17 research outputs found

    Towards explaining the speed of kk-means

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    The kk-means method is a popular algorithm for clustering, known for its speed in practice. This stands in contrast to its exponential worst-case running-time. To explain the speed of the kk-means method, a smoothed analysis has been conducted. We sketch this smoothed analysis and a generalization to Bregman divergences

    Smoothed Efficient Algorithms and Reductions for Network Coordination Games

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    Worst-case hardness results for most equilibrium computation problems have raised the need for beyond-worst-case analysis. To this end, we study the smoothed complexity of finding pure Nash equilibria in Network Coordination Games, a PLS-complete problem in the worst case. This is a potential game where the sequential-better-response algorithm is known to converge to a pure NE, albeit in exponential time. First, we prove polynomial (resp. quasi-polynomial) smoothed complexity when the underlying game graph is a complete (resp. arbitrary) graph, and every player has constantly many strategies. We note that the complete graph case is reminiscent of perturbing all parameters, a common assumption in most known smoothed analysis results. Second, we define a notion of smoothness-preserving reduction among search problems, and obtain reductions from 22-strategy network coordination games to local-max-cut, and from kk-strategy games (with arbitrary kk) to local-max-cut up to two flips. The former together with the recent result of [BCC18] gives an alternate O(n8)O(n^8)-time smoothed algorithm for the 22-strategy case. This notion of reduction allows for the extension of smoothed efficient algorithms from one problem to another. For the first set of results, we develop techniques to bound the probability that an (adversarial) better-response sequence makes slow improvements on the potential. Our approach combines and generalizes the local-max-cut approaches of [ER14,ABPW17] to handle the multi-strategy case: it requires a careful definition of the matrix which captures the increase in potential, a tighter union bound on adversarial sequences, and balancing it with good enough rank bounds. We believe that the approach and notions developed herein could be of interest in addressing the smoothed complexity of other potential and/or congestion games

    An Improved Bound for Random Binary Search Trees with Concurrent Insertions

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    Recently, Aspnes and Ruppert (DISC 2016) defined the following simple random experiment to determine the impact of concurrency on the performance of binary search trees: n randomly permuted keys arrive one at a time. When a new key arrives, it is first placed into a buffer of size c. Whenever the buffer is full, or when all keys have arrived, an adversary chooses one key from the buffer and inserts it into the binary search tree. The ability of the adversary to choose the next key to insert among c buffered keys, models a distributed system, where up to c processes try to insert keys concurrently. Aspnes and Ruppert showed that the expected average depth of nodes in the resulting tree is O(log(n) + c) for a comparison-based adversary, which can only take the relative order of arrived keys into account. We generalize and strengthen this result. In particular, we allow an adversary that knows the actual values of all keys that have arrived, and show that the resulting expected average node depth is D_{avg}(n) + O(c), where D_{avg}(n) = 2ln(n) - Theta(1) is the expected average node depth of a random tree obtained in the standard unbuffered version of this experiment. Extending the bound by Aspnes and Ruppert to this stronger adversary model answers one of their open questions

    On smoothed analysis of quicksort and Hoare's find

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    We provide a smoothed analysis of Hoare's find algorithm, and we revisit the smoothed analysis of quicksort. Hoare's find algorithm - often called quickselect or one-sided quicksort - is an easy-to-implement algorithm for finding the k-th smallest element of a sequence. While the worst-case number of comparisons that Hoare’s find needs is Theta(n^2), the average-case number is Theta(n). We analyze what happens between these two extremes by providing a smoothed analysis. In the first perturbation model, an adversary specifies a sequence of n numbers of [0,1], and then, to each number of the sequence, we add a random number drawn independently from the interval [0,d]. We prove that Hoare's find needs Theta(n/(d+1) sqrt(n/d) + n) comparisons in expectation if the adversary may also specify the target element (even after seeing the perturbed sequence) and slightly fewer comparisons for finding the median. In the second perturbation model, each element is marked with a probability of p, and then a random permutation is applied to the marked elements. We prove that the expected number of comparisons to find the median is Omega((1−p)n/p log n). Finally, we provide lower bounds for the smoothed number of comparisons of quicksort and Hoare’s find for the median-of-three pivot rule, which usually yields faster algorithms than always selecting the first element: The pivot is the median of the first, middle, and last element of the sequence. We show that median-of-three does not yield a significant improvement over the classic rule

    Smoothed and Average-Case Approximation Ratios of Mechanisms: Beyond the Worst-Case Analysis

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    The approximation ratio has become one of the dominant measures in mechanism design problems. In light of analysis of algorithms, we define the smoothed approximation ratio to compare the performance of the optimal mechanism and a truthful mechanism when the inputs are subject to random perturbations of the worst-case inputs, and define the average-case approximation ratio to compare the performance of these two mechanisms when the inputs follow a distribution. For the one-sided matching problem, Filos-Ratsikas et al. [2014] show that, amongst all truthful mechanisms, random priority achieves the tight approximation ratio bound of Theta(sqrt{n}). We prove that, despite of this worst-case bound, random priority has a constant smoothed approximation ratio. This is, to our limited knowledge, the first work that asymptotically differentiates the smoothed approximation ratio from the worst-case approximation ratio for mechanism design problems. For the average-case, we show that our approximation ratio can be improved to 1+e. These results partially explain why random priority has been successfully used in practice, although in the worst case the optimal social welfare is Theta(sqrt{n}) times of what random priority achieves. These results also pave the way for further studies of smoothed and average-case analysis for approximate mechanism design problems, beyond the worst-case analysis

