5 research outputs found

    Analisis Hasil Uji Kompetensi pada Peserta Pelatihan Tenaga Kesehatan Haji Kloter Embarkasi BTH di Bapelkes Batam

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    Hajj Health Workers have a critical role in assisting pilgrims. To carry out their duties according to their roles and functions, they are trained through training. In 2023, Bapelkes Batam held preparation for Hajj Health Workers of Batam Embarkation. As an essential part of training, the evaluation of learning outcomes is an important instrument for measuring the effectiveness of training programs and achieving competence according to training objectives. The objectives of this study were to analyze and describe participants’ competence profile of a) Achievement of skills competence, b) Achievement of soft skill competence, and c)To test whether there is a difference in the competency of a group of participants with medical and nursing backgrounds. The study was designed with a quantitative descriptive approach to 20 participants using descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The findings showed: (1) participants have skill and soft skill competencies above the minimum score of 80, (2) there is a difference in competency achievement based on the participant’s profession as doctor and nurse on skill competencies, but no significant difference of soft skill competencies.(Tenaga Kesehatan Haji (TKH) Kloter mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam memberikan pendampingan pada jemaah haji. Agar petugas TKH Kloter dapat menjalankan tugas sesai peran dan fungsinya, mereka dilatih melalui Pelatihan TKH Kloter. Pada tahun 2023, Bapelkes Batam melaksanakan Pelatihan TKH Kloter Embarkasi Batam (BTH). Sebagai bagian penting dari pelatihan, evaluasi hasil belajar merupakan instrumen penting untuk mengukur efektivitas program pelatihan dan pencapaian kompetensi sesuai tujuan pelatihan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hasil uji kompetensi dan mendeskripsikan profil kompetensi peserta Pelatihan TKH Kloter Embarkasi Batam tahun 2023 mencakup kompetensi keterampilan, kompetensi soft skill dan menguji apakah ada perbedaan kompetensi pada kelompok peserta dengan profesi dokter dan perawat. Metode penelitian dirancang dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitafif terhadap 20 orang peserta dengan teknik analisis statistic deskriptif dan One Way Anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) peserta memiliki kompetensi keterampilan dan soft skill dengan kriteria baik dan di atas nilai minimal yang ditetapkan yaitu 80, (2) terdapat perbedaan pencapaian kompetensi berdasarkan kelompok peserta profesi dokter dan perawat pada kompetensi keterampilan, tetapi tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan pada kompetensi soft skill.

    Aprendizaje de habilidades mediante proyectos reales de Ingeniería del Software

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    Los estudiantes de los últimos años de la Ingeniería Informática han adquirido una gran cantidad de conocimientos teóricos y prácticos. Sin embargo, el aprendizaje de habilidades para su desarrollo profesional no está suficientemente cubierto. En las asignaturas de Ingeniería del Software proponemos actividades docentes innovadoras que permitan al alumno adquirir estas habilidades. Podemos destacar aquellas en las que los alumnos aprenden a ser jefes, a coordinar grupos, a revisar la calidad de los productos y a tomar decisiones comprometidas. Durante el desarrollo de las asignaturas, los alumnos se agrupan en equipos de 4 ó 5 miembros para desarrollar un proyecto real con un cliente real. El cliente recibirá al final el producto terminado. La evaluación se apoya en las Revisiones Técnico Formales de los artefactos producidos en el ciclo de vida del proyecto, que son realizadas por otro grupo de alumnos, por el profesor y por el cliente. El éxito de esta experiencia reside en el aumento de la motivación de los alumnos. Si bien, en los años anteriores, los alumnos actuaban como meros receptores de información, en esta experiencia docente se constata que los alumnos consiguen un rendimiento superior y una mejor preparación de cara a su desarrollo profesional

    Meningkatkan Interpersonal Skills Siswa SMP pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif

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    This study aims at improving students’ interpersonal skills and developing learn- ing strategies with focus on the improvement of interpersonal skills. The study employs the action research design, particularly the collaborative action research.Findings of the study reveal that students’ interpersonal skills are improved through cooperative learning with re- gards to three indicators of interpersonal skils, i.e. team-work skills, communication skills and leadership skills. In addition to improvement in these skills, positive social interactions have also been developed, such as social contact and active communication amongst stu- dents. Implication of this study is development of cooperative learning in Social Science Studies to promote development of students’ interpersonal skills

