4,591 research outputs found

    Reactive power minimization of dual active bridge DC/DC converter with triple phase shift control using neural network

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    Reactive power flow increases dual active bridge (DAB) converter RMS current leading to an increase in conduction losses especially in high power applications. This paper proposes a new optimized triple phase shift (TPS) switching algorithm that minimizes the total reactive power of the converter. The algorithm iteratively searches for TPS control variables that satisfy the desired active power flow while selecting the operating mode with minimum reactive power consumption. This is valid for the whole range of converter operation. The iterative algorithm is run offline for the entire active power range (-1pu to 1pu) and the resulting data is used to train an open loop artificial neural network controller to reduce computational time and memory allocation necessary to store the data generated. To validate the accuracy of the proposed controller, a 500-MW 300kV/100kV DAB model is simulated in Matlab/Simulink, as a potential application for DAB in DC grids

    Comprehensive steady state analysis of bidirectional dual active bridge DC/DC converter using triple phase shift control

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    Several papers have been published recently on TPS control of dual active bridge (DAB) converter, however, no complete study of the converter operation behaviour exists, that takes into account all switching modes in both charging and discharging (bidirectional) power transfer. In this paper, six switching modes and their complements with opposite power transfer direction are defined with their operational constraints. Exact expressions for power transferred are derived with no fundamental frequency assumptions and range of power transfer for each mode is also defined to characterize mode limitations. Detailed constraints for zero voltage switching (ZVS) are also obtained. A new definition for converter reactive power consumption is introduced. This is based on calculation of inductor apparent power which avoids fundamental frequency approximations as well as the vague negative (back flowing) power definitions in recent papers. All known DAB phase shift modulation techniques including conventional, dual and extended phase shift, represent special cases from triple phase shift, therefore the presented analysis provides a generalised theory for all phase shift based modulation techniques

    DC-DC power converter research for Orbiter/Station power exchange

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    This project was to produce innovative DC-DC power converter concepts which are appropriate for the power exchange between the Orbiter and the Space Station Freedom (SSF). The new converters must interface three regulated power buses on SSF, which are at different voltages, with three fuel cell power buses on the Orbiter which can be at different voltages and should be tracked independently. Power exchange is to be bi-directional between the SSF and the Orbiter. The new converters must satisfy the above operational requirements with better weight, volume, efficiency, and reliability than is available from the present conventional technology. Two families of zero current DC-DC converters were developed and successfully adapted to this application. Most of the converters developed are new and are presented

    Study of switching transients in high frequency converters

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    As the semiconductor technologies progress rapidly, the power densities and switching frequencies of many power devices are improved. With the existing technology, high frequency power systems become possible. Use of such a system is advantageous in many aspects. A high frequency ac source is used as the direct input to an ac/ac pulse-density-modulation (PDM) converter. This converter is a new concept which employs zero voltage switching techniques. However, the development of this converter is still in its infancy stage. There are problems associated with this converter such as a high on-voltage drop, switching transients, and zero-crossing detecting. Considering these problems, the switching speed and power handling capabilities of the MOS-Controlled Thyristor (MCT) makes the device the most promising candidate for this application. A complete insight of component considerations for building an ac/ac PDM converter for a high frequency power system is addressed. A power device review is first presented. The ac/ac PDM converter requires switches that can conduct bi-directional current and block bi-directional voltage. These bi-directional switches can be constructed using existing power devices. Different bi-directional switches for the converter are investigated. Detailed experimental studies of the characteristics of the MCT under hard switching and zero-voltage switching are also presented. One disadvantage of an ac/ac converter is that turn-on and turn-off of the switches has to be completed instantaneously when the ac source is at zero voltage. Otherwise shoot-through current or voltage spikes can occur which can be hazardous to the devices. In order for the devices to switch softly in the safe operating area even under non-ideal cases, a unique snubber circuit is used in each bi-directional switch. Detailed theory and experimental results for circuits using these snubbers are presented. A current regulated ac/ac PDM converter built using MCT's and IGBT's is evaluated

