13 research outputs found

    Predicting Systemic Banking Crises using Extreme Gradient Boosting

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    571-575Considering the great ability of decision trees techniques to extract useful information from large databases and to handle heterogeneous variables, this paper applies Extreme Gradient Boosting for the prediction of systemic banking crises. To this end, prediction models have been constructed for different regions and the whole world. The results obtained show that Extreme Gradient Boosting overcomes the predictive power of existing models in the previous literature and provides more explanatory information on the causes that produce systemic banking crises, being the demand for deposits, the level of domestic credit and banking assets some of the most significant variables

    CLBlast: A Tuned OpenCL BLAS Library

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    This work introduces CLBlast, an open-source BLAS library providing optimized OpenCL routines to accelerate dense linear algebra for a wide variety of devices. It is targeted at machine learning and HPC applications and thus provides a fast matrix-multiplication routine (GEMM) to accelerate the core of many applications (e.g. deep learning, iterative solvers, astrophysics, computational fluid dynamics, quantum chemistry). CLBlast has five main advantages over other OpenCL BLAS libraries: 1) it is optimized for and tested on a large variety of OpenCL devices including less commonly used devices such as embedded and low-power GPUs, 2) it can be explicitly tuned for specific problem-sizes on specific hardware platforms, 3) it can perform operations in half-precision floating-point FP16 saving bandwidth, time and energy, 4) it has an optional CUDA back-end, 5) and it can combine multiple operations in a single batched routine, accelerating smaller problems significantly. This paper describes the library and demonstrates the advantages of CLBlast experimentally for different use-cases on a wide variety of OpenCL hardware.Comment: Conference paper in: IWOCL '18, the International Workshop on OpenC

    Yapay Sinir Ağları ve K-Ortalamalar Tabanlı Büyük Veri Azaltma Algoritmasının Tasarımı ve Uygulaması

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    Büyük veri azaltma sürecinde karşılaşılan başlıca zorluk, veri setinin homojenliğinin ve problem uzayını temsil yeteneğinin korunmasıdır. Bu durum, büyük veri setleri üzerinde yapılan modelleme çalışmalarında hesaplama karmaşıklığının yeterince azaltılamamasına, geliştirilen modelin orijinal veri setine dayalı olarak geliştirilen modele kıyasla kararlılık ve doğruluk performansının önemli ölçüde azalmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu makale çalışmasının amacı, büyük veri setleri için kararlı ve etkili bir şekilde çalışan veri azaltma algoritması geliştirmektir. Bu amaçla, yapay sinir ağları (YSA) tabanlı problem modelleme modülü ve K-ortalamalar tabanlı veri azaltma modülünden oluşan melez bir algoritma geliştirilmiştir. Problem modelleme modülü, büyük veri seti için performans eşik değerlerini tanımlamayı sağlamaktadır. Bu sayede, orijinal veri setinin ve veri azaltma işlemi uygulanmış veri setlerinin problem uzayını temsil yetenekleri ve kararlılıkları analiz edilmektedir. K-ortalamalar modülünün görevi ise, veri uzayını K-adet kümede gruplamayı ve bu grupların her biri için küme merkezini referans alarak kademeli olarak veri (gözlem) azaltma işlemini gerçekleştirmektir. Böylelikle, K-ortalamalar modülü ile veri azaltma işlemi uygulanırken, azaltılmış veri setlerinin performansı ise YSA modülü ile test edilmekte ve performans eşik değerlerini karşılama durumu analiz edilmektedir. Geliştirilen melez veri azaltma algoritmasının performansını test etmek ve doğrulamak amacıyla UCI Machine Learning uluslararası veri havuzunda yer alan üç farklı veri seti kullanılmıştır. Deneysel çalışma sonuçları istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre büyük veri setlerinde kararlılık ve performans kaybı yaşanmadan %30-%40 oranları arasında veri azaltma işlemi başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmiştir

    Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing weights

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    We introduce a novel computational unit for neural networks that features multiple biases, challenging the traditional perceptron structure. This unit emphasizes the importance of preserving uncorrupted information as it is passed from one unit to the next, applying activation functions later in the process with specialized biases for each unit. Through both empirical and theoretical analyses, we show that by focusing on increasing biases rather than weights, there is potential for significant enhancement in a neural network model's performance. This approach offers an alternative perspective on optimizing information flow within neural networks. See source code at https://github.com/CuriosAI/dac-dev.Comment: Major rewriting. Supersedes v1 and v2. Focusing on the fact that not all parameters are born equal: biases can be more important than weights. Accordingly, new title and new abstract, and many more experiments on fully connected architectures. This is the extended version of the paper published at WACV 202

    Approximation in the extended functional tensor train format

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    This work proposes the extended functional tensor train (EFTT) format for compressing and working with multivariate functions on tensor product domains. Our compression algorithm combines tensorized Chebyshev interpolation with a low-rank approximation algorithm that is entirely based on function evaluations. Compared to existing methods based on the functional tensor train format, our approach often reduces the required storage, sometimes considerably, while achieving the same accuracy. In particular, we reduce the number of function evaluations required to achieve a prescribed accuracy by up to over 96% compared to the algorithm from [Gorodetsky, Karaman and Marzouk, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 347 (2019)]