299,165 research outputs found

    Distributed Hypothesis Testing with Social Learning and Symmetric Fusion

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    We study the utility of social learning in a distributed detection model with agents sharing the same goal: a collective decision that optimizes an agreed upon criterion. We show that social learning is helpful in some cases but is provably futile (and thus essentially a distraction) in other cases. Specifically, we consider Bayesian binary hypothesis testing performed by a distributed detection and fusion system, where all decision-making agents have binary votes that carry equal weight. Decision-making agents in the team sequentially make local decisions based on their own private signals and all precedent local decisions. It is shown that the optimal decision rule is not affected by precedent local decisions when all agents observe conditionally independent and identically distributed private signals. Perfect Bayesian reasoning will cancel out all effects of social learning. When the agents observe private signals with different signal-to-noise ratios, social learning is again futile if the team decision is only approved by unanimity. Otherwise, social learning can strictly improve the team performance. Furthermore, the order in which agents make their decisions affects the team decision.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Team decision making with social learning: human subject experiments

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    We demonstrate that human decision-making agents do social learning whether it is beneficial or not. Specifically, we consider binary Bayesian hypothesis testing with multiple agents voting sequentially for a team decision, where each one observes earlier-acting agents' votes as well as a conditionally independent and identically distributed private signal. While the best strategy (for the team objective) is to ignore the votes of earlier-acting agents, human agents instead tend to be affected by others' decisions. Furthermore, they are almost equally affected in the team setting as when they are incentivized only for individual correctness. These results suggest that votes of earlier-acting agents should be withheld (not shared as public signals) to improve team decision-making performance; humans are insufficiently rational to innately apply the optimal decision rules that would ignore the public signals.Accepted manuscrip

    Social Learning with Partial Information Sharing

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    This work addresses the problem of sharing partial information within social learning strategies. In traditional social learning, agents solve a distributed multiple hypothesis testing problem by performing two operations at each instant: first, agents incorporate information from private observations to form their beliefs over a set of hypotheses; second, agents combine the entirety of their beliefs locally among neighbors. Within a sufficiently informative environment and as long as the connectivity of the network allows information to diffuse across agents, these algorithms enable agents to learn the true hypothesis. Instead of sharing the entirety of their beliefs, this work considers the case in which agents will only share their beliefs regarding one hypothesis of interest, with the purpose of evaluating its validity, and draws conditions under which this policy does not affect truth learning. We propose two approaches for sharing partial information, depending on whether agents behave in a self-aware manner or not. The results show how different learning regimes arise, depending on the approach employed and on the inherent characteristics of the inference problem. Furthermore, the analysis interestingly points to the possibility of deceiving the network, as long as the evaluated hypothesis of interest is close enough to the truth


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    Syahida Wafa Tsalits. The Correlation Between Social Interaction With Student Learning Outcomes In Accounting Cycle Subject X Accounting Class In SMK 13 Jakarta. Script. Jakarta. Study of Economic education, Concentration of Accounting Education, The Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. , 2014. This study aimed to obtain information and knowledge based on data and facts about the correlation between social interaction with student learning outcomes in accounting cycle subject x accounting class in SMKN 13 jakarta. Survey method with the correlation approach used in this research. Population in this study were all student at SMKN 13 Jakarta, total 1080 students. Population inaccessibility is to student as straight as class X Accounting, total 107 students. The Sampling technique used is proportional random sampling total 84 students. Social interaction obtained a set of questionnaires that have been teste and declared valid by the results rt =0,884). abel (0,254) <r hitung (0,9), and reliability (r The data analysis technique was started by finding the equation of the simple linier regression and resulted Y = 15.96 + 0.49 X. Based on the results of testing the hypothesis in mind that the data are normally distributed . Through the significance test and regression linearity means that the regression and the regression model used is linear . In hypothesis testing correlation coefficient and t-test is known that the relationship between the two variables is strong and significant relationship . Then test the coefficient of determination produce that social interaction affects learning outcomes of 28.98 % . So note that the hypothesis is acceptable , this assumption supports the theory Muhammad Surya (2004 ) , Ali Syaifullah (2002 ) and W.S.Winkel (2004 ) and Aziz and research Miftahur rizky ( 2013) , A. Nurwati (2009 ) , and Fernando Mesa Mistio ( 2012) . These results prove the existence of a correlation between social interaction with student learning outcomes in accounting cycle subject X accounting class in SMKN 13 jakarta . The implications of this study explains that teachers and students should pay attention to social interaction with each other because it will affect the learning outcomes of students in the school


