391 research outputs found

    Level Set Methods for MRE Image Processing and Analysis

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    Novel 3D Ultrasound Elastography Techniques for In Vivo Breast Tumor Imaging and Nonlinear Characterization

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    Breast cancer comprises about 29% of all types of cancer in women worldwide. This type of cancer caused what is equivalent to 14% of all female deaths due to cancer. Nowadays, tissue biopsy is routinely performed, although about 80% of the performed biopsies yield a benign result. Biopsy is considered the most costly part of breast cancer examination and invasive in nature. To reduce unnecessary biopsy procedures and achieve early diagnosis, ultrasound elastography was proposed.;In this research, tissue displacement fields were estimated using ultrasound waves, and used to infer the elastic properties of tissues. Ultrasound radiofrequency data acquired at consecutive increments of tissue compression were used to compute local tissue strains using a cross correlation method. In vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted on different tissue types to demonstrate the ability to construct 2D and 3D elastography that helps distinguish stiff from soft tissues. Based on the constructed strain volumes, a novel nonlinear classification method for human breast tumors is introduced. Multi-compression elastography imaging is elucidated in this study to differentiate malignant from benign tumors, based on their nonlinear mechanical behavior under compression. A pilot study on ten patients was performed in vivo, and classification results were compared with biopsy diagnosis - the gold standard. Various nonlinear parameters based on different models, were evaluated and compared with two commonly used parameters; relative stiffness and relative tumor size. Moreover, different types of strain components were constructed in 3D for strain imaging, including normal axial, first principal, maximum shear and Von Mises strains. Interactive segmentation algorithms were also evaluated and applied on the constructed volumes, to delineate the stiff tissue by showing its isolated 3D shape.;Elastography 3D imaging results were in good agreement with the biopsy outcomes, where the new classification method showed a degree of discrepancy between benign and malignant tumors better than the commonly used parameters. The results show that the nonlinear parameters were found to be statistically significant with p-value \u3c0.05. Moreover, one parameter; power-law exponent, was highly statistically significant having p-value \u3c 0.001. Additionally, volumetric strain images reconstructed using the maximum shear strains provided an enhanced tumor\u27s boundary from the surrounding soft tissues. This edge enhancement improved the overall segmentation performance, and diminished the boundary leakage effect. 3D segmentation provided an additional reliable means to determine the tumor\u27s size by estimating its volume.;In summary, the proposed elastographic techniques can help predetermine the tumor\u27s type, shape and size that are considered key features helping the physician to decide the sort and extent of the treatment. The methods can also be extended to diagnose other types of tumors, such as prostate and cervical tumors. This research is aimed toward the development of a novel \u27virtual biopsy\u27 method that may reduce the number of unnecessary painful biopsies, and diminish the increasingly risk of cancer

    Phenomenological model of diffuse global and regional atrophy using finite-element methods

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    The main goal of this work is the generation of ground-truth data for the validation of atrophy measurement techniques, commonly used in the study of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia. Several techniques have been used to measure atrophy in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, but it is extremely difficult to compare their performance since they have been applied to different patient populations. Furthermore, assessment of performance based on phantom measurements or simple scaled images overestimates these techniques' ability to capture the complexity of neurodegeneration of the human brain. We propose a method for atrophy simulation in structural magnetic resonance (MR) images based on finite-element methods. The method produces cohorts of brain images with known change that is physically and clinically plausible, providing data for objective evaluation of atrophy measurement techniques. Atrophy is simulated in different tissue compartments or in different neuroanatomical structures with a phenomenological model. This model of diffuse global and regional atrophy is based on volumetric measurements such as the brain or the hippocampus, from patients with known disease and guided by clinical knowledge of the relative pathological involvement of regions and tissues. The consequent biomechanical readjustment of structures is modelled using conventional physics-based techniques based on biomechanical tissue properties and simulating plausible tissue deformations with finite-element methods. A thermoelastic model of tissue deformation is employed, controlling the rate of progression of atrophy by means of a set of thermal coefficients, each one corresponding to a different type of tissue. Tissue characterization is performed by means of the meshing of a labelled brain atlas, creating a reference volumetric mesh that will be introduced to a finite-element solver to create the simulated deformations. Preliminary work on the simulation of acquisition artefa- - cts is also presented. Cross-sectional and

    Why Are Viscosity and Nonlinearity Bound to Make an Impact in Clinical Elastographic Diagnosis?

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    The contributions by Antonio Gomez, Monica Contreras and Francisca S. Molina are gratefully acknowledged.The adoption of multiscale approaches by the biomechanical community has caused a major improvement in quality in the mechanical characterization of soft tissues. The recent developments in elastography techniques are enabling in vivo and non-invasive quantification of tissues’ mechanical properties. Elastic changes in a tissue are associated with a broad spectrum of pathologies, which stems from the tissue microstructure, histology and biochemistry. This knowledge is combined with research evidence to provide a powerful diagnostic range of highly prevalent pathologies, from birth and labor disorders (prematurity, induction failures, etc.), to solid tumors (e.g., prostate, cervix, breast, melanoma) and liver fibrosis, just to name a few. This review aims to elucidate the potential of viscous and nonlinear elastic parameters as conceivable diagnostic mechanical biomarkers. First, by providing an insight into the classic role of soft tissue microstructure in linear elasticity; secondly, by understanding how viscosity and nonlinearity could enhance the current diagnosis in elastography; and finally, by compounding preliminary investigations of those elastography parameters within different technologies. In conclusion, evidence of the diagnostic capability of elastic parameters beyond linear stiffness is gaining momentum as a result of the technological and imaging developments in the field of biomechanics.This research was funded by Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte grant numbers DPI2017-83859-R, DPI2014-51870-R, UNGR15-CE-3664 and EQC2018-004508-P; Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad grant numbers DTS15/00093 and PI16/00339; Instituto de Salud Carlos III y Fondos Feder; Junta de Andalucía grant numbers PI-0107-2017, PIN-0030-2017 and IE2017-5537; Juan de la Cierva Incorporación IJC2018-037167-I, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades grant number PRE2018-086085

    Modulography: elasticy imaging of artherosclerotic plaques

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    Liver Biopsy

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    Liver biopsy is recommended as the gold standard method to determine diagnosis, fibrosis staging, prognosis and therapeutic indications in patients with chronic liver disease. However, liver biopsy is an invasive procedure with a risk of complications which can be serious. This book provides the management of the complications in liver biopsy. Additionally, this book provides also the references for the new technology of liver biopsy including the non-invasive elastography, imaging methods and blood panels which could be the alternatives to liver biopsy. The non-invasive methods, especially the elastography, which is the new procedure in hot topics, which were frequently reported in these years. In this book, the professionals of elastography show the mechanism, availability and how to use this technology in a clinical field of elastography. The comprehension of elastography could be a great help for better dealing and for understanding of liver biopsy

    Modulography: elasticy imaging of artherosclerotic plaques

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    Endosonography: New Developments in 2006

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    Recent progress of the data processing applied to ultrasound (US) examination made it possible to develop new software. The US workstation of the last generation thus incorporated a computer into their center that allowed a very precise treatment of the US image. This made it possible to work out new images like three-dimensional (3-D) US, the US of contrast-harmonic associated with the intravenous injection with product with contrast for US, and finally even more recently, elastography. These techniques, currently quite elaborate in percutaneous US, are to be adapted and evaluated with echoendoscopy (EUS)