78 research outputs found


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    Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi modern ibarat sebuah pisau dengan 2 mata, dapat meningkatkan komunikasi tetapi juga dapat mengancam siswa muda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media sosial dan kesadaran beragama karena orang tua dan guru. Hasil penelitian ini adalah : (1) Pola asuh orang tidak mampu mencegah secara langsung dampak negatif penggunaan mediasosial; (2) Pola asuh orang tidak mampu secara langsung menanamkan kesadaran religius pada anak-anaknya; (3) guru di sekolah tidak mampu mencegah secara langsung dampak negatif penggunaan mediasosial; (4) guru di sekolah tidak mampu menanamkan secara langsung menanamkan kesadaran religious; (5) Kesadaran riligius siswa mampu mencegah dampak negatif penggunaan media sosial dalampembelajaan; (6) pola asuh orang tua mampu mencegah secara tidak langsung terhadap dampak negatif penggunaan media sosial melalui kesadaranreligius; (7) peran guru di sekolah mampu mencegah secara tidak langsung terhadap dampak negatif penggunaan media sosial. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah kesadaran beragama sekarang adalah faktor yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita. Kesadaran beragama dapat melindungi dari dampak negatif media sosial terutama bagi siswa dalam kehidupan modern kita

    Using community website as an informal learning environment among Malaysian pharmacy students

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    Objective: This study was conducted to analyse students’ insight on informal learning by means of social networks and community websites. Methods: Survey forms were distributed to all 360 students of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy of IIUM. Data analysis has been done using IBM SPSS software 20, and descriptive statistics were used to study the demographic characteristics of the students in relation to their use of social networking sites (SNSs). Results: 240 students were answered. The results revealed that the highest rating with mean (SD) = 4.53 (0.63) were related to accessing course notes and other teaching materials. Most students agreed that SNSs were helpful to their courses, mean (SD) = 4.18 (0.73). Conclusion: The findings of the study indicate that pharmacy students at IIUM use SNSs and other community websites as tools for academic purposes

    Mobile learning application website for educators

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    PDA’s, mobile phone and smart phone are the example of personal mobile devices that is has the ability to provide educational content. Followed by the transactional distance theory is relevant to the template design in mobile learning application for education through a website. The idea suggested that the transactional distance includes the psychological rather than geographical distance among the educators and students which it is link to the balance of the dialogue, structure (course design), and autonomy of learner (Moore & Kearsley, 2005). This study addresses the suitable design patterns layout for mobile learning application based on the student preferences in the terms of navigation menu, learning contents view, searching method and sorting method, enhance a mobile learning application model and test. The objective of this research was to help the educators creating the mobile learning application through a website. The study of design patterns for mobile learning application template is, by analyze the student preferences with quantitative method survey. Generic design templates for mobile learning application will be develop with the ADDIE model concepts. A working prototype system website will be develop after the findings of the design patterns based on the preferences of students in UTMs' postgraduate master student will be discussed and evaluated

    Penerapan Media Chat GPT pada Pembelajaran Manajemen Pendidikan terhadap Kemandirian Mahasiswa

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    The development of digital technology, especially Artificial Intelligence at this time has grown very rapidly and has penetrated into learning technology. One of them is the development of Chat GPT which has begun to be widely used by students and affects the level of student independence. This study aims to examine the effect of the application of Chat GPT on learning education management on student independence. The research method used is a quantitative experiment with One-Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. The population was 40 people and all of them became samples. Data collection techniques are observation and documentation. Data instruments use validity sheets, observation sheets, and documentation. The analysis techniques used are Validity Test, observation data analysis, Prerequisite Test, and Hypothesis Test. The results showed that the application of Chat GPT in learning educational management significantly influenced student independence. In the pre-test, student independence is still in the category of starting to be independent, while in the post-test, student independence increases to be very independent. So, it is concluded that student independence can be increased by the application of Chat GPT in learning education management


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    The quality and the skills of human resources are important factors in the success of every organization wherever it act. Moreover this is really true in a very competitive market such as European Union. In the European Union the number of persons who are taking part in high education studies after the age of 25 years has seen an upward trend in recent years, increasing thus the share of employed graduates of tertiary education in total employment over 25 years. This increase is generated by the access to education forms adapted in terms of time and location of training. The appearance and development of these forms can be explained by the use of information technology (Internet access). Statistics show that in the EU, household access to the Internet and its frequency of use was also increasing, approximately 80% of all persons aged 16 to 74 years have ever used this information and communication tool

    Using Cloud Services in a Modern Learning Management System

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    LMS (Learning Management Systems) today are being widely used in almost every educational facility. In the last years all conceivable use cases that need to be carried out by such LMS have been defined and the features a modern LMS needs to offer are very clear. Rarely do we find something a teacher or student needs that an LMS cannot offer. So the task for LMS developers shifted from offering all tools a teacher or student needs to make these tools as convenient to use as possible. Our goal in this research work is to describe the web services we use in TeachCenter, an LMS that has been widely used for the past years at Graz University of Technology to simplify the use of certain components. It can be pointed out that cloud services have to be an integral part of a modern LMS

    NPS: A Tested Platform for Political Transformation Against Anger & Apathy in Pakistan

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    Political inaction is a major ‘Barrier’ to the progress of democratic values and systems in a society. It is more critical in the developing countries like Pakistan. A huge body of research on political apathy and anger in Pakistan is reporting over and over on the causes and consequences of this pathetic psychology. All that is true however, rays of hope are always there provided nations continue searching for the opportunities through scientific and rigorous research accompanied with sincerity and sense of responsibility at all the decision making levels of the state.   This paper postulates a solution model for the issue in the perspectives of Pakistan by capitalizing on the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Instant Political Transformation of the developing countries like Egypt & Lybia. The New Public Sphere (NPS) is populated with Global Civil Society (GCS) where International Citizens are connected together 24/7 from any corner of the Global Village and involved in use of ICT for Social Activism. Pakistan now has millions of Internet and Cell-users who are the part of GCS and waiting for a ‘Trigger’ to switch from the ‘Informal Activism to Formal & Political Activism’ through NPS

    Exploring the use of social media tools among students for teaching and learning purpose

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    Social media network is a fairly recent word used to define a form of learning that can be performed via websites online learning. The exploring of the potential use of social media tools and impact of contingent factors on the relationship between three predictors was investigated. A total of 235 valid responses were received from undergraduate students Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in the study. Several factors have been found to correlate with social media use, active learning both to affect teaching and learning. The researchers made use of the structural equation modelling (SEM) method with the SmartPLS program to shed a light on the adoption process. The results show that the use of social media positively and significantly relates to active learning, which in turn affect teaching and learning

    User contribution measurement model for web-based discussion forums

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    The success of social software depends on contributions made by two key entities; the infrastructure provider(s) and the content providers (users). Currently, social software providers do not possess a powerful and generic approach to measure the contributions of their users. The ability of measuring user contributions will allow social software providers to accurately identify, acknowledge and reward their content contributors. As a result, content providers may become motivated to contribute content more regularly. This paper proposes a user contribution measurement model which is validated against an operational web-based discussion forum