1,769 research outputs found

    Optimal Order Convergence Implies Numerical Smoothness

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    It is natural to expect the following loosely stated approximation principle to hold: a numerical approximation solution should be in some sense as smooth as its target exact solution in order to have optimal convergence. For piecewise polynomials, that means we have to at least maintain numerical smoothness in the interiors as well as across the interfaces of cells or elements. In this paper we give clear definitions of numerical smoothness that address the across-interface smoothness in terms of scaled jumps in derivatives [9] and the interior numerical smoothness in terms of differences in derivative values. Furthermore, we prove rigorously that the principle can be simply stated as numerical smoothness is necessary for optimal order convergence. It is valid on quasi-uniform meshes by triangles and quadrilaterals in two dimensions and by tetrahedrons and hexahedrons in three dimensions. With this validation we can justify, among other things, incorporation of this principle in creating adaptive numerical approximation for the solution of PDEs or ODEs, especially in designing proper smoothness indicators or detecting potential non-convergence and instability

    Adaptive mesh refinement techniques for high-order finite-volume WENO schemes

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    This paper demonstrates the capabilities of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Techniques (AMR) on 2D hybrid unstructured meshes, for high order finite volume WENO methods. The AMR technique developed is a conformal adapting unstructured hybrid quadrilaterals and triangles (quads & tris) technique for resolving sharp flow features in accurate manner for steady-state and time dependent flow problems. In this method, the mesh can be refined or coarsened which depends on an error estimator, making decision at the parent level whilst maintaining a conformal mesh, the unstructured hybrid mesh refinement is done hierarchically.When a numerical method can work on a fixed conformal mesh this can be applied to do dynamic mesh adaptation. Two Refinement strategies have been devised both following a H-P refinement technique, which can be applied for providing better resolution to strong gradient dominated problems. The AMR algorithm has been tested on cylindrical explosion test and forward facing step problems

    VoroCrust: Voronoi Meshing Without Clipping

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    Polyhedral meshes are increasingly becoming an attractive option with particular advantages over traditional meshes for certain applications. What has been missing is a robust polyhedral meshing algorithm that can handle broad classes of domains exhibiting arbitrarily curved boundaries and sharp features. In addition, the power of primal-dual mesh pairs, exemplified by Voronoi-Delaunay meshes, has been recognized as an important ingredient in numerous formulations. The VoroCrust algorithm is the first provably-correct algorithm for conforming polyhedral Voronoi meshing for non-convex and non-manifold domains with guarantees on the quality of both surface and volume elements. A robust refinement process estimates a suitable sizing field that enables the careful placement of Voronoi seeds across the surface circumventing the need for clipping and avoiding its many drawbacks. The algorithm has the flexibility of filling the interior by either structured or random samples, while preserving all sharp features in the output mesh. We demonstrate the capabilities of the algorithm on a variety of models and compare against state-of-the-art polyhedral meshing methods based on clipped Voronoi cells establishing the clear advantage of VoroCrust output.Comment: 18 pages (including appendix), 18 figures. Version without compressed images available on https://www.dropbox.com/s/qc6sot1gaujundy/VoroCrust.pdf. Supplemental materials available on https://www.dropbox.com/s/6p72h1e2ivw6kj3/VoroCrust_supplemental_materials.pd

    Identifying combinations of tetrahedra into hexahedra: a vertex based strategy

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    Indirect hex-dominant meshing methods rely on the detection of adjacent tetrahedra an algorithm that performs this identification and builds the set of all possible combinations of tetrahedral elements of an input mesh T into hexahedra, prisms, or pyramids. All identified cells are valid for engineering analysis. First, all combinations of eight/six/five vertices whose connectivity in T matches the connectivity of a hexahedron/prism/pyramid are computed. The subset of tetrahedra of T triangulating each potential cell is then determined. Quality checks allow to early discard poor quality cells and to dramatically improve the efficiency of the method. Each potential hexahedron/prism/pyramid is computed only once. Around 3 millions potential hexahedra are computed in 10 seconds on a laptop. We finally demonstrate that the set of potential hexes built by our algorithm is significantly larger than those built using predefined patterns of subdivision of a hexahedron in tetrahedral elements.Comment: Preprint submitted to CAD (26th IMR special issue

    Phase-field boundary conditions for the voxel finite cell method: surface-free stress analysis of CT-based bone structures

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    The voxel finite cell method employs unfitted finite element meshes and voxel quadrature rules to seamlessly transfer CT data into patient-specific bone discretizations. The method, however, still requires the explicit parametrization of boundary surfaces to impose traction and displacement boundary conditions, which constitutes a potential roadblock to automation. We explore a phase-field based formulation for imposing traction and displacement constraints in a diffuse sense. Its essential component is a diffuse geometry model generated from metastable phase-field solutions of the Allen-Cahn problem that assumes the imaging data as initial condition. Phase-field approximations of the boundary and its gradient are then employed to transfer all boundary terms in the variational formulation into volumetric terms. We show that in the context of the voxel finite cell method, diffuse boundary conditions achieve the same accuracy as boundary conditions defined over explicit sharp surfaces, if the inherent length scales, i.e., the interface width of the phase-field, the voxel spacing and the mesh size, are properly related. We demonstrate the flexibility of the new method by analyzing stresses in a human femur and a vertebral body

    An adaptive octree finite element method for PDEs posed on surfaces

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    The paper develops a finite element method for partial differential equations posed on hypersurfaces in RN\mathbb{R}^N, N=2,3N=2,3. The method uses traces of bulk finite element functions on a surface embedded in a volumetric domain. The bulk finite element space is defined on an octree grid which is locally refined or coarsened depending on error indicators and estimated values of the surface curvatures. The cartesian structure of the bulk mesh leads to easy and efficient adaptation process, while the trace finite element method makes fitting the mesh to the surface unnecessary. The number of degrees of freedom involved in computations is consistent with the two-dimension nature of surface PDEs. No parametrization of the surface is required; it can be given implicitly by a level set function. In practice, a variant of the marching cubes method is used to recover the surface with the second order accuracy. We prove the optimal order of accuracy for the trace finite element method in H1H^1 and L2L^2 surface norms for a problem with smooth solution and quasi-uniform mesh refinement. Experiments with less regular problems demonstrate optimal convergence with respect to the number of degrees of freedom, if grid adaptation is based on an appropriate error indicator. The paper shows results of numerical experiments for a variety of geometries and problems, including advection-diffusion equations on surfaces. Analysis and numerical results of the paper suggest that combination of cartesian adaptive meshes and the unfitted (trace) finite elements provide simple, efficient, and reliable tool for numerical treatment of PDEs posed on surfaces

    Finite Element Analysis for Linear Elastic Solids Based on Subdivision Schemes

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    Finite element methods are used in various areas ranging from mechanical engineering to computer graphics and bio-medical applications. In engineering, a critical point is the gap between CAD and CAE. This gap results from different representations used for geometric design and physical simulation. We present two different approaches for using subdivision solids as the only representation for modeling, simulation and visualization. This has the advantage that no data must be converted between the CAD and CAE phases. The first approach is based on an adaptive and feature-preserving tetrahedral subdivision scheme. The second approach is based on Catmull-Clark subdivision solids
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