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    The influence of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Integrend Learnig Process on the Learning Outcomes of 1 th Grade Student (An Experimental Research Implementend in SMA 1 State Senior  High School if Gorontalo). This study aimed to determine the differences in learning outcomes of student with the implementation of the Ppa-STEM learning model whilw the control class implemented the learning cycle (5E) learning model on the topic of “population planning and Development Dynamis in Indonesia”. To achieve these objecives, this research employed experimental design with post-test Control Group Design. Data collection techniques involved learning result test, which was provided towards the sample of research. The sample of the study consisted of two classes; class XIb3 of social science as the control class employed the learning cycle (5E) model. During the hypothesis testing, the homogeneity and normality test of the data was conducted in order to conduct hypothesis testing by using parametric statistics. The data normality test employed a chi-square statistical test of the pair of null hypothesis Ho and its match Hi with α = 0,05 significal rate. The test result showed that χ2count less than χ2table for the experimental class with 3,449 less than 11,070 and the control class of 1,023 less then is 9,488. The result revealed that the two data classes can be normally distributed. Based on the results of normality test data, the average score pg students learning outcomes used the statistical test. The hypothesis test results obtained tcount greater than ttable which was 6,58 greater than 2,02. All in all, the results revealed that there were differences in the learning outcomes of students who used the two aforeentioned learning models

    Determinants of Freshmen’ Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior of Ubiquitous Learning in Chengdu, China: A Case of Three Universities

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    Purpose:&nbsp;This study aims to explore the factors that influence first-year students’ behavioral intention and use behavior when using ubiquitous learning in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The key variables are understanding u-learning, assimilating u-learning, applying u-learning, perceived usefulness, e-learning motivation, social influence, behavioral intention, and use behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: Quantitative methods and questionnaires were used to collect sample data from the target population. The sampling methods are purposive, quota, and convenience sampling. The index of item-objective congruence and Cronbach's Alpha pilot tests were used to test the validity and reliability of the content before the questionnaire was distributed. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were used to analyze the data, verify the model's goodness of fit, and confirm the causal relationship between variables for hypothesis testing.&nbsp;Results: The findings indicate that the conceptual model can effectively predict behavioral intention and usage behavior. Assimilating u-learning, applying u-learning significantly influence perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness, e-learning motivation, social influence significantly influences behavioral intention towards use behavior. In opposite, understanding u-learning has no significant influence on perceived usefulness. Conclusions:&nbsp;&nbsp;It is found that the conceptual model of this study can predict and explain the behavioral intent and usage behavior of college students when using u-learning

    The Influence of Problem Based Learning Learning Model on Class IV Social Studies Learning Outcomes at SDN Inpres Tammu-Tammu Maros Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the learning model, learning outcomes and the effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model on the ability to cooperate and social studies learning outcomes for fourth grade students of SDN Inpres Tammu-tammu, Maros Regency. This study uses a quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent control group design. Data collection techniques through learning outcomes tests, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used was descriptive statistical analysis, inferential statistical analysis and hypothesis testing. The data obtained were normally distributed and homogeneous using the normality test and the SPSS homogeneity test.The application of the Problem Based Learning learning model in this study obtained the results of the Cooperation ability and social studies learning outcomes for fourth grade elementary school students in Moncongloe District in the high category and experienced an increase after So there was an effect of using the Problem Based Learning model learning model on Cooperation and fourth grade student learning outcomes. in Moncongloe District, it was proven through calculations using the t-test (paired sample t-test) which obtained significant results (2-tailed) 0.000 for the ability to cooperate and learning outcomes. If the significance value is less than 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Because the value of 0.00 is smaller than 0.05, Ha in this study is accepted, which means that there is a significant effect on cooperation and social studies learning outcomes for fourth grade elementary school students in Moncongloe District, Maros Regency
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