115,226 research outputs found

    Social aspects in organisational cyber-security effectiveness - Of British coal mines, resilience and emergence

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    Cyber-security, which plays a key role in all areas of the digital world, from the power grid to healthcare, is mainly addressed from an analytical, engineering perspective. This research looks at social factors impacting real-life cyber-security, and their possible effects, such as resilience and emergence. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 participants from a broad range of international organisations. Their analysis shows that social factors are indeed relevant to cyber-security. Tension within social structures in organisations (e.g., employee-supervisor relationship, and peer pressure within teams) can significantly impact cyber-security effectiveness. The study concludes that cyber-security should be addressed through social-technical system design, in recognition of the fundamental interdependence of social and technical aspects. As a corollary, organisational cyber-security needs to be treated as a so-called wicked problem, for which a reductionist engineering approach is futile. The complexity and ambiguity of cyber-security’s socio-technical challenges calls for adequate principles, ways of thinking and methods


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    Cyber security protects our facts, software, websites and our important evidence from unauthorized personages or cyberpunk. Now a day we are using social networking sites and from these social networking sites there are more prospects to escalate the cybercrime. For these reason only cyber security invented many projects. Cyber security protects the networks, computers, mobiles, websites and data from cyber-attacks. The attacker or cyberpunk attack’s or hack’s the websites or the important facts and he can use the evidence or the fact for misguide or misuse. The cyber security includes the various controlling systems in the management to dependability the software of the personage. In these research paper I proposed the deep study of cyber security and precaution from cybercrime. I also give the various security types related with cyber security

    Making cyber security more resilient: adding social considerations to technological fixes

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    How can a focus on socio-technical vulnerability and uncertainty make cyber security more resilient? In this article, we provide a conceptual discussion of how to increase cyber resilience. First, we show how cyber security and resilience thinking co-evolved through their connection to critical infrastructures, and how the ensuing dominant technical focus inevitably always falls short due to the diverse societal values that underpin their critical social functions. We argue that a sole focus on aggregate systems neglects the important differences in how cyber threats are experienced and dealt with by individuals. Second, we draw on insights from social resilience and disaster management literature to establish a better link between individuals and cyber systems. We focus on two key aspects of cyber security that highlight its social nature: vulnerability and uncertainty. Instead of thinking of cyber security as a “technical problem + humans,” we suggest cyber security should be conceptualized as a “social problem + technology.” We conclude by highlighting three ways forward for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners: interdisciplinary research, public debate about a set of normative questions, and the need for an uncertainty discourse in politics and policymaking

    A swot analysis to raise awareness about cyber security and proper use of social media: Istanbul sample

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    Internet is a cyber-ambient where the number of users is increasing consistently as a result of wide opportunities those are provided and where access can be ensured with information technologies. Today, via internet and social media where the number of users reaches billions, the samples of committed cybercrimes and cyber-attacks are increasing throughout the world. For this reason, it is inevitable to raise awareness in the society about cyber security and social media use. Raising awareness also can be done by providing education for all sections of the society. It is aimed to bring the expert person who has knowledge and experiences to provide support about creating substructure of education about both cyber security and using social media, by considering potential of institution and organization, and these sharers hosted by Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education and it is aimed to make cooperations. In line with this aim, Cyber Security and Proper Use of Social Media Workshop was realized in Istanbul on 17-18 February 2018. In discussions made within the scope of the workshop, the participants made SWOT analyses on behalf of using social media properly and to raise awareness for cyber security. In that study, information will be given about these analyses performed for Istanbul province. Keywords: Cyber security; social media; awareness; swot analysi

    Cyber Security and Criminal Justice Programs in the United States: Exploring the Intersections

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    The study of cyber security is an interdisciplinary pursuit that includes STEM disciplines as well as the social sciences. While research on cyber security appears to be central in STEM disciplines, it is not yet clear how central cyber security and cyber crime is to criminal justice scholarship. In order to examine the connections between cyber security and criminal justice, in this study attention is given to the way that criminal justice scholars have embraced cyber crime research and coursework. Results show that while there are a number of cyber crime courses included in criminal justice majors there are not a large number of cyber crime research studies incorporated in mainstream criminal justice journals

    An Argumentation-Based Reasoner to Assist Digital Investigation and Attribution of Cyber-Attacks

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    We expect an increase in the frequency and severity of cyber-attacks that comes along with the need for efficient security countermeasures. The process of attributing a cyber-attack helps to construct efficient and targeted mitigating and preventive security measures. In this work, we propose an argumentation-based reasoner (ABR) as a proof-of-concept tool that can help a forensics analyst during the analysis of forensic evidence and the attribution process. Given the evidence collected from a cyber-attack, our reasoner can assist the analyst during the investigation process, by helping him/her to analyze the evidence and identify who performed the attack. Furthermore, it suggests to the analyst where to focus further analyses by giving hints of the missing evidence or new investigation paths to follow. ABR is the first automatic reasoner that can combine both technical and social evidence in the analysis of a cyber-attack, and that can also cope with incomplete and conflicting information. To illustrate how ABR can assist in the analysis and attribution of cyber-attacks we have used examples of cyber-attacks and their analyses as reported in publicly available reports and online literature. We do not mean to either agree or disagree with the analyses presented therein or reach attribution conclusions

    The Legal and Regulatory Aspect of International Cybercrime and Cybersecurity: Limits and Challenges

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    The development of the internet and digital technologies represent a major opportunity for humanity in transforming businesses and providing new tools for everyday communication. Internet users are spending increasing amounts of time online and undertaking a greater range of online and social networking activities. However, just like a double edged sword, the internet also presents opportunities to cybercrimes in the Information society. The nature of some ‘traditional’ crime types has been transformed by the use of computers and other information communications technology (ICT) in terms of its scale and reach, with risks extending to many aspects of social life, such as financial transactions, sexual offences, harassment and threatening behavior, and commercial damage and disorder. Cybercrime is a transnational menace in the sense that it cuts across borders. The most critical challenges of the information society have been the security of digital data and information systems and the prevention of the malicious misuse of information communications technologies by cyber criminals, terrorist groups, or state actors. Measures to address these security challenges of the information society birthed a concept known as “cyber security”. Cyber security seeks to promote and ensure the overall security of digital information and information systems with a view to securing the information society. Thus, the concept is broadly concerned with social, legal, regulatory and technological measures that will ensure the integrity, confidentiality, availability and the overall security of digital information and information systems in order to achieve a high degree of trust and security necessary for the development of a sustainable information cyber space. This dissertation contends that, on the one hand, International laws are behind in providing proper regulatory coverage for cybercrime, while, on the other hand, existing regulations have largely been unsuccessful in containing cyber security threats primarily due to complications caused by the disharmonization of cyber security laws and regulation. This dissertation also attempts to discuss the legal and regulatory aspects of cyber security in International law. An analysis of international, regional and national regulatory responses to cyber security in both developed and developing countries was made. It calls attention to the limits and challenges of these regulatory responses in the promotion of cyber security and explores several regulatory measures to address the highlighted challenges with a view to promoting global cyber security. It suggests several regulatory measures to enhance global cyber security and also emphasizes the need for the collective responsibility of states for global cyber security