    A plug-and-play ripple mitigation approach for DC-links in hybrid systems

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    © 2016 IEEE.In this paper, a plug-and-play ripple mitigation technique is proposed. It requires only the sensing of the DC-link voltage and can operate fully independently to remove the low-frequency voltage ripple. The proposed technique is nonintrusive to the existing hardware and enables hot-swap operation without disrupting the normal functionality of the existing power system. It is user-friendly, modular and suitable for plug-and-play operation. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the ripple-mitigation capability of the proposed device. The DC-link voltage ripple in a 110 W miniature hybrid system comprising an AC/DC converter and two resistive loads is shown to be significantly reduced from 61 V to only 3.3 V. Moreover, it is shown that with the proposed device, the system reliability has been improved by alleviating the components' thermal stresses

    Back-to-back Converter Control of Grid-connected Wind Turbine to Mitigate Voltage Drop Caused by Faults

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    Power electronic converters enable wind turbines, operating at variable speed, to generate electricity more efficiently. Among variable speed operating turbine generators, permanent magnetic synchronous generator (PMSG) has got more attentions due to low cost and maintenance requirements. In addition, the converter in a wind turbine with PMSG decouples the turbine from the power grid, which favors them for grid codes. In this paper, the performance of back-to-back (B2B) converter control of a wind turbine system with PMSG is investigated on a faulty grid. The switching strategy of the grid side converter is designed to improve voltage drop caused by the fault in the grid while the maximum available active power of wind turbine system is injected to the grid and the DC link voltage in the converter is regulated. The methodology of the converter control is elaborated in details and its performance on a sample faulty grid is assessed through simulation

    High Current, Low Voltage Power Converters for LHC Present Development Directions

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    The superconducting LHC accelerator requires high currents (12.5 kA) and relatively low voltage (~10 V) for its magnets. The need to install the power converters underground is the driving force for reduced volume and high efficiency of the power converters. Moreover, the machine will require a very high level of performance from the power converters, particularly in terms of DC stability and dynamic response. To meet these requirements switch-mode techniques will be used. This paper gives a survey of current switch-mode converter topologies for high DC current output. The presentation is primarily focused on the various methods for low-loss switching in DC power converters operating with high switching frequency (20 - 50 kHz). A modular concept is being studied, using several current sources in parallel, to adapt to the various circuits and also provide redundancy

    Low Voltage Regulator Modules and Single Stage Front-end Converters

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    Evolution in microprocessor technology poses new challenges for supplying power to these devices. To meet demands for faster and more efficient data processing, modem microprocessors are being designed with lower voltage implementations. More devices will be packed on a single processor chip and the processors will operate at higher frequencies, exceeding 1GHz. New high-performance microprocessors may require from 40 to 80 watts of power for the CPU alone. Load current must be supplied with up to 30A/µs slew rate while keeping the output voltage within tight regulation and response time tolerances. Therefore, special power supplies and Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs) are needed to provide lower voltage with higher current and fast response. In the part one (chapter 2,3,4) of this dissertation, several low-voltage high-current VRM technologies are proposed for future generation microprocessors and ICs. The developed VRMs with these new technologies have advantages over conventional ones in terms of efficiency, transient response and cost. In most cases, the VRMs draw currents from DC bus for which front-end converters are used as a DC source. As the use of AC/DC frond-end converters continues to increase, more distorted mains current is drawn from the line, resulting in lower power factor and high total harmonic distortion. As a branch of active Power factor correction (PFC) techniques, the single-stage technique receives particular attention because of its low cost implementation. Moreover, with continuously demands for even higher power density, switching mode power supply operating at high-frequency is required because at high switching frequency, the size and weight of circuit components can be remarkably reduced. To boost the switching frequency, the soft-switching technique was introduced to alleviate the switching losses. The part two (chapter 5,6) of the dissertation presents several topologies for this front-end application. The design considerations, simulation results and experimental verification are discussed

    Efficiency analysis of wide band-gap semiconductors for two-level and three-level power converters

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Power devices based on wide band-gap materials are emerging as alternatives to silicon-based devices. These new devices allow designing and building converters with fewer power losses, and are thus more highly efficient than traditional power converters. Among the wide band-gap materials in use, silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) devices are the most promising because of their excellent properties and commercial availability. This paper compares the losses produced in two-level and three-level power converters that use the aforementioned technologies. In addition, we assess the impact on the converter performance caused by the modulation technique. Simulation results under various operating points are reported and compared.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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