoluída, principalmente pelo fato da API e o módulo de administração estarem bem desenvolvidos.Among the oil-exporter countries, Brazil has one of the world’s most expensive gas prices. In 2015, the existance of gas station cartels was uncovered, but even after the discovery and attempted boycott by the population, prices remained high. Guimifiu is a crossplatform application implemented with the aim of encouraging the Brazilian population to protest against abusive fuel prices in the country. Programmed in Ionic 2 with an API in Ruby on Rails, the application is being developed using methods and concepts of software engineering, such as Scrum and continuous delivery. Ionic 2’s updates have prevented the work from achieving desired results. Nonetheless, the final version of the application is functional and ready to go into production and be evolved, mainly because the API and the administration module are well developed

    Influencia de un continuous delivery pipeline en el proceso de despliegue de requerimientos de un software

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    RESUMEN En la actualidad muchas empresas que desarrollan software buscan mejorar su productividad intentando disminuir el tiempo de ciclo de desarrollo de software sin afectar la calidad de código; sin embargo, no adoptan nuevas tecnologías que ayudan a cumplir este objetivo, aunque esto depende de la cultura del equipo desarrollador. En tal sentido, la presente investigación intenta determinar la influencia de un continuous delivery pipeline en el proceso de despliegue de requerimientos de un software y así aportar con una posible solución a los tiempos extensos que toma hacer despliegues manuales y a controlar la calidad de código, diseñando un continuous delivery pipeline, la cual permitirá realizar análisis de calidad de código con el software SonarQube, realizar despliegues y rollback automáticamente con el software Bamboo; para esto se realizaron pruebas con un software basado en Python al que llamamos proyecto portal de empleo, para conocer si es posible que se use este pipeline en la solución de requerimientos, se resolvieron 20 requerimientos con dicho pipeline y de la forma en la que se resuelven actualmente, es decir con despliegues manuales y sin análisis de calidad de código. Al finalizar la investigación se demuestra que el continuous delivey pipeline influye positivamente en el proceso de despliegue de requerimientos, ya que han obtenido una mejora de calidad de código y de tiempo de despliegue pasando de realizarse en 8.75 minutos a 0.72 minutos en promedio. PALABRAS CLAVES: Proceso de despliegue, calidad de código, continuous delivery pipeline