6 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan dalam Implementasi Program PONED di Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    Peningkatan derajat kesehatan akan dapat terwujud apabila terdapat rancangan sistem yang baik. Sistem informasi kesehatan merupakan salah satu komponen dasar di dalam sistem kesehatan karena dari sistem informasi kesehatan akan didapatkan data yang berkualitas, sebagai sumber informasi dan dasar pengambilan keputusan di masing-masing blok atau komponen lain pada sistem kesehatan. Namun, sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan sebagai salah satu instrumen dalam sistem informasi, seringkali menjadi masalah yang dihadapi di berbagai organisasi pelayanan kesehatan, salah satunya pada penyelenggaraan PONED di Puskesmas dalam rangka percepatan penurunan AKI dan AKB. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana pelaksanaan program PONED di Kabupaten Purbalingga. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan program PONED, peran bidan koordinator PONED, dan penanganan keluhan pelanggan sebagai salah satu alat monitoring dan evaluasi program PONED. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Karangmoncol dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Purbalingga. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan penelusuran dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih adanya tim PONED di Puskesmas yang personilnya belum tersertifikasi pelatihan PONED. Sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan program PONED di Kabupaten Purbalingga masih dilaksanakan secara manual dan belum dilakukan analisis maupun penyajian secara tertib. Peran bidan koordinator di Puskesmas maupun di Dinas Kesehatan belum berjalan optimal. Mekanisme untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dari pelanggan PONED sudah dilaksanakan melalui berbagai media, namun belum dilaksanakan  analisis umpan balik dari pelanggan untuk menentukan langkah perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah penyelenggaraan PONED di Kabupaten Purbalingga sudah berjalan, meskipun belum termonitor dan terevaluasi secara tertib. Sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan juga sudah dilaksanakan, namun belum dapat dipastikan kualitas data yang didapatkan, karena belum ada mekanisme yang diatur mengenai analisis dan penyajian data. Kata kunci: keluhan pelanggan, evaluasi, pencatatan dan pelaporan, Puskesmas PONED

    Software Business – 6th International Conference, ICSOB 2015, Braga, Portugal, June 10-12, 2015, Proceedings

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    This paper offers blueprints for and reports upon three years experi-ence from teaching the university course “Lean Software Startup” for information technology and economics students. The course aims to give a learning experience on ideation/innovation and subsequent product and business development using the lean startup method. The course educates the students in software business, entrepreneurship, teamwork and the lean startup method. The paper describes the pedagogical design and practical implementation of the course in sufficient detail to serve as an example of how entrepreneurship and business issues can be integrated into a software engineering curriculum. The course is evaluated through learning diaries and a questionnaire, as well as the primary teacher’s learnings in the three course instances. We also examine the course in the context of CDIO and show its connection points to this broader engineering education framework. Finally we discuss the challenges and opportunities of engaging students with different backgrounds in a hands-on entrepreneurial software business course.</p

    Understanding the Effects of the Best Practices of Formative Feedback and Intentional Follow-Ups on Online Students’ Success

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    This study aimed to understand the effects of the best practices of Formative Feedback and Intentional Follow-ups on online students’ success. Students in the online learning environment struggle with meeting the deadlines of submitting their assignments, discussions, and field experience projects, especially during and after COVID-19, students wrestled with online learning. Some students were neither starting nor submitting their discussions and projects on time, which hindered their success. The study will assist me and other online teaching faculty to apply feedback skills and intentional follow-ups of all students to enhance success. The study examined the definitions of formative feedback, student success, student and learner, and intentional follow-ups. Second, the study explored the goals of formative feedback, types of formative feedback, functions of feedback, faculty knowledge of good feedback, effective written feedback, examples of feedback, the amount of feedback, and timing. Third, data from surveys, observations, and interviews enriched with the day-to-day life experience of feedback. Finally, the study hypothesized that effective feedback and intentional follow-ups enhance students’ success

    Synthesizing Perceived Challenges in Continuous Delivery : A Systematic Literature Review

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    Continuous delivery is an approach to software development which incorporates the practices, technologies and processes in order to achieve frequent delivery of valuable software to customers. Even though the continuous delivery approach has not existed very long yet, there has been quite a lot of a buzz around it and terms related to it (continuous deployment, deployment pipeline, and DevOps). Practices and benefits of the approach are presented in the literature, and organizations have been adopting it to a varying extent. However, as easy as the advocates of continuous delivery make the adoption look like, there have been reported challenges along the way. In order to focus research on finding the causes and creating solutions to these challenges, we must first identify them. To address this, we conducted a systematic literature review in order to collect perceived challenges related to the adoption of continuous delivery practices in software development projects, and analyzed the findings in order to provide synthesized information about these challenges. From among 13 publications 59 different challenges were identified which we categorized either as a social (procedural or organizational) or as a technical type of a challenge based on the evaluation of the findings. Among these challenges we found 14 more frequently occurring ones which also spanned across multiple software domains. We described these as common challenges. We also analyzed the reasons behind these challenges and identified five different themes (main reasons) that were immaturity, unsuitability, complexity, dependency, and security. We also analyzed how the software domain affected these reasons. Based on the observed mitigation strategies and research proposals, and our analysis, we proposed suggestions for future research directions. This study can be used as a support for finding future research directions regarding the challenges in the area of adopting continuous delivery practices in software development projects

    Process Mining for Smart Product Design

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    The determinants of value addition: a crtitical analysis of global software engineering industry in Sri Lanka

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    It was evident through the literature that the perceived value delivery of the global software engineering industry is low due to various facts. Therefore, this research concerns global software product companies in Sri Lanka to explore the software engineering methods and practices in increasing the value addition. The overall aim of the study is to identify the key determinants for value addition in the global software engineering industry and critically evaluate the impact of them for the software product companies to help maximise the value addition to ultimately assure the sustainability of the industry. An exploratory research approach was used initially since findings would emerge while the study unfolds. Mixed method was employed as the literature itself was inadequate to investigate the problem effectively to formulate the research framework. Twenty-three face-to-face online interviews were conducted with the subject matter experts covering all the disciplines from the targeted organisations which was combined with the literature findings as well as the outcomes of the market research outcomes conducted by both government and nongovernment institutes. Data from the interviews were analysed using NVivo 12. The findings of the existing literature were verified through the exploratory study and the outcomes were used to formulate the questionnaire for the public survey. 371 responses were considered after cleansing the total responses received for the data analysis through SPSS 21 with alpha level 0.05. Internal consistency test was done before the descriptive analysis. After assuring the reliability of the dataset, the correlation test, multiple regression test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) test were carried out to fulfil the requirements of meeting the research objectives. Five determinants for value addition were identified along with the key themes for each area. They are staffing, delivery process, use of tools, governance, and technology infrastructure. The cross-functional and self-organised teams built around the value streams, employing a properly interconnected software delivery process with the right governance in the delivery pipelines, selection of tools and providing the right infrastructure increases the value delivery. Moreover, the constraints for value addition are poor interconnection in the internal processes, rigid functional hierarchies, inaccurate selections and uses of tools, inflexible team arrangements and inadequate focus for the technology infrastructure. The findings add to the existing body of knowledge on increasing the value addition by employing effective processes, practices and tools and the impacts of inaccurate applications the same in the global software engineering industry