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    In recent years, several national and European strategic documents have recognized the need for closer cooperation among education, businesses and other stakeholders in order to ensure better graduate employability. In this context, it is important to consider not only the quality of study programmes, but also an integrated system for providing support to students within higher education institutions (HEIs). The main goal of this research was to explore how different elements of student support systems are currently organized at European universities and to develop a strategic framework for supporting higher education graduates’ early careers within HEIs, as well as to propose a maturity model focused on study programmes in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). The research was carried out in several steps involving predominantly qualitative and, to a lesser extent, quantitative research methods, following a five-step methodology for maturity model development based on the design science research paradigm. The final scientific contribution of this thesis is a comprehensive and reliable maturity model for supporting graduates’ early careers within HEIs, based on the strategic framework which fulfils the requirements for both relevance and rigor in design science research. This final maturity model was tested at four HEIs in Croatia and demonstrates significant social contributions in the form of guidelines and recommendations for enhancing the maturity of the HEIs in Croatia for study programmes in the field of ICT. In a broad sense, the results of this research affect relevant stakeholders, including students, alumni, employers and HEIs, which can use the research results not only as tools for the problem-solving of issues related to graduates’ employment, but also as guidelines for creating stimulating policies on the individual, institutional and national levels.Posljednjih godina nekoliko europskih i nacionalnih strateških dokumenata ističe potrebu za boljim povezivanjem obrazovnog sustava s gospodarskim sektorom i ostalim interesnim dionicima, kako bi se osigurala bolja zapošljivost diplomanata. U tom kontekstu važno je uzeti u obzir, ne samo kvalitetu studijskih programa, već cjelokupan integrirani sustav pružanja podrške studentima u okviru visokih učilišta (VU). Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti način na koji su različiti elementi sustava pružanja podrške studentima u ranom razvoju karijera organizirani na europskim sveučilištima te razviti strateški okvir za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u okviru VU, uz prijedlog pripadajućeg model zrelosti usmjerenog na studijske programe u području informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT). Istraživanje je provedeno kroz nekoliko koraka koji uključuju prvenstveno kvalitativne istraživačke metode te u manjoj mjeri kvantitativne metode, a slijede metodologiju za izgradnju modela zrelosti u pet koraka temeljenu na principima istraživačke paradigme znanosti o dizajniranju. Konačan znanstveni doprinos ove disertacije je sveobuhvatan i pouzdan model zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u okviru VU temeljen na strateškom okviru koji zadovoljava zahtjeve relevantnosti i rigoroznosti znanosti o dizajniranju. Konačan model zrelosti testiran na četiri VU u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) te pokazuje značajan društveni doprinos u obliku smjernica i preporuka za povećanje razine zrelosti VU u RH, za studijske programe u području IKT-a. U širem kontekstu ovo istraživanje ima utjecaj na relevantne dionike, uključujući studente, alumnije, poslodavce i VU koji mogu koristiti rezultate istraživanja kao alat za djelomično rješavanje problema zapošljivosti diplomanata, ali također i kao smjernice za kreiranje poticajnih politika na individualnoj, institucionalnoj i nacionalnoj razini

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    In recent years, several national and European strategic documents have recognized the need for closer cooperation among education, businesses and other stakeholders in order to ensure better graduate employability. In this context, it is important to consider not only the quality of study programmes, but also an integrated system for providing support to students within higher education institutions (HEIs). The main goal of this research was to explore how different elements of student support systems are currently organized at European universities and to develop a strategic framework for supporting higher education graduates’ early careers within HEIs, as well as to propose a maturity model focused on study programmes in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). The research was carried out in several steps involving predominantly qualitative and, to a lesser extent, quantitative research methods, following a five-step methodology for maturity model development based on the design science research paradigm. The final scientific contribution of this thesis is a comprehensive and reliable maturity model for supporting graduates’ early careers within HEIs, based on the strategic framework which fulfils the requirements for both relevance and rigor in design science research. This final maturity model was tested at four HEIs in Croatia and demonstrates significant social contributions in the form of guidelines and recommendations for enhancing the maturity of the HEIs in Croatia for study programmes in the field of ICT. In a broad sense, the results of this research affect relevant stakeholders, including students, alumni, employers and HEIs, which can use the research results not only as tools for the problem-solving of issues related to graduates’ employment, but also as guidelines for creating stimulating policies on the individual, institutional and national levels.Posljednjih godina nekoliko europskih i nacionalnih strateških dokumenata ističe potrebu za boljim povezivanjem obrazovnog sustava s gospodarskim sektorom i ostalim interesnim dionicima, kako bi se osigurala bolja zapošljivost diplomanata. U tom kontekstu važno je uzeti u obzir, ne samo kvalitetu studijskih programa, već cjelokupan integrirani sustav pružanja podrške studentima u okviru visokih učilišta (VU). Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti način na koji su različiti elementi sustava pružanja podrške studentima u ranom razvoju karijera organizirani na europskim sveučilištima te razviti strateški okvir za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u okviru VU, uz prijedlog pripadajućeg model zrelosti usmjerenog na studijske programe u području informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT). Istraživanje je provedeno kroz nekoliko koraka koji uključuju prvenstveno kvalitativne istraživačke metode te u manjoj mjeri kvantitativne metode, a slijede metodologiju za izgradnju modela zrelosti u pet koraka temeljenu na principima istraživačke paradigme znanosti o dizajniranju. Konačan znanstveni doprinos ove disertacije je sveobuhvatan i pouzdan model zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u okviru VU temeljen na strateškom okviru koji zadovoljava zahtjeve relevantnosti i rigoroznosti znanosti o dizajniranju. Konačan model zrelosti testiran na četiri VU u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) te pokazuje značajan društveni doprinos u obliku smjernica i preporuka za povećanje razine zrelosti VU u RH, za studijske programe u području IKT-a. U širem kontekstu ovo istraživanje ima utjecaj na relevantne dionike, uključujući studente, alumnije, poslodavce i VU koji mogu koristiti rezultate istraživanja kao alat za djelomično rješavanje problema zapošljivosti diplomanata, ali također i kao smjernice za kreiranje poticajnih politika na individualnoj, institucionalnoj i nacionalnoj razini