    Revealing an OSELM based on traversal tree for higher energy adaptive control using an efficient solar box cooker

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    The solar cooker represents a challenging scientific design. Its non-regular rechargeable system and the restriction imposed by the required availability quantity are the main issues. The use of a bar plate coated with nanolayer materials helps to stimulate and control the multifaceted performances for the cooker vessels. Further, it was noted that the traditional human methods are not capable to stimulate an efficient design for thermal applications, because the environment cannot adapt to the variable source. To overcome these challenges, we have used the approaches of adaptive neural network-based controls which further consider other parameters as the smaller family, measured conjunction, enormous period of feeding and below performances. Therefore, a novel solar cooker based on adaptive control through an online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OSELM) is presented and discussed. The use of OSELM enables also to detect an off-line physical activity process. The proposed solar cooker includes a bar plate coated with nanolayer materials (SiO2/TiO2 nanoparticles) which is responsible for physical accelerated activity of energy absorption. The feasibility scheme to validate this study is based on the calculation of extensive heat transfer process. By using the furious SiO2/TiO2 nanoparticles for the Stepped solar bar plate cooker (SSBC) the efficiency was increased by 37.69% and 49.21% using 10% and 15% volume fractions of nanoparticles

    Performance enhancement of stepped basin solar still based on OSELM with traversal tree for higher energy adaptive control

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    A basin solar still precision design is regularly not reachable. To solve this issue, the basin area is coated with a nanolayer which allows to stimulate and control the multifaceted of the fast evaporations of physiognomies. The use of adaptive neural network-based approaches leads to better design cause permits detecting the conjunction, gigantic period feed, lower performances parameters which can be detrimental to system production. Further, an online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OSELM) system can be used to obtain the latest solar still based on adaptive control. Here, the solar still has been created at physical scale activity for haste of energy absorption. The performance of solar still is defined by the uniform occurrence with time series of dynamics transfer from basin liner to saline water. The feasibility scheme to authenticate was studied by applying calculation to the extensive heat transfer process. The furious SiO2/TiO2 nanoparticles used for the stepped basin solar still (SBSS) efficiency shows an increase of performances by 37.69% and 49.21%, respectively using 20% and 30% of SiO2/TiO2 coating. It is comparable higher when equated against an SBSS coating either SiO2 or TiO2, and/or no nanoparticles coatings. The binary search tree enabled to find the optimal cost for the solar still investigated and obtaining a superior design with higher performances

    Combinatorial and Probabilistic Approaches to Motif Recognition

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    Short substrings of genomic data that are responsible for biological processes, such as gene expression, are referred to as motifs. Motifs with the same function may not entirely match, due to mutation events at a few of the motif positions. Allowing for non-exact occurrences significantly complicates their discovery. Given a number of DNA strings, the motif recognition problem is the task of detecting motif instances in every given sequence without knowledge of the position of the instances or the pattern shared by these substrings. We describe a novel approach to motif recognition, and provide theoretical and experimental results that demonstrate its efficiency and accuracy. Our algorithm, MCL-WMR, builds an edge-weighted graph model of the given motif recognition problem and uses a graph clustering algorithm to quickly determine important subgraphs that need to be searched further for valid motifs. By considering a weighted graph model, we narrow the search dramatically to smaller problems that can be solved with significantly less computation. The Closest String problem is a subproblem of motif recognition, and it is NP-hard. We give a linear-time algorithm for a restricted version of the Closest String problem, and an efficient polynomial-time heuristic that solves the general problem with high probability. We initiate the study of the smoothed complexity of the Closest String problem, which in turn explains our empirical results that demonstrate the great capability of our probabilistic heuristic. Important to this analysis is the introduction of a perturbation model of the Closest String instances within which we provide a probabilistic analysis of our algorithm. The smoothed analysis suggests reasons why a well-known fixed parameter tractable algorithm solves Closest String instances extremely efficiently in practice. Although the Closest String model is robust to the oversampling of strings in the input, it is severely affected by the existence of outliers. We propose a refined model, the Closest String with Outliers problem, to overcome this limitation. A systematic parameterized complexity analysis accompanies the introduction of this problem, providing a surprising insight into the sensitivity of this problem to slightly different parameterizations. Through the application of probabilistic and combinatorial insights into the Closest String problem, we develop sMCL-WMR, a program that is much faster than its predecessor MCL-WMR. We apply and adapt sMCL-WMR and MCL-WMR to analyze the promoter regions of the canola seed-coat. Our results identify important regions of the canola genome that are responsible for specific biological activities. This knowledge may be used in the long-term aim of developing crop varieties with specific biological characteristics, such as being disease-resistant